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How to merge historical data of 2 devices

Post by Wilop91 »

I was using the "Open Weather Map" service to record the temperature of the city where I live. However this "free" service stopped on last october 15 2024.

On 17th october I created a new weather hardware using this time as source the "Nordic Meteo Service" and disabled "Open Weather Map".

So now I have 2 devices showing my historical "temperature" data (7 days 5 minute data, 1 month daily data, 1 year daily data)

Is there a way to "merge" them together so that I have a single device?

PS: Each weather service collects several types of data (UV, Wind, Cloud, Rain, etc.)° but mainly I'm only interested in temperarure

Thanks in advance for any help

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Re: How to merge historical data of 2 devices

Post by waltervl »

You can use the replace function under the edit button when the devices are of the same type. ... ace_device
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Re: How to merge historical data of 2 devices

Post by Wilop91 »

hello waltervl
Thanks for your reply.
I have seen the section "Replace Device" but I'm confused because my UI is not as documented:

Code: Select all

Next press the Edit button on the Old device, select replace and select the new Device. (In this case the devices called ‘New UV Meter’).
My UI is in french, so in the Configuration tab
- the first entry is "Materiel" which I understood means "Hardware" (its where I created the new Weather service)
- the second entry is "Dispositif" which I understood means "Device".However there is no such possiblity to "edit" a Device (the 4 options are Add, Rename, Log or Delete)
In the "Temperature" tab I have my 2 "Temperature" Devices, one being "disabled" to avoid error messages in the Log. When I select a Device I have 4 possibilities: Log, Modify, Notifications and Forecast. If I select "Modify", I get a popup where I can change its name. In this popup I have 4 buttons: Modify, Delete, Rename or Cancel.
Should I use "Rename"?

PS: my version is 2024.7 'Compile Date: 2024-07-13 16:59:31)

Thanks in advance for your help

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Re: How to merge historical data of 2 devices

Post by waltervl »

It is behind the edit button on the device widget.
So go to the tab temperature and click on the edit button of the temperature device. There is the replace button. Probably the rename button in French. You can also temporary switch the language of Domoticz to English to see the correct documented naming.
You can also go to the wiki I referred to and look at the screenshot where the replace button is shown.
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Re: How to merge historical data of 2 devices

Post by Wilop91 »

Hello waltervl
Yes it works!!!
I will check tomorrow morning more in detail because I'm exporting every day my data into Excel, but the graph seems OK (I have all my historical data in one graph) :D
PS: you are correct - in french the buttom is "Remplacer" (in my previous post I made a mistake in the translation) :x
Many thanks
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