Publishing to domoticz/in, no errors in log but svalue1 is always received as ZERO

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Publishing to domoticz/in, no errors in log but svalue1 is always received as ZERO

Post by lazyoldjack »

So, I am publishing this:

"command": "udevice",
"idx": 123,
"stype": "SetPoint",
"nvalue": 0,
"unit": 1

Domoticz log says this:

2024-11-23 10:03:44.734 Updating SetPoint device....
2024-11-23 10:03:44.741 Dummy Thermostat: Setpoint (Dressing Room Setpoint)

But the value of the setpoint has been set to 0.0 :shock:

I have been stuck at this point for two days, trying all sorts and Googling a lot. I feel that someone must have seen this before, but I cannot find it.
Any help would be much appreciated :D
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Re: Publishing to domoticz/in, no errors in log but svalue1 is always received as ZERO

Post by waltervl »

svalue1 should be svalue

This should be enough to update the setpoint device:

Code: Select all

{"command":"udevice", "idx":123, "svalue":"17"}
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Re: Publishing to domoticz/in, no errors in log but svalue1 is always received as ZERO

Post by lazyoldjack »

Wow, thank you Walter! I guess I don't understand the difference between svalue and svalue1, but I am up and working now. :D

Thank you so much for your quick reply!!
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Re: Publishing to domoticz/in, no errors in log but svalue1 is always received as ZERO

Post by waltervl »

domoticz\in only knows svalue (=string value), which can be multiple values depending on the device type eg
svalue" : "90;2975.00"

domoticz\out splits the svalue into 1 or more seperate values svalue1, 2 3 etc also depending on the device. This for easier processing in other receiving applications.
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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