Hue screen automation

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Hue screen automation

Post by gerardsoraya »


I have a hue motion sensor.
Here you get the input lux from.
I have a blockly made:
If lix is lower than 20 lux screen goes down else screen open.
My wife wantet to open and close the screen also during the Day and the sun getting in to the living room.
The lux sensor is outside under the carport.
The situation now is when the screen is open and she closes it it goes automatic open.
Does anyone have an idea to overrule the blockly?
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Re: Hue screen automation

Post by waltervl »

Instead of triggered on lux use a time (based on sunset)?
Now it seems that if it is almost dark outside in the evening you want to lower the screen. And when it is getting light in the morning open the screen again.
So instead of a blockly script you also can set a timer on the screen device based on local Sunset en Sunrise times. See wiki for more info: ... ice_Timers

Alternative you can set a dzvents script that will only run during night time. So if your wife wants to do something during daytime nothing will be interrupted. I dont think Blockly can handle this but someone else can correct me if I am wrong.

Edit I am wrong. You can add if statement to check also on time, see the first blockly example on the wiki:
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