since a few months my domoticz is less stable. Every now and then it just stops working. Also not crashing, so no specific errors to look for.
The only hint i have is that around the same time when this started occuring, i also occasionally get a the following error in the logging
Code: Select all
Error: GetJSonDevices: exception occurred : 'stoll'
The error occurs about 10-12 times a day. It seems to be related to updating devices from dzVents or Python, cause it happens mostly around
- a p1 meter update (which triggers a dzvents script to do some caluclations and updates virtual energy counters)
- My volvo plugin heartbeat which updates several sensors
I found this info
- viewtopic.php?t=40407
which both also indicate the error has something to do with updating devices from scripts (yep seems to be the case) and empty sValues for the devices. I checked all sValues, but cannot see where it goes wrong.
Is there some way to get more logging on exactly which device update the Stoll exception error was found?