Readout of Weatherlink v2api

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Readout of Weatherlink v2api

Post by Toulon7559 »

Users/owners of Davis weathersystems often upload their data to the WeatherlinkCloud, providing readout via a Dashboard.
Also possible for that owner to read back data via the api_v2.

Not having a Davis setup you can still have an account for that WeatherlinkCloud,
and then it is possible to read the Summary-Dashboards for a number of Davis setups surrounding you within a certain range,
but obviously not possible to have a related data-readback under Criterium 1 for an own station.

Davis setups usually being of good quality, for outsiders would be interesting to selectively read their data for comparison etc.:
- criterium 3 (= with Pro- or Pro+-account) is easy, but requires payment per station being read, in addition to the cost of Pro- or Pro+-account.
- criterium 2 as described applies enabling & login-info & permission received from a subject owner, and using the api_v2 will mimick a readout by the owner.

Challenge, and to be prudently used (still best with permission from the owner of the other station):
if one has a Davis-acccount, might readout under criterium 2 for another station also be realised via api_v2 in a basic setup without the specific owner’s login-info for that other station?
Last edited by Toulon7559 on Monday 06 January 2025 15:33, edited 1 time in total.
Set1 = RPI-Zero+RFXCom433+S0PCM+Shield for BMP180/DS18B20/RS485+DDS238-1ZNs
Set2 = RPI-3A++RFLinkGTW+ESP8266s+PWS_WS7000
Common = KAKUs+3*PVLogger+PWS_TFA_Nexus
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Re: Readout of Weatherlink v2api

Post by Toulon7559 »

Question remains valid, also because almost impossible to reach station-owner unless (s)he has a private website enabling contact.
Set1 = RPI-Zero+RFXCom433+S0PCM+Shield for BMP180/DS18B20/RS485+DDS238-1ZNs
Set2 = RPI-3A++RFLinkGTW+ESP8266s+PWS_WS7000
Common = KAKUs+3*PVLogger+PWS_TFA_Nexus
plus series of 'satellites' for dedicated interfacing, monitoring & control.
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