Error when provisioning new extenders to Z4D

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Joined: Saturday 20 May 2023 17:26
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Error when provisioning new extenders to Z4D

Post by Cizetta »


I'm using Z4D for the last 2+ years and I'm very happy with its functionality. Since yesterday I'm having and issue with adding a new Zigbee extender and I'm looking for some help.

I have a prod and dev env. both running on Raspi 3B+ with SonOff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle plus on latest Domoticz beta version and latest Z4D stable version - 7.1.012 [5.305]

In the prod setup I have two simple USB Zigbee extenders recognized as "TS0207-extender" - and they are working fine. I had a third one which I removed from the network and the plugin some time ago. Yesterday I decided to add it again and when trying I got that error in the Domoticz log:

Code: Select all

2024-09-02 12:56:20.005 Status: Zigbee: Z4D opened the Zigbee network for 240 seconds
2024-09-02 12:56:20.029 Status: Zigbee: ++ opening zigbee network for 240 secondes on specific router None
2024-09-02 12:56:20.074 Status: Zigbee: Accepting new Hardware: Enable (On)
2024-09-02 12:56:21.052 Zigbee: Assisted Pairing: Polling: []
2024-09-02 12:56:21.052 Zigbee: --> Empty queue
2024-09-02 12:56:21.702 Zigbee: UpdateDevice - (Zigbee - TS0601_Lux-a4c1384e351b5a6b-01) 2086:2086
2024-09-02 12:56:22.936 Status: Zigbee: [None] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 None
2024-09-02 12:56:24.024 Zigbee: UpdateDevice - (Zigbee - TS0601_Lux-a4c1384e351b5a6b-01) 2088:2088
2024-09-02 12:56:24.186 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 Active Endpoint Response Ep: 01 LQI: 0
2024-09-02 12:56:24.188 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 Request Simple Descriptor for Ep: 01
2024-09-02 12:56:24.270 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 Active Endpoint Response Ep: 01 LQI: 0
2024-09-02 12:56:24.321 Error: Zigbee: forwarder_thread - Error while receiving a Coordinator command
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 Error: Zigbee: Issue in request 0180020060ff000104000001010240b702000018000104000042105f545a333030305f6e6c73737a6d7a6c05000042065453303230379c03, dumping stack: Traceback (most recent call last):
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/", line 42, in forwarder_thread
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 forward_message(self, message)
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/", line 31, in f_out
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 result = f_in(self, message)
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/", line 58, in forward_message
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 self.F_out(message)
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/", line 749, in processFrame
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 zigbee_receive_message(self, Devices, Data)
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 165, in zigbee_receive_message
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 _decode_message(self, MsgType, Devices, Data, MsgData, MsgLQI)
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 172, in _decode_message
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 decoding_method(self, Devices, MsgData, MsgLQI)
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Z4D_decoders/", line 43, in Decode8100
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 scan_attribute_reponse(self, Devices, MsgSQN, i_sqn, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgData, '8100')
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Z4D_decoders/", line 88, in scan_attribute_reponse
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 read_report_attributes( self, Devices, msgtype, MsgSQN, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgAttrID, MsgAttStatus, MsgAttType, MsgAttSize, MsgClusterData, )
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Z4D_decoders/", line 121, in read_report_attributes
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 ReadCluster( self, Devices, MsgType, MsgSQN, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgAttrID, MsgAttStatus, MsgAttType, MsgAttSize, MsgClusterData, Source=MsgType, )
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 188, in ReadCluster
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 process_cluster_attribute_response( self, Devices, MsgSQN, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgAttrID, MsgAttType, MsgAttSize, MsgClusterData, Source, )
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 161, in process_cluster_attribute_response
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 handle_model_name( self, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgAttrID, MsgAttType, MsgAttSize, device_model, MsgClusterData, value )
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 181, in handle_model_name
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 modelName = _build_model_name( self, MsgSrcAddr, modelName)
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 301, in _build_model_name
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 return check_found_plugin_model( self, modelName, manufacturer_name=manufacturer_name, manufacturer_code=manuf_code, device_id=zdevice_id)
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 50, in check_found_plugin_model
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 or ( "DeviceID" in x and x["DeviceID"] and device_id not in x["DeviceID"] )
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382 TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not dict
2024-09-02 12:56:24.382
2024-09-02 12:56:24.402 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 Simple Descriptor Response EP: 0x01 LQI: 0
2024-09-02 12:56:24.403 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 ProfileID 0104
2024-09-02 12:56:24.404 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 ZDeviceID 0008
2024-09-02 12:56:24.404 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 Application Version 0000
2024-09-02 12:56:24.405 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 Cluster IN Count: 03
2024-09-02 12:56:24.405 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 Cluster In 1: 0000 (Basic)
2024-09-02 12:56:24.408 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 Cluster In 2: 000a (Time)
2024-09-02 12:56:24.408 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 Cluster In 3: 0003 (Identify)
2024-09-02 12:56:24.409 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 Cluster OUT Count: 01
2024-09-02 12:56:24.409 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 Cluster Out 1: 0019 (Over-the-Air Upgrade)
2024-09-02 12:56:24.439 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 Simple Descriptor Response EP: 0x01 LQI: 0
2024-09-02 12:56:24.440 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 ProfileID 0104
2024-09-02 12:56:24.440 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 ZDeviceID 0008
2024-09-02 12:56:24.441 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 Application Version 0000
2024-09-02 12:56:24.441 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 Cluster IN Count: 03
2024-09-02 12:56:24.442 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 Cluster In 1: 0000 (Basic)
2024-09-02 12:56:24.442 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 Cluster In 2: 000a (Time)
2024-09-02 12:56:24.442 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 Cluster In 3: 0003 (Identify)
2024-09-02 12:56:24.443 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 Cluster OUT Count: 01
2024-09-02 12:56:24.444 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 Cluster Out 1: 0019 (Over-the-Air Upgrade)
2024-09-02 12:56:26.477 Status: [web:8080] Incoming connection from:
2024-09-02 12:56:27.089 Status: Zigbee: [0] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 Model Name: TS0207-extender
2024-09-02 12:56:27.090 Status: Zigbee: [0] NEW OBJECT: 40b7 Manufacturer Name: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl
2024-09-02 12:56:32.019 Zigbee: Assisted Pairing: Polling: ['40b7']
2024-09-02 12:56:32.019 Zigbee: --> New device: 40b7
2024-09-02 12:56:32.020 Zigbee: --> Unexpected , removed 40b7 from List
2024-09-02 12:56:32.020 Error: Zigbee: Unexpected
I tried several times with the same results. Then I tried to add it to the Dev Z4D just to check if the extender was working fine - and I got the same result - error and the devices is added as "disabled" and "NotDB"
Fine, it might be broken somehow. I have two brand new USB extenders of different type recognized again as "TS0207-extender" And I'm not able to add them in both Z4D - they're added with an error, in "disabled" state and "NotDB".
2024-09-02_13-52.png (43.71 KiB) Viewed 1014 times

