HowTo: Correct incorrect values in the graph

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HowTo: Correct incorrect values in the graph

Post by PVuser »

I used domoticz in the past, changed to Node-Red for programming, but don't like to miss domiticz because of its well UI. Especially the automatically created graphs. So I recovered my domoticz for a while and integrated it in my Node-Red.

But the strikes are a big problem - wherever they come from - in the graphical representation. See here for example:
Screenshot domoticz.png
Screenshot domoticz.png (28.25 KiB) Viewed 647 times
It's the same in single charts, where one spike value makes it inpossible to view the other normal values.

My question is how to delete, or adjust this values. I'm not a database specialist.

The easiest way for me would be to do it graphical by clicking the wrong value and adjust it. But it's not possible. Perhaps it will be a feature for all users. And I thought, I had this experience with a smartphone, but can't reproduce it!?

Another possibility would be domoticz do it automatically, but I also didn't find any setting for this.

Thanks for any help.
The only other way for me I know, would be to throw away domoticz and store the values in influx and generate graphs with grafana.But that is work, not necessary, if domoticz will work.
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Re: HowTo: Correct incorrect values in the graph

Post by waltervl »

As this is old historical data of 2021 you will have to modify that data in the SQLIte database manually. So this need an application like "DB Browser for SQLite": to see what value is giving this issue, probably you will find this in the meter_calender table.
If this is too complicated for you (remember it can make the database corrupt when doing it wrong!) there is a small workaround:
Just click on the 2021 year on the bottom of the graph so it will be toggled off and the graph will be rearranged.
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Re: HowTo: Correct incorrect values in the graph

Post by PVuser »

Thanks @waltervl. The the sqlbrowser seems good for me. I will give it a try.

To toggle off the year 2021 I found. But there are also the same problems in some other graphs with single values.
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