Move all devices to new controller

For Z-Wave related questions in Domoticz

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Move all devices to new controller

Post by MrRikkie »

currently i’m using domoticz to control al my zwave fibaro devices (dimmer and switches) but i want to change to Homey. 
I’m using a Aeotec zwave usb stick as controller.
I know i can put them one by one into inclusion mode to be able to connect to a new controller. Problem is that one switch is very difficult to reach to put it into inclusion mode. Is there any way to transfer everything to a new controller at once or to put a device into inclusion mode via software instead of using a switch to do that?

thnx for any help. 
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Re: Move all devices to new controller

Post by paytonstsktsk »

Domoticz does not natively support Z-Wave controller migrations via the Aeotec USB stick and Homey does not have an import feature for an entire Z-Wave network. You would likely need to re-include devices manually.
Devices generally need physical a press or switch to enter inclusion mode, but you can try in Domoticz check if the USB stick supports remote inclusion via its configuration settings. Some sticks when paired with advanced Z-Wave management tools like Z-Wave PC Controller SiLabs can send commands to force devices into inclusion mode. Use Z-Wave PC Controller Tool to interact with your Aeotec stick but it may still require devices to respond physically unless specific device models support remote triggering. Some Fibaro devices can act as repeaters, and certain Z-Wave networks support network-wide inclusion where repeaters can assist in communicating inclusion commands.
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Re: Move all devices to new controller

Post by MrRikkie »

In domoticz I couldn’t find any option but i will check with the SiLabs tool. I still have an unused zwave switch and i will first include that to use for testing.

If anybody else have an other suggestion please let me know.

I will post my findings.
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