Here is the Domoticz log when I try to add the new extenders:

Code: Select all

2024-09-02 12:59:11.746 Status: Zigbee: ++ opening zigbee network for 240 secondes on specific router None
2024-09-02 12:59:11.791 Status: Zigbee: Accepting new Hardware: Enable (On)
2024-09-02 12:59:12.820 Zigbee: Assisted Pairing: Polling: []
2024-09-02 12:59:12.821 Zigbee: --> Empty queue
2024-09-02 12:59:15.125 Zigbee: UpdateDevice - (Zigbee - TS0601_Lux-a4c1384e351b5a6b-01) 2062:2062
2024-09-02 12:59:17.645 Status: Zigbee: [None] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 None
2024-09-02 12:59:18.740 Zigbee: UpdateDevice - (Zigbee - TS0601_Lux-a4c1384e351b5a6b-01) 2051:2051
2024-09-02 12:59:18.902 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 Active Endpoint Response Ep: 01 LQI: 0
2024-09-02 12:59:18.903 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 Active Endpoint Response Ep: f2 LQI: 0
2024-09-02 12:59:18.904 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 Request Simple Descriptor for Ep: 01
2024-09-02 12:59:19.099 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 Simple Descriptor Response EP: 0x01 LQI: 0
2024-09-02 12:59:19.100 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 ProfileID 0104
2024-09-02 12:59:19.101 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 ZDeviceID 0100
2024-09-02 12:59:19.102 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 Application Version 0001
2024-09-02 12:59:19.103 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 Cluster IN Count: 07
2024-09-02 12:59:19.104 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 Cluster In 1: 0000 (Basic)
2024-09-02 12:59:19.104 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 Cluster In 2: 0003 (Identify)
2024-09-02 12:59:19.106 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 Cluster In 3: 0500 (IAS Zone)
2024-09-02 12:59:19.107 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 Cluster In 4: e002
2024-09-02 12:59:19.108 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 Cluster In 5: ef00
2024-09-02 12:59:19.109 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 Cluster In 6: ee00
2024-09-02 12:59:19.110 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 Cluster In 7: e000
2024-09-02 12:59:19.110 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 Cluster OUT Count: 02
2024-09-02 12:59:19.111 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 Cluster Out 1: 0003 (Identify)
2024-09-02 12:59:19.112 Status: Zigbee: [-] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 Cluster Out 2: 000a (Time)
2024-09-02 12:59:22.099 Status: Zigbee: [0] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 Model Name: TS0207-extender
2024-09-02 12:59:22.102 Status: Zigbee: [0] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 Manufacturer Name: _TZ3000_nkkl7uzv
2024-09-02 12:59:22.106 Status: Zigbee: [None] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 Request Node Descriptor
2024-09-02 12:59:22.928 Zigbee: Assisted Pairing: Polling: ['26c2']
2024-09-02 12:59:22.928 Zigbee: --> New device: 26c2
2024-09-02 12:59:22.928 Zigbee: --> Unexpected , removed 26c2 from List
2024-09-02 12:59:22.928 Error: Zigbee: Unexpected
2024-09-02 12:59:32.962 Zigbee: Assisted Pairing: Polling: []
2024-09-02 12:59:32.962 Zigbee: --> Empty queue
This is from the Z4D log:

Code: Select all

2024-09-02 12:59:16,609 WARNING :Executing <Handle SerialTransport._read_ready() created at /usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/> took 1.009 seconds
2024-09-02 12:59:17,643 INFO    :b'--> Adding device 26c2 in self.DevicesInPairingMode'
2024-09-02 12:59:17,644 INFO    :b"--> ['26c2']"
2024-09-02 12:59:17,645 INFO    :b'[None] NEW OBJECT: 26c2 None'
2024-09-02 12:59:17,646 INFO    :b'ReadAttributeRequest_0000_for_tuya 26c2'
2024-09-02 12:59:18,642 WARNING :Executing <Task finished name='Task-3024' coro=<ControllerApplication.on_zdo_message() done, defined at /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/zigpy_znp/zigbee/> result=None created at /usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/> took 2.016 seconds

I tried restarting the Z4D plugin, Domoticz, the Dev Raspi, the Zigbee dongle - same results.

Am I missing something or the extenders are just not compatible/working?

Thank you!
Posts: 1995
Joined: Monday 02 April 2018 20:33
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Location: France

Re: Error when provisioning new extenders to Z4D

Post by pipiche »

can you kindly enable the debug parameter "Pairing" and "zclClusters", and redo a test, and then share the logs
Zigbee for Domoticz plugin / RPI3B+ / Electrolama ZZH-P / 45 devices

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Posts: 19
Joined: Saturday 20 May 2023 17:26
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Re: Error when provisioning new extenders to Z4D

Post by Cizetta »


Here's the log with the enabled parameters - adding one of the brand new extenders.

