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timer = { 'at 12:03 - 12:05'},
How can I make a script run at 2 separate time in a day.
I tried
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timer = { 'at 12:03' and 'at 12:05'},
Moderator: leecollings
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timer = { 'at 12:03 - 12:05'},
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timer = { 'at 12:03' and 'at 12:05'},
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timer = {'at 12:03', 'at 12:05'},
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timer = { 'every 2 minutes between 12:03 and 12:05'},
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timer = { 'at 12:03-12:05'},
But if it works, don't try to fix it, right?Be mindful of the logic if using multiple types of timer triggers. It may not make sense to combine a trigger for a specific or instantaneous time with a trigger for a span or sequence of times (like ‘at sunset’ with ‘every 6 minutes’) in the same construct. Similarly, 'between aa and bb' only makes sense with instantaneous times for aa and bb.
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