zigbeefordomoticz: set parameter from Domoticz

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zigbeefordomoticz: set parameter from Domoticz

Post by jpaul »


I've a zigbee Thermostatic Raditor Valve installed on zigbeefordomoticz.
I'd like to write a domoticz script, to set the calibration value depending on a temperature sensor installed on domoticz.

Is there a way to set a zigbee parameter value from Domoticz to a zigbeefordomoticz device ? Do you have an example ?

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Re: zigbeefordomoticz: set parameter from Domoticz

Post by waltervl »

Not that I am aware of. But why do you want to continuously calibrate your valve? One time should be enough. Or perhaps after a battery change. But not so much it would need a script in my honest opinion....
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Re: zigbeefordomoticz: set parameter from Domoticz

Post by jpaul »

I want to calibrate the device because it's not very accurate, especially when the radiator heats up. But this may not be the right solution.
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Re: zigbeefordomoticz: set parameter from Domoticz

Post by wvries »

I have a similar "question / challenge" for a few devices.
It has several device parameters you can set in the web interface of Z4D (Device Management, the config icon).

I am trying to use the REST API to set these parameters, but no luck so far.
Maybe not possible or probably lack of my programming skills :-)

If this is possible, a dummy device can be created manually in DZ and have the options send through the REST API by the http calls.
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