Code: Select all

2024-09-02 17:16:57,097 INFO    :b'Z4D opened the Zigbee network for 240 seconds '
2024-09-02 17:16:57,131 INFO    :b'++ opening zigbee network for 240 secondes on specific router None'
2024-09-02 17:16:57,175 INFO    :b'Accepting new Hardware: Enable (On)'
2024-09-02 17:17:02,501 WARNING :Executing <Handle SerialTransport._read_ready() created at /usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/> took 1.012 seconds
2024-09-02 17:17:03,539 INFO    :b'--> Adding device 5d1d in self.DevicesInPairingMode'
2024-09-02 17:17:03,541 INFO    :b"--> ['5d1d']"
2024-09-02 17:17:03,543 INFO    :b'interview_state_004d - NWKID: 5d1d, Status: None, RIA: None,'
2024-09-02 17:17:03,544 INFO    :b'[None] NEW OBJECT: 5d1d None'
2024-09-02 17:17:03,546 INFO    :b'ReadAttributeRequest_0000_for_tuya 5d1d'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,538 WARNING :Executing <Task finished name='Task-1106' coro=<ControllerApplication.on_zdo_message() done, defined at /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/zigpy_znp/zigbee/> result=None created at /usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/> took 2.018 seconds
2024-09-02 17:17:04,646 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0004 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ManufacturerName', 'DataType': '42', 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': '', 'Mandatory': False, 'SpecifStoragelvl1': 'Manufacturer Name', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'store_specif_attribute']}"
2024-09-02 17:17:04,651 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 5d1d Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0004 Type: 42 Data: 5f545a333030305f6e6b6b6c37757a76 Source: 8100'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,657 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: _TZ3000_nkkl7uzv'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,660 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,662 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: store_specif_attribute'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,663 INFO    :b'store_value_in_specif_storage - 5d1d/01 Manufacturer Name None None _TZ3000_nkkl7uzv'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,665 INFO    :b'     store_value_in_specif_storage  [Manufacturer Name] = _TZ3000_nkkl7uzv'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,668 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0000 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ZCLVersion', 'DataType': '20', 'Range': ['00', 'ff'], 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': 8, 'Mandatory': True, 'SpecifStoragelvl1': 'ZCL Version', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'store_specif_attribute']}"
2024-09-02 17:17:04,671 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 5d1d Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0000 Type: 20 Data: 03 Source: 8100'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,673 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: 3'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,675 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,677 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: store_specif_attribute'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,679 INFO    :b'store_value_in_specif_storage - 5d1d/01 ZCL Version None None 3'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,681 INFO    :b'     store_value_in_specif_storage  [ZCL Version] = 3'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,682 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0001 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ApplicationVersion', 'DataType': '20', 'Range': ['00', 'ff'], 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': 0, 'Mandatory': False, 'SpecifStoragelvl1': 'App Version', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'store_specif_attribute']}"
2024-09-02 17:17:04,684 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 5d1d Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0001 Type: 20 Data: a2 Source: 8100'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,685 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: 162'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,687 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,689 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: store_specif_attribute'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,691 INFO    :b'store_value_in_specif_storage - 5d1d/01 App Version None None 162'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,692 INFO    :b'     store_value_in_specif_storage  [App Version] = 162'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,693 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0005 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ModelIdentifier', 'DataType': '42', 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': '', 'Mandatory': False, 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'basic_model_name']}"
2024-09-02 17:17:04,697 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 5d1d Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0005 Type: 42 Data: 545330323037 Source: 8100'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,698 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: TS0207'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,701 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,702 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: basic_model_name'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,703 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 5d1d / 01 - 0000 0005 42 0006 TS0207 - None'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,705 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 5d1d / 01 - 0000 0005 42 0006 TS0207 - None'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,706 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after cleanup TS0207'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,707 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after cleanup TS0207'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,708 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after build model name TS0207-extender'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,709 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after build model name TS0207-extender'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,710 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - Recepion Model: >TS0207-extender<'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,711 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - Recepion Model: >TS0207-extender<'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,712 INFO    :b"_handle_model_name Extract all info from Model : {'_comment': 'Tuya repeater', '_version': '1.0', 'Identifier': [['TS0207', '_TZ3000_m0vaazab'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_ufttklsz'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_nkkl7uzv'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_misw04hq'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_gszjt2xx'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_5k5vh43t']], 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': '', '000a': '', '0019': '', 'Type': ''}}, 'Type': '', 'CreateWidgetDomoticz': False, 'ClusterToBind': [], 'ConfigureReporting': {}, 'ReadAttributes': {'0000': ['0000', '0001', '0002', '0003', '0004', '0005', '0007']}}"
