I'm trying to understand better why a certain device is not created via MQTT Auto Discovery. I'm using the ems-esp gateway (firmware 3.6.5) and after setting it up, several devices are created and working as expected in Domoticz (2024.7). I'm using the Mosquitto broker and both run on a RPI4. Some ems-esp devices are however not created. Here is an example of such device:
The MQTT Auto Discovery config message:
Code: Select all
"uniq_id" : "boiler_selected_flow_temperature",
"obj_id" : "boiler_selected_flow_temperature",
"cmd_t" : "ems-esp2/boiler/selflowtemp",
"mode" : "box",
"step" : 1,
"min" : 0,
"max" : 90,
"ic" : "mdi:coolant-temperature",
"name" : "Selected flow temperature",
"stat_t" : "ems-esp2/boiler_data",
"val_tpl" : "{{value_json.selflowtemp if value_json.selflowtemp is defined else 0}}",
"avty" : [ ],
"dev" : {
"ids" : [ "ems-esp2-boiler" ],
"name" : "ems-esp2 Boiler"
Code: Select all
"heatingoff" : "off",
"heatingactive" : "off",
"tapwateractive" : "off",
"selflowtemp" : 5,
"heatingpumpmod" : 0,
"curflowtemp" : 40.9,
"rettemp" : 24.3,
"switchtemp" : 22.4,
"syspress" : 1.3,
"burngas" : "off",
"burngas2" : "off",
"flamecurr" : 0.0,
"fanwork" : "off",
"ignwork" : "off",
"oilpreheat" : "off",
"burnminpower" : 0,
"burnmaxpower" : 100,
"burnminperiod" : 10,
"boilhyston" : -6,
"boilhystoff" : 6,
"boil2hyston" : 0,
"boil2hystoff" : 0,
"curveon" : "off",
"curvebase" : 20,
"curveend" : 90,
"summertemp" : 16,
"nofrostmode" : "off",
"nofrosttemp" : 5,
"heatingactivated" : "on",
"heatingtemp" : 55,
"heatingpump" : "off",
"pumpmodmax" : 71,
"pumpmodmin" : 40,
"pumpmode" : "proportional",
"pumpdelay" : 5,
"setflowtemp" : 0,
"setburnpow" : 0,
"selburnpow" : 0,
"curburnpow" : 0,
"burnstarts" : 23106,
"burnworkmin" : 432470,
"burn2workmin" : 0,
"heatworkmin" : 403045,
"heatstarts" : 18122,
"ubauptime" : 2164753,
"lastcode" : "2E(207) 176.32.2000 137:00 (0 min)",
"servicecode" : "0H",
"servicecodenumber" : 203,
"maintenancemessage" : "H00",
"maintenance" : "off",
"maintenancetime" : 6000,
"maintenancedate" : "01.01.2015",
"nompower" : 30,
"nrgtotal" : 11.66,
"nrgheat" : 4.94
Final words: do not exclude the possibility I made a mistake

Thanks in advance,