zWave-JS-UI works, but does not update demotics with devices status change [side comment Z-Wave JS UI 3.16 does not work

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zWave-JS-UI works, but does not update demotics with devices status change [side comment Z-Wave JS UI 3.16 does not work

Post by JeroenL »

Dear all,

Successfully migrated from OpenZwave to JS-UI. I can control all my devices from demotics.
However, if I change a zwave device manually via a wall switch for instance, the status of the device in domoticz does not follow.

The specific situation of my setup is the Aeotec Gen5 stick is the secondary controller (Fibaro HC3 is the main controller).

Does anyone have a clue how I can improve this?
Thanks in advance!

domoticz v 2024.7
Z-Wave JS UI 3.11

ps.Z-Wave JS UI 3.16 does not work for me, had to revert back to Z-Wave JS UI 3.11
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Re: zWave-JS-UI works, but does not update demotics with devices status change [side comment Z-Wave JS UI 3.16 does not

Post by jvdz »

Does the status update in the ZWave-JS-UI webpage?
Did you check for MQTT message from Z2M to Domoticz?
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