2024-09-02 17:17:04,716 INFO    :b"_handle_model_name Extract all info from Model : {'_comment': 'Tuya repeater', '_version': '1.0', 'Identifier': [['TS0207', '_TZ3000_m0vaazab'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_ufttklsz'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_nkkl7uzv'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_misw04hq'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_gszjt2xx'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_5k5vh43t']], 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': '', '000a': '', '0019': '', 'Type': ''}}, 'Type': '', 'CreateWidgetDomoticz': False, 'ClusterToBind': [], 'ConfigureReporting': {}, 'ReadAttributes': {'0000': ['0000', '0001', '0002', '0003', '0004', '0005', '0007']}}"
2024-09-02 17:17:04,717 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name Removing existing received Ep'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,719 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name Removing existing received Ep'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,721 INFO    :b"-- Record removed 'Ep' {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '0045', 'SQN': '00', 'Ep': {}, 'Heartbeat': '0', 'RIA': '0', 'LQI': 255, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0207-extender', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': 'a4c138f860159035', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': {}, 'ZDeviceID': {}, 'App Version': 162, 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3000_nkkl7uzv', 'NbEp': '', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725286624, 'iSQN': {'0004': '00', '0000': '00', '0001': '00', '0005': '00', '0007': '00', 'fffe': '00'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0000': '00', '0001': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': '', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725286624.6417992, 'Time': '2024-09-02 17:17:04', 'MsgType': '8100', 'LastSeen': 1725286623}, 'ZCL Version': 3, 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZCLSQN': '00', 'ZDPSQN': '01', 'ErrorManagement': 0, 'RollingLQI': [255], 'ConfigSource': 'DeviceConf'}"
2024-09-02 17:17:04,724 INFO    :b"-- Record removed 'Ep' {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '0045', 'SQN': '00', 'Ep': {}, 'Heartbeat': '0', 'RIA': '0', 'LQI': 255, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0207-extender', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': 'a4c138f860159035', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': {}, 'ZDeviceID': {}, 'App Version': 162, 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3000_nkkl7uzv', 'NbEp': '', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725286624, 'iSQN': {'0004': '00', '0000': '00', '0001': '00', '0005': '00', '0007': '00', 'fffe': '00'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0000': '00', '0001': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': '', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725286624.6417992, 'Time': '2024-09-02 17:17:04', 'MsgType': '8100', 'LastSeen': 1725286623}, 'ZCL Version': 3, 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZCLSQN': '00', 'ZDPSQN': '01', 'ErrorManagement': 0, 'RollingLQI': [255], 'ConfigSource': 'DeviceConf'}"
2024-09-02 17:17:04,730 INFO    :b"-- Create Endpoint 01 in record {'01': {}}"
2024-09-02 17:17:04,732 INFO    :b"-- Create Endpoint 01 in record {'01': {}}"
2024-09-02 17:17:04,734 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 0000'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,735 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 0000'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,737 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 000a'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,739 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 000a'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,741 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 0019'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,743 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 0019'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,745 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: Type'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,747 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: Type'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,748 INFO    :b"_handle_model_name Result based on DeviceConf is: {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '0045', 'SQN': '00', 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0019': {}, 'Type': ''}}, 'Heartbeat': '0', 'RIA': '0', 'LQI': 255, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0207-extender', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': 'a4c138f860159035', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': {}, 'ZDeviceID': {}, 'App Version': 162, 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3000_nkkl7uzv', 'NbEp': '', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725286624, 'iSQN': {'0004': '00', '0000': '00', '0001': '00', '0005': '00', '0007': '00', 'fffe': '00'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0000': '00', '0001': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': '', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725286624.6417992, 'Time': '2024-09-02 17:17:04', 'MsgType': '8100', 'LastSeen': 1725286623}, 'ZCL Version': 3, 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZCLSQN': '00', 'ZDPSQN': '01', 'ErrorManagement': 0, 'RollingLQI': [255], 'ConfigSource': 'DeviceConf'}"
2024-09-02 17:17:04,750 INFO    :b"_handle_model_name Result based on DeviceConf is: {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '0045', 'SQN': '00', 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0019': {}, 'Type': ''}}, 'Heartbeat': '0', 'RIA': '0', 'LQI': 255, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0207-extender', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': 'a4c138f860159035', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': {}, 'ZDeviceID': {}, 'App Version': 162, 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3000_nkkl7uzv', 'NbEp': '', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725286624, 'iSQN': {'0004': '00', '0000': '00', '0001': '00', '0005': '00', '0007': '00', 'fffe': '00'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0000': '00', '0001': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': '', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725286624.6417992, 'Time': '2024-09-02 17:17:04', 'MsgType': '8100', 'LastSeen': 1725286623}, 'ZCL Version': 3, 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZCLSQN': '00', 'ZDPSQN': '01', 'ErrorManagement': 0, 'RollingLQI': [255], 'ConfigSource': 'DeviceConf'}"
2024-09-02 17:17:04,752 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0007 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'PowerSource', 'DataType': '30', 'Range': ['00', 'ff'], 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': 0, 'Mandatory': True, 'ActionList': ['check_store_value']}"
2024-09-02 17:17:04,753 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 5d1d Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0007 Type: 30 Data: 04 Source: 8100'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,755 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: 4'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,756 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,781 INFO    :b'Decode8045 - Reception Active endpoint response: SQN: 01 Status: [00] Success Short Addr: 5d1d List: 02 Ep List: 01f2'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,783 INFO    :b'[-] NEW OBJECT: 5d1d Active Endpoint Response Ep: 01 LQI: 0'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,786 INFO    :b'[-] NEW OBJECT: 5d1d Active Endpoint Response Ep: f2 LQI: 0'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,787 INFO    :b'interview_state_8045 - NWKID: 5d1d, Status: None, RIA: None,'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,789 INFO    :b'[-] NEW OBJECT: 5d1d Request Simple Descriptor for Ep: 01'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,792 INFO    :b"Decode8045 - Device: 5d1d updated ListofDevices with {'01': {'0000': {'0007': 4}, '000a': {}, '0019': {}, 'Type': ''}, 'f2': {}}"
