Zwave-JS-UI New devices isn't addad

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Zwave-JS-UI New devices isn't addad

Post by jonsludde »

I have problem with new devices that don't appear in zwavwjsui.
I recently migrated from old zwave and all the old devices turned up in the controlpanel of zwave-js-ui. They also appeared in mqtt and eventually in domotics via autodiscovery and working ok.
A week ago I tried to add a thermostat and today a fibaro motion sesnor, none of them can be seen in zwavejsui.
As I understand it they should appear automatically, that may be a misunderstanding of me, if I'm wrong where is the "include button"?
I tried to break power/remove battery and pressed the include on the devices and restarted zwavejsui-container but no success.
There is something I miss here but I don't know what because noone seems to have trouble including devices in zwavejsui.
Am I right in saying that the devices "comes in" in the following order: zwavejsui -> mqtt -> domoticz ?
I'm running RP4 bookworm latest zwavejsui, mosquitto 2.0.20.
All help is highly appreciated.
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Re: New devices isn't added

Post by jonsludde »

Forgot to mention that I have a card, could that be the cause?
Can someone please tell me how it is supposed to work when adding new devices?
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Re: Zwave-JS-UI New devices isn't addad

Post by waltervl »

This is typically a Zwave-JS-UI issue as indeed devices (a node) should first appear in Zwave-JS-UI before being discovered over MQTT by Domoticz.
User documentation Zwave-JS-UI:
Zwave-JS-UI forum:

But perhaps somebody here can answer as experienced Zwave-JS-UI user as I don't use Zwave.
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Re: Zwave-JS-UI New devices isn't addad

Post by jonsludde »

Thanks valtervi
Yes, it might be the wrong forum, no one seems to have this problem. Perhaps writing in GitHub is better.
Or is someone here able to help with this adding problem?
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Re: Zwave-JS-UI New devices isn't addad

Post by waltervl »

According the documentation this is the procedure:
Add a node

Select Inclusion and press NEXT
* Select the inclusion mode. We suggest using Default or Smart start). Then press NEXT.
* Put your device in Inclusion mode (check your device manual for instructions).
* If the selected mode is Default, the next steps will depend on the device you are including. If it supports S0/S2 security you will be asked to select the security classes to grant and, if the device requires it, the DSK pin code. If the process completes without errors you will see a message saying that the node has been added and which security class was used.
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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Re: Zwave-JS-UI New devices isn't addad

Post by jonsludde »

Ok, finally I found the include button.... I've been searching like a maniac in the zwavejsui menus and never found it. The goddam button was 'hidden" in a place I never seen until just now. The blue dot placed as far as possible away from the menu.
Screenshot_2024-11-28_132228.jpg (347.12 KiB) Viewed 334 times
So, solved...
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