Why would this ems-esp device not be created with MQTT Auto Discovery?

For devices supporting the Auto Discovery feature. Like ZWaveJS2MQTT, Zigbee2MQTT.

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Re: Why would this ems-esp device not be created with MQTT Auto Discovery?

Post by Domoberry »

@brugje, that sounds like a good idea!
Looking at the Dz wiki on mqtt on auto discovery there is a list of supported devices:
- Binary sensors
- Covers
- Fans
- Lights
- Locks
- Numbers (through hardware mqtt Autodiscover setup)
- Scenes
- Selects
- Sensors
- Switches
Likely, this list is under development, hence we would like to see the Dz 'setpoint' device added to this list and once done suggest the EMS-ESP team to use it for the related entities originating from Bosch/Nefit heat pumps, boilers, etc..
Obviously, all within the frame of HA mqtt-discovery concept (I tried to read the mqtt-ad documentation on HA side, but that was out of my comfort zone...)
So, yes: reaching out to mqtt-ad programmers at Dz side :) !
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Re: Why would this ems-esp device not be created with MQTT Auto Discovery?

Post by waltervl »

That list is a list of AutoDiscover device types, not Domoticz. I would suspect a Domoticz setpoint will be created with AD type HVAC.
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Re: Why would this ems-esp device not be created with MQTT Auto Discovery?

Post by Domoberry »

You are right! I should have looked for a list on how the “mqtt-ad types” are mapped on “Dz device types”. With the underlaying question: is there a type which maps on the generic Dz setpoint device. And, if not could such be considered for the future. Thanks!
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Re: Why would this ems-esp device not be created with MQTT Auto Discovery?

Post by waltervl »

As a reference you can also take a look at the Shelly teacher script that looks for shelly devices and creates MQTT AD config topics for them. https://github.com/enesbcs/shellyteacher4domo
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Re: Why would this ems-esp device not be created with MQTT Auto Discovery?

Post by waltervl »

So I copied this from a github issue. The following config topic message should create a Domoticz setpoint device (in this case for an Energy Storage System in unit of measure Watt):

Code: Select all

"temp_stat_t": "/ess_setpoint/state",
"dev": {
"manufacturer": "PA1DVB",
"ids": [
"": "my_victron",
"name": "ESS Setpoint",
"uniq_id": "0x8000000002",
"temp_unit": "Watt",
"temp_cmd_t": "~/set/ess_setpoint",
"temp_stat_tpl": "{{ value_json.ess_setpoint }}",
"temp_step": 100,
"min_temp": -5000,
"max_temp": 5000
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Re: Why would this ems-esp device not be created with MQTT Auto Discovery?

Post by Domoberry »

Thanks Waltervl, this is the example that addresses the issue. I noted this information was also shared on Github with EMS-ESP team via some other post. Great!
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