2024-09-02 17:17:04,922 INFO    :b'[-] NEW OBJECT: 5d1d Simple Descriptor Response EP: 0x01 LQI: 0'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,924 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 5d1d ProfileID 0104'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,925 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 5d1d ZDeviceID 0100'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,927 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 5d1d Application Version 0001'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,929 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 5d1d Cluster IN Count: 07'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,932 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 5d1d we keep DeviceConf info'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,934 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 5d1d Cluster In 1: 0000 (Basic)'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,935 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 5d1d we keep DeviceConf info'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,937 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 5d1d Cluster In 2: 0003 (Identify)'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,938 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 5d1d we keep DeviceConf info'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,939 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 5d1d Cluster In 3: 0500 (IAS Zone)'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,941 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 5d1d we keep DeviceConf info'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,942 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 5d1d Cluster In 4: e002'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,943 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 5d1d we keep DeviceConf info'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,944 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 5d1d Cluster In 5: ef00'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,946 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 5d1d we keep DeviceConf info'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,947 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 5d1d Cluster In 6: ee00'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,948 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 5d1d we keep DeviceConf info'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,949 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 5d1d Cluster In 7: e000'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,951 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 5d1d Cluster OUT Count: 02'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,953 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 5d1d Cluster Out 1: 0003 (Identify)'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,954 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 5d1d Cluster Out 2: 000a (Time)'
2024-09-02 17:17:04,956 INFO    :b"Decode8043 - Processed 5d1d end results is: {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '8043', 'SQN': '02', 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'0007': 4}, '000a': {}, '0019': {}, 'Type': ''}, 'f2': {}}, 'Heartbeat': '0', 'RIA': '0', 'LQI': 255, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0207-extender', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': 'a4c138f860159035', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0100', 'App Version': 162, 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3000_nkkl7uzv', 'NbEp': '2', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725286624, 'iSQN': {'0004': '00', '0000': '00', '0001': '00', '0005': '00', '0007': '00', 'fffe': '00'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0000': '00', '0001': '00', '0005': '00', '0007': '00', 'fffe': '86'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': '', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725286624.868518, 'Time': '2024-09-02 17:17:04', 'MsgType': '8011', 'LastSeen': 1725286623}, 'ZCL Version': 3, 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZCLSQN': '01', 'ZDPSQN': '02', 'ErrorManagement': 0, 'RollingLQI': [255, 255, 255, 255], 'ConfigSource': 'DeviceConf', 'WriteAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 0, 'iSQN': {}, 'Attributes': {}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}, '000a': {'TimeStamp': 0, 'iSQN': {}, 'Attributes': {}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}, '0019': {'TimeStamp': 0, 'iSQN': {}, 'Attributes': {}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}, '0500': {'TimeStamp': 0, 'iSQN': {}, 'Attributes': {}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'Epv2': {'01': {'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0100', 'ClusterIn': {'0000': {}, '0003': {}, '0500': {}, 'e002': {}, 'ef00': {}, 'ee00': {}, 'e000': {}}, 'ClusterOut': {'0003': {}, '000a': {}}}}, 'ReqEpv2': {'01': 1725286624.7802584}, 'ZDeviceVersion': '0001'}"
2024-09-02 17:17:07,071 INFO    :b'processNotinDBDevices - NWKID: 5d1d, Status: 8043, RIA: 0, HB_: 1 '
2024-09-02 17:17:07,073 INFO    :b'[0] NEW OBJECT: 5d1d Model Name: TS0207-extender'
2024-09-02 17:17:07,076 INFO    :b'[0] NEW OBJECT: 5d1d Manufacturer Name: _TZ3000_nkkl7uzv'
2024-09-02 17:17:07,083 INFO    :b'[0] NEW OBJECT: 5d1d Model Name: TS0207-extender knownModel: True status: CreateDB'
2024-09-02 17:17:07,086 INFO    :b'[None] NEW OBJECT: 5d1d Request Node Descriptor'
2024-09-02 17:17:07,090 INFO    :b'interview_state_createDB - NWKID: 5d1d, Status: CreateDB, RIA: 0,'
2024-09-02 17:17:47,079 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0400/0000 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'MeasuredValue', 'DataType': '21', 'Range': ['0000', 'ffff'], 'Acc': 'RP', 'Default': '0000', 'Mandatory': True, 'DomoClusterType': 'Lux', 'EvalExp': 'int(10 ** ((value - 1) / 10000))', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'upd_domo_device']}"
2024-09-02 17:17:47,081 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: e31e Ep: 01 Cluster: 0400 Attribute: 0000 Type: 21 Data: 7e82 Source: 8102'
2024-09-02 17:17:47,088 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: 32386'
2024-09-02 17:17:47,090 INFO    :b"compute_attribute_value - _function: None FUNCTION_MODULE: {'compute_metering_conso': <function compute_metering_conso at 0x6823a4a8>, 'compute_electrical_measurement_conso': <function compute_electrical_measurement_conso at 0x6823a4f0>, 'current_position_lift_percent': <function CurrentPositionLiftPercentage at 0x6823a538>, 'legrand_operating_time': <function legrand_operating_time at 0x68248ec8>, 'konke_onoff': <function konke_onoff at 0x68248f58>, 'chameleon_stge': <function chameleon_stge at 0x68248b68>}"
2024-09-02 17:17:47,097 INFO    :b' . after evaluation value: 32386 -> 1731'
2024-09-02 17:17:47,102 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-02 17:17:47,104 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: upd_domo_device'
2024-09-02 17:17:47,108 INFO    :b'action_majdomodevice - e31e/01 0400 0000 TS0601 1731'
2024-09-02 17:17:47,110 INFO    :b'     _majdomo_formater: None'
2024-09-02 17:17:47,113 INFO    :b'     _majdomo_formater: None 1731 -> 1731'
2024-09-02 17:17:47,114 INFO    :b'     _majdomo_cluster: None'
2024-09-02 17:17:47,116 INFO    :b'     _majdomo_attribute: None -> '
2024-09-02 17:17:47,118 INFO    :b'     _majdomo_ep: None -> 01'
Thank you a lot!
Posts: 1995
Joined: Monday 02 April 2018 20:33
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: beta
Location: France

