[Zwave-JS-UI] Finding reason delay Topic is solved

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[Zwave-JS-UI] Finding reason delay

Post by McMieras »

RPI4 (1x slave and 1x master)
Latest Stable version
Z-zwave JS-UI Snap
Updated RPI4

The last 2 month i experience a delay in my master system (slave is working as norma).
The delay varies from 5 seconds to 150 seconds.
I tried to find how this was happening and replaced 1 node because i thought this was the problem.
Unfortunately this was not the case.

Replaced the Aeon Z-stick 5 with the 7 version, did not help.
Excluded all nodes (approx 20), reset the stick and included alle nodes again.
Did not help either.

Anyone who knows to find the reason from this delay??

Kind regards.
Last edited by McMieras on Wednesday 02 October 2024 9:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Finding reason delay

Post by FlyingDomotic »

Did you tried removing slave?
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Re: Finding reason delay

Post by waltervl »

You are using Zwave-JS-UI so is the delay on the Zwave Dongle, Zwave-JS-UI, MQTT or Domoticz side?

Is the MQTT server very busy? Is there something else like P1 energy meter on high refresh mode (eg every second) slowing down the system?
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Re: Finding reason delay

Post by McMieras »

Thank you for your replies.

Shutting down the slave did not help. Same behavier.
Yes there is a P1 meter installed, refresh rate is 30 seconds.
CPU load on the RPI4 is about 7% (also before the delay started to occur).

If i toggle a switch in Zwave JS-UI web interface the same delay occur.

Don't know how to check the MQTT server load independently, will search for it and then check it.
My Victron battery system sends every 10 seconds the grid meter data and i see no delay happening.
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Re: Finding reason delay

Post by waltervl »

If you switch the Zwave device from the device itself and it shows the same delay in the Zwave-JS-UI website then the delay is in the Zwave network as no mqtt or Domoticz is in the communication chain. Zwave-JS-UI communicates directly with the zwave usb stick.

Perhaps check the Zwave-JS-UI website to get tips how to debug and fix this.
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Re: [Zwave-JS-UI] Finding reason delay

Post by McMieras »

Thank you @walervl for pointing me in the right direction to search.
Will search some more on internet, still find it strange that something like this happens out of the blue.
These days the delay is reduced to a mximum of 10 seconds, maybe it will go back to normal in time.
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Re: [Zwave-JS-UI] Finding reason delay

Post by McMieras »


From 30th september suddenly the delay is gone after about 3 month of struggeling.
Can not tell that it is because of something i did or changed.
It looks like a (internal) proces or bug was causing this delay, CPU load dropped 1,5% avg since then.
Thank you
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