Domoticz Installation Fails Ubuntu 22.4 & 24.01

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Domoticz Installation Fails Ubuntu 22.4 & 24.01

Post by gerard1 »

I was playing around on my second machine, (experiment) and crashed the entire setup.
OK, no problem, just have to reinstall all.
However, that did not work. Neither for Ubuntu 22.04 nor 24.01
sudo bash -c "$(curl -sSfL"
Always stops: Checking for libssl1.1
Installed libssl1.1_1.1.0g-2ubuntu4_amd64.deb
This solves some problems, the installation continues, but it will not be a working version.
Than I tried to compiling by source. But that did not work as well.
I have always installed Domoticz by compiling, but this is the first time, I am not able to get it working.
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Re: Domoticz Installation Fails Ubuntu 22.4 & 24.01

Post by solarboy »

I managed to install it 2 weeks ago doing exactly what you did and have a working system, on an Ubuntu 64 server VM.
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Re: Domoticz Installation Fails Ubuntu 22.4 & 24.01

Post by waltervl »

I upgraded both my Ubuntu systems to 24.01 LTS and on 1 I had to install libssl1.1
Check the output of the following command for errors:

Code: Select all

sudo service domoticz status
Or start Domoticz by had from a terminal session
See also wiki troubleshooting for some extra tips
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Re: Domoticz Installation Fails Ubuntu 22.4 & 24.01

Post by gerard1 »

I already installed libssl1.1_1.1.
The status of Domoticz was OK.
However: when I started Domoticz by hand, the message came:
version `OPENSSL_1_1_1' not found
I will try to install OpenSSL and see if things will work.

This means that two things are missing when you want to install Domoticz.
For someone starting with Domoticz it will be almost impossible to get it running.

Something has broken in the last few weeks or changed.
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Re: Domoticz Installation Fails Ubuntu 22.4 & 24.01

Post by waltervl »

No, this is a known issue for installs on Latest Ubuntu. Linux changed it libssl libraries.
The development team has to decide when Domoticz to move from libssl1 to libssl3. If done too early all updates/install on older OS will fail. And a lot of Domoticz users run on older OS.
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Re: Domoticz Installation Fails Ubuntu 22.4 & 24.01

Post by gerard1 »

OK, Good to hear, that the issue is known.
I have spend now 2 day reinstalling Domoticz, and not been success full.

After installing OpenSSL: sudo bash -c "$(curl -sSfL" Worked.
I was able to connect the web page, but I think, still not 100% OK.

Going to the domoticz folder and use : git pull > make.
All stops at 16% and the installation is not completed.

Tried to install, Zigbee for Domoticz, but that does not run.

For the moment, my experiment has to be stopped. I am not going to play with my home server.
Presently it works with deConz, but wanted to move to Zigbee for Domoticz.
deConz is not really going well, it worked OK for many years, but many things are starting to fail.
For that reason I was investigating other options. But that has to wait until Domoticz can be installed again.
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Re: Domoticz Installation Fails Ubuntu 22.4 & 24.01

Post by gerard1 »

I have installed Ubuntu 20.04.
This time it was possible to install Domoticz.
I had to do some small tweaks, but Domoticz is now working on Ubuntu 20.04.
We have something to build on again.
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Re: Domoticz Installation Fails Ubuntu 22.4 & 24.01

Post by gizmocuz »

Another option is to use the docker compose version of Domoticz, keeps the system clean as well.
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