Re: Error when provisioning new extenders to Z4D

Post by pipiche »

This looks strange as there is no issue in this pairing.
Zigbee for Domoticz plugin / RPI3B+ / Electrolama ZZH-P / 45 devices

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Posts: 19
Joined: Saturday 20 May 2023 17:26
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Re: Error when provisioning new extenders to Z4D

Post by Cizetta »

I deleted the plugin folder on the test env and cloned in again from GitHub. Started a brand new network and tried to add the first problematic extender (I have 2 of that same kind working in the prod setup). Here is the log with pairing and zclClusters enabled:

Code: Select all

2024-09-02 22:25:14,270 INFO    :b'Z4D opened the Zigbee network for 240 seconds '
2024-09-02 22:25:14,358 INFO    :b'++ opening zigbee network for 240 secondes on specific router None'
2024-09-02 22:25:14,397 INFO    :b'Accepting new Hardware: Enable (On)'
2024-09-02 22:25:17,076 WARNING :Executing <Handle SerialTransport._read_ready() created at /usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/> took 1.013 seconds
2024-09-02 22:25:18,120 INFO    :b'--> Adding device fc4c in self.DevicesInPairingMode'
2024-09-02 22:25:18,121 INFO    :b"--> ['fc4c']"
2024-09-02 22:25:18,122 INFO    :b'interview_state_004d - NWKID: fc4c, Status: None, RIA: None,'
2024-09-02 22:25:18,123 INFO    :b'[None] NEW OBJECT: fc4c None'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,080 INFO    :b'processNotinDBDevices - NWKID: fc4c, Status: 0045, RIA: 0, HB_: 1 '
2024-09-02 22:25:19,082 INFO    :b'[0] NEW OBJECT: fc4c Model Name:  knownModel: False status: 0045'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,121 WARNING :Executing <Task finished name='Task-146' coro=<ControllerApplication.on_zdo_message() done, defined at /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/zigpy_znp/zigbee/> result=None created at /usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/> took 2.019 seconds
2024-09-02 22:25:19,313 INFO    :b'Decode8045 - Reception Active endpoint response: SQN: 01 Status: [00] Success Short Addr: fc4c List: 01 Ep List: 01'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,314 INFO    :b'[-] NEW OBJECT: fc4c Active Endpoint Response Ep: 01 LQI: 0'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,315 INFO    :b'interview_state_8045 - NWKID: fc4c, Status: None, RIA: None,'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,316 INFO    :b'[None] NEW OBJECT: fc4c Request Model Name'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,317 INFO    :b"EP: {'01': {}} Attributes: [4, 5]"
2024-09-02 22:25:19,317 INFO    :b'[-] NEW OBJECT: fc4c Request Simple Descriptor for Ep: 01'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,319 INFO    :b"Decode8045 - Device: fc4c updated ListofDevices with {'01': {}}"
2024-09-02 22:25:19,461 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0004 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ManufacturerName', 'DataType': '42', 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': '', 'Mandatory': False, 'SpecifStoragelvl1': 'Manufacturer Name', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'store_specif_attribute']}"
2024-09-02 22:25:19,462 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: fc4c Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0004 Type: 42 Data: 5f545a333030305f6e6c73737a6d7a6c Source: 8100'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,462 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,463 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,464 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: store_specif_attribute'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,464 INFO    :b'store_value_in_specif_storage - fc4c/01 Manufacturer Name None None _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,466 INFO    :b'     store_value_in_specif_storage  [Manufacturer Name] = _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,467 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0005 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ModelIdentifier', 'DataType': '42', 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': '', 'Mandatory': False, 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'basic_model_name']}"
2024-09-02 22:25:19,469 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: fc4c Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0005 Type: 42 Data: 545330323037 Source: 8100'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,469 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: TS0207'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,470 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,471 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: basic_model_name'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,473 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - fc4c / 01 - 0000 0005 42 0006 TS0207 - None'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,474 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - fc4c / 01 - 0000 0005 42 0006 TS0207 - None'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,475 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after cleanup TS0207'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,478 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after cleanup TS0207'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,479 INFO    :b'check_found_plugin_model - TS0207 _TZ3000_nlsszmzl  {}'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,482 ERROR   : [ZigpyForwarder_17 6405] kindly report this error'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not dict find in module check_found_plugin_model
2024-09-02 22:25:19,487 ERROR   : [ZigpyForwarder_17 6405] kindly report this error'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not dict find in module check_found_plugin_model
2024-09-02 22:25:19,493 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after build model name TS0207'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,493 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after build model name TS0207'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,494 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - Recepion Model: >TS0207<'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,495 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - Recepion Model: >TS0207<'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,607 INFO    :b'[-] NEW OBJECT: fc4c Simple Descriptor Response EP: 0x01 LQI: 0'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,609 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: fc4c ProfileID 0104'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,610 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: fc4c ZDeviceID 0008'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,611 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: fc4c Application Version 0000'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,612 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: fc4c Cluster IN Count: 03'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,613 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: fc4c Cluster In 1: 0000 (Basic)'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,614 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: fc4c Cluster In 2: 000a (Time)'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,615 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: fc4c Cluster In 3: 0003 (Identify)'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,616 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: fc4c Cluster OUT Count: 01'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,617 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: fc4c Cluster Out 1: 0019 (Over-the-Air Upgrade)'
2024-09-02 22:25:19,618 INFO    :b"Decode8043 - Processed fc4c end results is: {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '8043', 'SQN': '02', 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'0004': '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl', '0005': 'TS0207'}, '000a': {}, '0003': {}, '0019': {}}}, 'Heartbeat': '0', 'RIA': '1', 'LQI': 174, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0207', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': '28dba7fffe611013', 'Type': {}, 'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'App Version': '', 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl', 'NbEp': '1', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725305119, 'iSQN': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': '', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725305119.512294, 'Time': '2024-09-02 22:25:19', 'MsgType': '8011', 'LastSeen': 1725305118}, 'ZCL Version': '', 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZDPSQN': '02', 'ErrorManagement': 0, 'PairingInProgress': True, 'Epv2': {'01': {'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'ClusterIn': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0003': {}}, 'ClusterOut': {'0019': {}}}}, 'ZCLSQN': '00', 'ReqEpv2': {'01': 1725305119.3124218}, 'RollingLQI': [174, 174, 174], 'ZDeviceVersion': '0000', 'ConfigSource': '8043'}"
