Before i had everything running in " userland" and also now (after migration) all hardware works : deCONZ, P1, garbagedata, Tuya, Goodwe, RFXCOM, Milight)
Problem is the Domoticz-deCONZ plugin (by : Smanar) keeps asking for Python Requests package :
Code: Select all
2024-10-11 13:40:23.061 deCONZ: Acquiring GIL for 'onHeartbeatCallback'
2024-10-11 13:40:23.062 deCONZ: Calling message handler 'onHeartbeat' on 'module' type object.
2024-10-11 13:40:23.062 deCONZ: onHeartbeat called
2024-10-11 13:40:23.062 deCONZ: ### Initialisation > config
2024-10-11 13:40:23.062 deCONZ: ### Request config
2024-10-11 13:40:23.062 deCONZ: Send Command /api/8********B3/config/ with None (0 in buffer)
2024-10-11 13:40:23.062 deCONZ: Making Request:**********B3/config/ with params None
2024-10-11 13:40:23.062 Error: deCONZ: Your python version is missing the requests library
2024-10-11 13:40:23.062 Error: deCONZ: To install it, type : sudo -H pip3 install requests | sudo -H pip install requests
2024-10-11 13:40:23.062 deCONZ: Acquiring GIL for 'onHeartbeatCallback'
( already existed)
I added to the existing script and used the base script and added (all !) :
Code: Select all
sudo apt install python3-requests
sudo apt-get -y install python3-requests
sudo -H pip3 install requests
sudo -H pip install requests
apt-get -y install python3-requests
pip3 install requests
pip install requests
Code: Select all
Rene@rasp5:/opt/domoticz $ sudo docker compose up -d
[+] Running 1/1
✔ Container domoticz Started
Could use some help in getting Python request into Docker...
(maybe in future releases op Domoticz Docker container incorporate already ?)
Thank you in advance !