Sharing my experience of receiving data from Home Assistant (HA) into Domoticz using MQTT Autodiscovery (MQTTAD).
To send data from HA to Domoticz for historical data logging.
Example logging the HA entity Solar Battery Charge State (0-100%).
After using Domoticz for almost 10 years, decided to migrate to HA mainly for its modern User Interface & Integration support (esp. for Homematic).
HA is running well since few month, but I am still a great Domoticz fan. Therefor have been seeking on how to use both HA and Domoticz.
Decided to use Domoticz
- as a HA historical data logger for selective entities (as described next) - used HighCharts in the past extensively.
- for special functions (in progress) - developed in dzVents/Lua.
Please note that the basic setup of the HA MQTT Integration and Domoticz MQTTAD hardware is not explained here but referred to.
Be Aware
This is a first attempt using MQTTAD in both HA & Domoticz, so appreciate any improvement hints.
The solution is based upon HA MQTT Autodiscovery.
Setup HA
This is described here.
For every HA entity an Automation is created to publish an MQTT message with the entity state as payload.
Setup Domoticz
Add hardware MQTT Auto Discovery Client Gateway as outlined here.
The Auto Discovery Prefix is homeassistant. This means a MQTTAD config topic should start with homeassistant.
It is advised, that the state topic does not start with prefix homeassistant.
MQTT Explorer
The MQTT Explorer is used to check the MQTT messages and to delete topics.
Example Domoticz log deleting topic:
Code: Select all
2024-10-06 18:15:22.464 Debug: MQTTAD Client: topic: ha2domoticz/sensor/solar_bat_charge_state/state, message:
2024-10-06 18:15:22.565 Debug: MQTTAD Client: topic: homeassistant/sensor/solar_bat_charge_state/config, message:
The device configuration & state MQTT messages are submitted using Mosquitto client (mosquitto_pub) issued from a terminal (opened on the Domoticz system).
MQTTAD messages published are
- the device configuration (/config) and
- first value (/state) which creates the device in Domoticz.
For each device in Domoticz an
- HA Automation is created to MQTT publish the state of the HA entity.
- MQTTAD configuration message is published once to HA - Important: topic prefix is homeassistant and the device_class is the HA device_class as well as the associated unit_of_measurement.
- MQTT state message is initially published to autocreate the device in Domoticz - Important: topic prefix should not be homeassistant.
- MQTT state message is received from HA to update the device value.
Two examples are shared, the Solar Power Battery Charge State (%) and the Gas Meter (m3).
Device Power Battery Charge State
Get the value of the HA entity sensor.power_battery_charge_state into a Domoticz device (General/Percentage).
This device is a battery used to supply power to a house. It is fed by solar panels.
HA Automation
Create an HA automation to MQTT publish the state of the entity.
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
'{{ states("sensor.power_battery_charge_state") }}'
Code: Select all
- id: '1727942232660'
alias: MQTT Power Battery Charge State
description: Publish solar battery charge state in pct 0-100.
- entity_id:
- sensor.power_battery_charge_state
trigger: state
conditions: []
- action: mqtt.publish
metadata: {}
evaluate_payload: false
qos: 0
retain: true
topic: ha2domoticz/sensor/solar_bat_charge_state/state
payload: '{{ states("sensor.power_battery_charge_state") }}'
mode: single
The MQTT configuration message to create the device:
Code: Select all
mosquitto_pub -r -h ha-ip -p 1883 -u USERNAME -P PASSWORD -t "homeassistant/sensor/solar_bat_charge_state/config" -m '{"value_template": "{{ value }}","device_class": "battery","state_topic": "ha2domoticz/sensor/solar_bat_charge_state/state","name": "SolarBatChargeState","unique_id": "HASOLAR1", "unit_of_measurement":"%" }'
Code: Select all
2024-10-07 17:09:04.443 Debug: MQTTAD Client: topic: homeassistant/sensor/solar_bat_charge_state/config, message: {"value_template": "{{ value }}","device_class": "battery","state_topic": "ha2domoticz/sensor/solar_bat_charge_state/state","name": "SolarBatChargeState","unique_id": "HASOLAR1", "unit_of_measurement":"%" }
2024-10-07 17:09:04.445 Status: MQTTAD Client: Discovered: SolarBatChargeState/SolarBatChargeState (unique_id: HASOLAR1)
The MQTT state message to set the initial device value:
Code: Select all
mosquitto_pub -r -h ha-ip -p 1883 -u USERNAME -P PASSWORD -t "ha2domoticz/sensor/solar_bat_charge_state/state" -m 100
Code: Select all
2024-10-06 18:17:31.610 Debug: MQTTAD Client: topic: ha2domoticz/sensor/solar_bat_charge_state/state, message: 100
The device is listed in the Domoticz devices list with Name SolarBatChargeState, Type General, Subtype Percentage.
Device Update
Domoticz log entry when receiving device update message from HA.
Code: Select all
2024-10-07 17:18:29.883 Debug: MQTTAD Client: topic: ha2domoticz/sensor/solar_bat_charge_state/state, message: 100
2024-10-07 17:18:29.890 MQTTAD Client: General/Percentage (SolarBatChargeState)
The device is not listed in the MQTTAD hardware setup because it is a sensor and not a number device.