2024-09-02 22:25:24,105 INFO    :b'processNotinDBDevices - NWKID: fc4c, Status: 8043, RIA: 1, HB_: 1 '
2024-09-02 22:25:24,106 INFO    :b'[1] NEW OBJECT: fc4c Model Name: TS0207'
2024-09-02 22:25:24,107 INFO    :b'[1] NEW OBJECT: fc4c Manufacturer Name: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-02 22:25:24,108 INFO    :b'[1] NEW OBJECT: fc4c Model Name: TS0207 knownModel: False status: 8043'
2024-09-02 22:25:24,108 INFO    :b'interview_state_8043 - NWKID: fc4c, Status: 8043, RIA: 1,'
2024-09-02 22:25:24,113 INFO    :b'[None] NEW OBJECT: fc4c Request Node Descriptor'
2024-09-02 22:25:29,066 INFO    :b'processNotinDBDevices - NWKID: fc4c, Status: 8043, RIA: 2, HB_: 2 '
2024-09-02 22:25:29,067 INFO    :b'[2] NEW OBJECT: fc4c Model Name: TS0207'
2024-09-02 22:25:29,068 INFO    :b'[2] NEW OBJECT: fc4c Manufacturer Name: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-02 22:25:29,069 INFO    :b'[2] NEW OBJECT: fc4c Model Name: TS0207 knownModel: False status: 8043'
2024-09-02 22:25:29,070 INFO    :b'interview_state_8043 - NWKID: fc4c, Status: 8043, RIA: 2,'
2024-09-02 22:25:29,071 INFO    :b'[None] NEW OBJECT: fc4c Manufacturer: 1002 Model: TS0207'
2024-09-02 22:25:30,794 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0001 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ApplicationVersion', 'DataType': '20', 'Range': ['00', 'ff'], 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': 0, 'Mandatory': False, 'SpecifStoragelvl1': 'App Version', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'store_specif_attribute']}"
2024-09-02 22:25:30,799 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: fc4c Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0001 Type: 20 Data: ff Source: 8102'
2024-09-02 22:25:30,801 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: 255'
2024-09-02 22:25:30,802 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-02 22:25:30,803 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: store_specif_attribute'
2024-09-02 22:25:30,804 INFO    :b'store_value_in_specif_storage - fc4c/01 App Version None None 255'
2024-09-02 22:25:30,805 INFO    :b'     store_value_in_specif_storage  [App Version] = 255'
2024-09-02 22:25:30,806 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/ffe2 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'Tuya_ffe2', 'DataType': '20', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value']}"
2024-09-02 22:25:30,806 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: fc4c Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: ffe2 Type: 20 Data: 16 Source: 8102'
2024-09-02 22:25:30,807 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: 22'
2024-09-02 22:25:30,808 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-02 22:25:30,932 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0001 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ApplicationVersion', 'DataType': '20', 'Range': ['00', 'ff'], 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': 0, 'Mandatory': False, 'SpecifStoragelvl1': 'App Version', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'store_specif_attribute']}"
2024-09-02 22:25:30,933 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: fc4c Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0001 Type: 20 Data: 40 Source: 8102'
2024-09-02 22:25:30,933 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: 64'
2024-09-02 22:25:30,934 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-02 22:25:30,935 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: store_specif_attribute'
2024-09-02 22:25:30,935 INFO    :b'store_value_in_specif_storage - fc4c/01 App Version None None 64'
2024-09-02 22:25:30,936 INFO    :b'     store_value_in_specif_storage  [App Version] = 64'
2024-09-02 22:25:30,936 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/ffe2 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'Tuya_ffe2', 'DataType': '20', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value']}"
2024-09-02 22:25:30,937 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: fc4c Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: ffe2 Type: 20 Data: 16 Source: 8102'
2024-09-02 22:25:30,938 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: 22'
2024-09-02 22:25:30,939 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-02 22:25:31,057 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/ffdf and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'Tuya_ffdf', 'DataType': '42', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value']}"
2024-09-02 22:25:31,058 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: fc4c Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: ffdf Type: 42 Data: 0000000005000000000500000000050000000012 Source: 8102'
2024-09-02 22:25:31,058 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: \x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x12'
2024-09-02 22:25:31,059 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-02 22:25:34,081 INFO    :b'processNotinDBDevices - NWKID: fc4c, Status: 8043, RIA: 3, HB_: 3 '
2024-09-02 22:25:34,082 INFO    :b'[3] NEW OBJECT: fc4c Model Name: TS0207'
2024-09-02 22:25:34,084 INFO    :b'[3] NEW OBJECT: fc4c Manufacturer Name: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-02 22:25:34,087 INFO    :b'[3] NEW OBJECT: fc4c Model Name: TS0207 knownModel: False status: 8043'
2024-09-02 22:25:34,088 INFO    :b'interview_state_8043 - NWKID: fc4c, Status: 8043, RIA: 3,'
2024-09-02 22:25:34,089 INFO    :b'[None] NEW OBJECT: fc4c Manufacturer: 1002 Model: TS0207'
2024-09-02 22:25:34,090 INFO    :b'[None] NEW OBJECT: fc4c Manufacturer: 1002 Model: TS0207'
2024-09-02 22:25:34,091 INFO    :b'interview_state_createDB - NWKID: fc4c, Status: 8043, RIA: 3,'
2024-09-02 22:25:34,092 INFO    :b'[3] NEW OBJECT: fc4c Trying to create Domoticz device(s)'
2024-09-02 22:25:34,093 INFO    :b"processNotinDBDevices - ready for creation: {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '8043', 'SQN': '04', 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'0004': '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl', '0005': 'TS0207', '0001': 64, 'ffe2': 22, 'ffdf': '\\x05\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x05\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x05\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x12'}, '000a': {}, '0003': {}, '0019': {}}}, 'Heartbeat': '3', 'RIA': '4', 'LQI': 182, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0207', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': '28dba7fffe611013', 'Type': {}, 'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'App Version': 64, 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '1002', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl', 'NbEp': '1', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725305131, 'iSQN': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00', '0001': '00', 'ffe2': '00', 'ffdf': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': 'On', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725305131.0520976, 'Time': '2024-09-02 22:25:31', 'MsgType': '8102', 'LastSeen': 1725305118}, 'ZCL Version': '', 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZDPSQN': '03', 'ErrorManagement': 0, 'PairingInProgress': True, 'Epv2': {'01': {'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'ClusterIn': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0003': {}}, 'ClusterOut': {'0019': {}}}}, 'ZCLSQN': '00', 'ReqEpv2': {'01': 1725305119.3124218}, 'RollingLQI': [174, 174, 174, 182, 182, 182, 182, 182, 182], 'ZDeviceVersion': '0000', 'ConfigSource': '8043', 'ZCL-IN-SQN': {'000a': '01', '0000': '04'}, 'SQN_000a': '01', '_rawNodeDescriptor': '1002005200522c00008e524001', 'Max Buffer Size': '52', 'Max Rx': '0052', 'Max Tx': '0052', 'macapa': '8e', 'bitfield': '4001', 'server_mask': '2c00', 'descriptor_capability': '00'} , Model: TS0207 "
2024-09-02 22:25:34,094 ERROR   : [  MainThread 6401] processNotinDBDevices - Creat Domo Device Failed !!! for fc4c status: 8043
Is it possible to be something with the device certification? I don't see any other change I've done...
Posts: 1995
Joined: Monday 02 April 2018 20:33
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: beta
Location: France

