Pump motor control via esp8266

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Pump motor control via esp8266

Post by Maciek90 »

I have a circulation pump at the boiler. The pump motor is single-phase 230 V. I would like to control its rotational speed. Do you know of any device (inverter) that I can connect between the motor and ESP and I will be able to control the motor via PWM?
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Re: Pump motor control via esp8266

Post by HvdW »

Here's the AI answer:
Yes, you can use a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) to control the speed of your single-phase 230V motor. VFDs are designed to control AC motor speed by varying the frequency and voltage supplied to the motor. Many VFDs can accept a PWM signal for speed control, making them compatible with an ESP (such as an ESP8266 or ESP32) for precise control.

Here are a few options you might consider:

Single-Phase VFDs: These are specifically designed for single-phase motors and can be controlled via PWM. Brands like Hitachi and Schneider Electric offer reliable single-phase VFDs.
Motor Drivers: For smaller motors, you might use motor drivers like the L298N or L293D, which can be controlled via PWM signals from an ESP. These are more commonly used for DC motors but can be adapted for certain AC applications with the right setup12.

Plus you can ask youtube.
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