Device Gas Meter
Get the value of the HA entity sensor.gas_meter into a Domoticz device (RFXMeter/RFXMeter Counter).
HA Automation
Create an HA automation to MQTT publish the state of the entity.
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
'{{ states("sensor.gas_meter") | float(0) }}'
Code: Select all
- id: '1711281225175'
alias: MQTT Gas Meter
description: Publish sensor gas meter
- platform: state
- sensor.gas_meter
condition: []
- metadata: {}
qos: 0
retain: true
payload: '{{states("sensor.gas_meter") | float(0) }}'
topic: ha2domoticz/sensor/gas_meter/state
action: mqtt.publish
mode: single
The MQTT configuration message to create the device:
Code: Select all
mosquitto_pub -r -h ha-ip -p 1883 -u USERNAME -P PASSWORD -t "homeassistant/sensor/gas_meter/config" -m '{"value_template": "{{ value }}","device_class": "gas","state_topic": "ha2domoticz/sensor/gas_meter/state","name": "GasMeter","unique_id": "HAGASMETER1", "unit_of_measurement":"m³" }'
Code: Select all
2024-10-07 17:16:31.600 Debug: MQTTAD Client: topic: homeassistant/sensor/gas_meter/config, message: {"value_template": "{{ value }}","device_class": "gas","state_topic": "ha2domoticz/sensor/gas_meter/state","name": "GasMeter","unique_id": "HAGASMETER1", "unit_of_measurement":"m³" }
2024-10-07 17:16:31.602 Status: MQTTAD Client: Discovered: GasMeter/GasMeter (unique_id: HAGASMETER1)
The MQTT state message to set the initial device value:
Code: Select all
mosquitto_pub -r -h ha-ip -p 1883 -u USERNAME -P PASSWORD -t "ha2domoticz/sensor/gas_meter/state" -m 2900
Code: Select all
2024-10-07 17:21:08.394 Debug: MQTTAD Client: topic: ha2domoticz/sensor/gas_meter/state, message: 2900
The device is listed in the Domoticz devices list Type RFXMeter, Subtype RFXMeter Counter kWh.
Device Update
Domoticz log entry when receiving device update message from HA.
Code: Select all
2024-10-07 17:24:25.920 Debug: MQTTAD Client: topic: ha2domoticz/sensor/gas_meter/state, message: 2963.25
2024-10-07 17:24:25.928 MQTTAD Client: RFXMeter/RFXMeter counter (GasMeter)
The device is not listed in the MQTTAD hardware setup because it is a sensor and not a number device.
Various hints
MQTT State Topic
It is advised (see post #2) not to use the word homeassistant as prefix for a state topic.
Unable to parse
After the device has been created in Domoticz, restart HA and check the log if there are any complains about the MQTT message config payload.
Unable to parse JSON solar_bat_level:
Code: Select all
'{"value_template": "{{ value }}","device_class": "battery","state_topic": "ha2domoticz/sensor/solar_bat_level/state","name": "SolarBatteryLevel","unique_id": "HASOLAR1", "unit_of_measurement":"%" }}'
The mosquitto client did not complain about this by the way.
Wrong device class
Ensure to use the right HA device class. These are listed in the error message.
In the example, do not use device class "number" but "battery".
Code: Select all
Error 'expected SensorDeviceClass or one of 'date', 'enum', 'timestamp', 'apparent_power', 'aqi', 'atmospheric_pressure', 'battery', 'carbon_monoxide', 'carbon_dioxide', 'conductivity', 'current', 'data_rate', 'data_size', 'distance', 'duration', 'energy', 'energy_storage', 'frequency', 'gas', 'humidity', 'illuminance', 'irradiance', 'moisture', 'monetary', 'nitrogen_dioxide', 'nitrogen_monoxide', 'nitrous_oxide', 'ozone', 'ph', 'pm1', 'pm10', 'pm25', 'power_factor', 'power', 'precipitation', 'precipitation_intensity', 'pressure', 'reactive_power', 'signal_strength', 'sound_pressure', 'speed', 'sulphur_dioxide', 'temperature', 'volatile_organic_compounds', 'volatile_organic_compounds_parts', 'voltage', 'volume', 'volume_storage', 'volume_flow_rate', 'water', 'weight', 'wind_speed' for dictionary value @ data['device_class']' when processing MQTT discovery message topic: 'homeassistant/sensor/gas_meter/config', message: '{'value_template': '{{ value }}', 'device_class': 'number', 'state_topic': 'ha2domoticz/sensor/gas_meter/state', 'unique_id': 'GASMETER1', 'unit_of_measurement': 'm³', 'name': 'GasMeter', 'platform': 'mqtt'}'
Code: Select all
2024-10-06 13:14:53.067 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.discovery] Found new component: sensor solar_bat_level
2024-10-06 13:14:53.074 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.discovery] Found new component: sensor gas_meter
2024-10-06 13:14:59.989 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.client] MQTT client initialized, birth message sent
If the topic contains the word battery, the device is not created in Domoticz although Domoticz discovered the device stated in the log.
Renaming in the configuration topic the word battery to bat did work. Have not tested with other words, like power.
It took a while to find out why Domoticz did not create the device and list in the Devices tab.
Domoticz Stop/Start
Helpful terminal (CLI) commands during testing:
Code: Select all
sudo systemctl start domoticz.service
sudo systemctl stop domoticz.service