New Netamo Plugin shows wrong values

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New Netamo Plugin shows wrong values

Post by fjuppe »

Since the new Netatmo plugin (in my case I only have weather station) the user validation works OK for me. But, when I look at the values of the Netatmo web GUI, I find that the wind and rain values are not the same in the Domoticz widgets compared to the Netatmo web GUI. Temperatures, Pressure, CO2 and Sound levels shows the same values but Wind and Rain values in Domoticz show about one third of the actuals in the web GUI. I know there is a 15 min delay of updating Domoticz but I noticed this over long time.

Question: In the new plugin, is there any calculations going on with received data? To me it looks the values are recalculated assuming the Netatmo fetched data is supposed to be in non-metric units, i.e. divided by some factor to get it to the metric system????

Anyone who has noticed this and can explain how the logic works. ( I am on the metric system both in Netatmo and Domoticz, i.e. Wind is meter/second and Rain is in millimeters)

Thank you for any input on my problem!

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