Get all schedules(timers) for one Device

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Get all schedules(timers) for one Device

Post by pesa1234 »

Hello and thanks for reading this.

Code: Select all

Version: 2024.7
Platform Raspberry
Build Hash: b317cfab1
Compile Date: 2024-07-13 16:59:31
dzVents Version: 3.1.8
Python Version: 3.7.3 (default, Mar 23 2024, 16:12:05) [GCC 8.3.0]
I'm trying to send this command to my domoticz

Code: Select all

to get all schedules(timers) for one Device.

The answer is only this:

Code: Select all

        "status" : "OK",
        "title" : "gettimers"
The answer shuould return

Code: Select all

	"result" : 
			"Active" : "true",
			"Cmd" : 0,
			"Color" : "",
			"Date" : "",
			"Days" : 128,
			"Level" : 100,
			"MDay" : 0,
			"Month" : 0,
			"Occurence" : 0,
			"Randomness" : "false",
			"Time" : "08:30",
			"Type" : 23,
			"idx" : "45"
	"status" : "OK",
	"title" : "Timers"
Where I'm wrong? I've double checked the timerID and it is correct

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