Memory leak and crash

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Memory leak and crash

Post by MarsaultP »

Version : 2024.7
Platform : Raspberry Pi 5 8 Go - Bookworm 64b
Plugin : pp-manager / Shellyteacher4domo /
HS110 : ajay10000_domoticz_hs110_plugin-master

I was using a Rasbperry Pi 3B - Bulleyes - Domoticz 2024.7.
Work well

I buy a Raspberry Pi 5 and do a clear install under Rapberry Pi OS - same plugins
I copy the database and scripts as usual.

Configuration is Ok, all devices are seen, scripts work well
So, now, OS crash (freeze) after some hours.
When I test memory (command free), I see that free memory decrease continously.
Temporaly, I use a script (crontab) that test free memory and stop Domoticz before reboot system. Then a crontab restart Domoticz if not running. A very bad solution.....

Is about the same as : ... issues/275

A idea ?

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Re: Memory leak and crash

Post by gizmocuz »

This is with the normal Raspbian image (without the desktop) ?

Could you try with the docker compose Domoticz?
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Re: Memory leak and crash

Post by MarsaultP »

This is with with Raspian image and Desktop (like my old config on Raspberry Pi 3 and Bulleyes)
So I can try with a image without desptop....
But I just test to stop Mosquitto : memory return to 550 Mo and is stable. When Mosquitto restart, memory free decrease again ....
To install Mosquitto, I had use :
sudo apt install mosquitto
Is the right way ?
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Re: Memory leak and crash

Post by MarsaultP »

Finally I found the error related to a bad installation of Mosquitto. According to the source:
I had simply done:
sudo apt install mosquitto
I redid the installation considering: and
and therefore the following commands:
- sudo wget -q -O /etc/apt/keyrings/mosquitto-repo.gpg
- sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mosquitto-bookworm.list ... kworm.list
and finally
- sudo apt-get update && apt-get install mosquitto
So, now, all work well.
As a beginner, I use this procedure which seems simpler than setting up Docker and which I do not understand well how to use.
The original troubles were related to a installation of Samba and a faulty reinstallation of Mosquitto
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