Domoticz with Zwave-JS included

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Domoticz with Zwave-JS included

Post by cdjseb »

Is there a full setup version (or ISO) of Domoticz for Rapsberry WITH Zwave-JS-UI INCLUDED because it's very complicated to install Z-Wave support.
Thank you
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Re: Domoticz with Zwave-JS included

Post by solarboy »

Would be good to have some kind of script that can install Mqtt, Docker, zwaveJS set up the config for the correct USB devices etc and offer up or actually set the correct hardware/IP/port settings in Domoticz. It might need to have a "wizard" of sorts to illicit information from the user.

An SDcard ISO for the various Raspberry Pi's might be a better way to do it. Even I could probably do that...
Intel NUC with Ubuntu Server VM (Proxmox),mosquitto(docker),RFXtrx433E,zwavejsUI (docker),Zigbee2mqtt(docker),SMA Hub (docker),Harmony Hub plugin, Kodi plugin,Homebridge(docker)+Google Home,APC UPS,SMA Modbus,Mitsubishi MQTT, Broadlink,Dombus
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Re: Domoticz with Zwave-JS included

Post by gizmocuz »

That should be very easy to make via a docker compose file

The tricky part is MQTT, as it needs to have a config file

Once you understand how docker compose works, it's very easy to build yourself.

It is NOT complicated to install ZWAVE-JS or Zigbee2MQTT, we have a step-by-step Wiki page for this.

It is also good to understand how docker compose works, where your data is stored.

Sure, we could make a repository that contains a docker compose folder with everything you will ever need.
What if something is not working all of a sudden? Or you want to backup or restore your data?

Another question, is it good to have everything in one folder?

Maybe you want to use MQTT for other things than Domoticz, like Node-Red, Home Assistant?
Maybe you want to secure MQTT with a username/password, run it via TLS instead of the plain port

A docker-compose file usually consists of about 20 lines

You also need to know how to share your USB devices to Docker, a fixed ISO is NOT going to do this, especially if you have a mix of RFXCom, Zigbee, ZWave, and other USB devices (like a P1 meter)

There are so many people installing all this via docker compose, if you search on Google, you find all the answers, even ChatGTP can help you

Fundamental, again, is the know how docker-compose works.

And once you know, you probably want to install everything like this!

For sure, you do not want to find the answers on this forum. Google has way better results.

google search: 'mosquitto docker compose', or 'zwavejs docker compose'

But first catch up with docker compose, know what volumes are, how to create a volume inside your docker compose folder (for sure you create a new folder for every docker-compose application you want to install)

And you just backup those folders and your done

This is not something you want to install with next,next,next

And for sure no ISO, you can create something like this like the Domoticz install script, so it works on all platforms and is not limited to a raspberry pi
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