check on changed uservariable

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check on changed uservariable

Post by manjh »

For a changed deviced, there is a special table (devicechanged).
Is there something similar for a changed uservariable?
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Re: check on changed uservariable

Post by waltervl »

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Re: check on changed uservariable

Post by manjh »

I used that in:

Code: Select all

for variableName,variableValue in pairs(uservariablechanged) do

But I am looking for a specific variable, so would like to do:

Code: Select all

if uservariablechanged["NFCvalue"] then

Unfortunately that does not work.

It's not a big deal, chances are there will not be more than onevariable changing at any one time, so I would be running through a table of one anyway.
Guess I'll stick to the first method.
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