Re: Error when provisioning new extenders to Z4D

Post by pipiche »

Can you provide the error log ?
Zigbee for Domoticz plugin / RPI3B+ / Electrolama ZZH-P / 45 devices

If the plugin provides you value, you can support me with a donation Paypal.

Wiki is available here.

Zigbee for Domoticz FAQ
Posts: 19
Joined: Saturday 20 May 2023 17:26
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Re: Error when provisioning new extenders to Z4D

Post by Cizetta »

This is the JSON from the WEB UI

Code: Select all

Time: "02/09/2024 22:42:59"
Duration: 0
Starttime: 1725306212
PluginHealth: "Enrollment in Progress"
Thread: "ZigpyForwarder_17 6405"
nwkid: "None"
Module: "Pairing"
message: "kindly report this error'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not dict find in module check_found_plugin_model"
Model: "TS0207"
Manufacturer Name: "_TZ3000_nlsszmzl"
Manufacture Code: ""
Current Model Conf:
0: "TS0207"
DeviceID: "0402"
PluginModelName: "TS0207-waterleak"
StackTrace: " File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 912, in _bootstrap self._bootstrap_inner() File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 954, in _bootstrap_inner File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 892, in run self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/", line 42, in forwarder_thread forward_message(self, message) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/", line 31, in f_out result = f_in(self, message) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/", line 58, in forward_message self.F_out(message) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/", line 749, in processFrame zigbee_receive_message(self, Devices, Data) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 165, in zigbee_receive_message _decode_message(self, MsgType, Devices, Data, MsgData, MsgLQI) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 172, in _decode_message decoding_method(self, Devices, MsgData, MsgLQI) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Z4D_decoders/", line 43, in Decode8100 scan_attribute_reponse(self, Devices, MsgSQN, i_sqn, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgData, '8100') File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Z4D_decoders/", line 88, in scan_attribute_reponse read_report_attributes( self, Devices, msgtype, MsgSQN, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgAttrID, MsgAttStatus, MsgAttType, MsgAttSize, MsgClusterData, ) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Z4D_decoders/", line 121, in read_report_attributes ReadCluster( self, Devices, MsgType, MsgSQN, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgAttrID, MsgAttStatus, MsgAttType, MsgAttSize, MsgClusterData, Source=MsgType, ) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 188, in ReadCluster process_cluster_attribute_response( self, Devices, MsgSQN, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgAttrID, MsgAttType, MsgAttSize, MsgClusterData, Source, ) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 161, in process_cluster_attribute_response handle_model_name( self, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgAttrID, MsgAttType, MsgAttSize, device_model, MsgClusterData, value ) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 181, in handle_model_name modelName = _build_model_name( self, MsgSrcAddr, modelName) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 301, in _build_model_name return check_found_plugin_model( self, modelName, manufacturer_name=manufacturer_name, manufacturer_code=manuf_code, device_id=zdevice_id) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 72, in check_found_plugin_model self.log.logging( "Pairing", "Error", error_message, context=_context) "
Time: "02/09/2024 22:42:59"
Duration: 0
Starttime: 1725306212
PluginHealth: "Enrollment in Progress"
Thread: "ZigpyForwarder_17 6405"
nwkid: "None"
Module: "Pairing"
message: "kindly report this error'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not dict find in module check_found_plugin_model"
Model: "TS0207"
Manufacturer Name: "_TZ3000_nlsszmzl"
Manufacture Code: ""
Current Model Conf:
0: "TS0207"
DeviceID: "0008"
PluginModelName: "TS0207-extender"
StackTrace: " File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 912, in _bootstrap self._bootstrap_inner() File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 954, in _bootstrap_inner File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 892, in run self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/", line 42, in forwarder_thread forward_message(self, message) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/", line 31, in f_out result = f_in(self, message) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/", line 58, in forward_message self.F_out(message) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/", line 749, in processFrame zigbee_receive_message(self, Devices, Data) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 165, in zigbee_receive_message _decode_message(self, MsgType, Devices, Data, MsgData, MsgLQI) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 172, in _decode_message decoding_method(self, Devices, MsgData, MsgLQI) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Z4D_decoders/", line 43, in Decode8100 scan_attribute_reponse(self, Devices, MsgSQN, i_sqn, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgData, '8100') File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Z4D_decoders/", line 88, in scan_attribute_reponse read_report_attributes( self, Devices, msgtype, MsgSQN, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgAttrID, MsgAttStatus, MsgAttType, MsgAttSize, MsgClusterData, ) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Z4D_decoders/", line 121, in read_report_attributes ReadCluster( self, Devices, MsgType, MsgSQN, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgAttrID, MsgAttStatus, MsgAttType, MsgAttSize, MsgClusterData, Source=MsgType, ) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 188, in ReadCluster process_cluster_attribute_response( self, Devices, MsgSQN, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgAttrID, MsgAttType, MsgAttSize, MsgClusterData, Source, ) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 161, in process_cluster_attribute_response handle_model_name( self, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgAttrID, MsgAttType, MsgAttSize, device_model, MsgClusterData, value ) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 181, in handle_model_name modelName = _build_model_name( self, MsgSrcAddr, modelName) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 301, in _build_model_name return check_found_plugin_model( self, modelName, manufacturer_name=manufacturer_name, manufacturer_code=manuf_code, device_id=zdevice_id) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 72, in check_found_plugin_model self.log.logging( "Pairing", "Error", error_message, context=_context) "
Time: "02/09/2024 22:43:14"
Duration: 0
Starttime: 1725306212
PluginHealth: "Ready"
Thread: "MainThread 6401"
nwkid: "None"
Module: "Pairing"
message: "processNotinDBDevices - Creat Domo Device Failed !!! for f734 status: 8043"
StackTrace: " File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/", line 1578, in onHeartbeat _plugin.onHeartbeat() File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/", line 891, in onHeartbeat processListOfDevices(self, Devices) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 999, in processListOfDevices processNotinDBDevices(self, Devices, NwkId, status, RIA) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 127, in processNotinDBDevices interview_state_createDB(self, Devices, NWKID, RIA, status) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 349, in interview_state_createDB full_provision_device(self, Devices, NWKID, RIA, status) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 374, in full_provision_device self.log.logging("Pairing", "Error","processNotinDBDevices - Creat Domo Device Failed !!! for %s status: %s" % (NWKID, self.ListOfDevices[NWKID]["Status"])) "
LastLog: 2
StartTime: "02/09/2024 22:18:24"
FirmwareVersion: "Z-Stack 3.30+ (build 20240710)"
FirmwareMajorVersion: "20"
PluginVersion: "stable7-7.1.012"
LastLog: 0
Posts: 1995
Joined: Monday 02 April 2018 20:33
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: beta
Location: France

Re: Error when provisioning new extenders to Z4D

Post by pipiche »

if I understood you are on the branch wip-stable7-7.1.13, can you simply do a git pull and try again
Zigbee for Domoticz plugin / RPI3B+ / Electrolama ZZH-P / 45 devices

If the plugin provides you value, you can support me with a donation Paypal.

Wiki is available here.

Zigbee for Domoticz FAQ
Posts: 19
Joined: Saturday 20 May 2023 17:26
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version:

Re: Error when provisioning new extenders to Z4D

Post by Cizetta »

Did it and I'm attaching the JSON error.

Code: Select all

root@rasptest:/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee# git pull
remote: Enumerating objects: 10, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (10/10), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.
remote: Total 10 (delta 5), reused 10 (delta 5), pack-reused 0 (from 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (10/10), 7.11 KiB | 234.00 KiB/s, done.
   4314dd24..c23e0d52  wip-stable7-7.1.13 -> origin/wip-stable7-7.1.13
Updating 4314dd24..c23e0d52
 Modules/      | 7 +++++--
 Modules/      | 1 -
 Modules/ | 8 +++++++-
 3 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
root@rasptest:/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee# git pull
Already up to date.

Code: Select all

Time: "02/09/2024 23:20:16"
Duration: 0
Starttime: 1725308437
PluginHealth: "Ready"
Thread: "ZigpyForwarder_17 6895"
nwkid: "None"
Module: "Pairing"
message: "kindly report this error'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not NoneType find in module check_found_plugin_model"
Model: "TS0207"
Manufacturer Name: "_TZ3000_nlsszmzl"
Manufacture Code: "1002"
DeviceID: null
Current Model Conf:
0: "TS0207"
DeviceID: "0402"
PluginModelName: "TS0207-waterleak"
StackTrace: " File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 912, in _bootstrap self._bootstrap_inner() File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 954, in _bootstrap_inner File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 892, in run self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/", line 42, in forwarder_thread forward_message(self, message) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/", line 31, in f_out result = f_in(self, message) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/", line 58, in forward_message self.F_out(message) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/", line 749, in processFrame zigbee_receive_message(self, Devices, Data) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 165, in zigbee_receive_message _decode_message(self, MsgType, Devices, Data, MsgData, MsgLQI) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 172, in _decode_message decoding_method(self, Devices, MsgData, MsgLQI) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Z4D_decoders/", line 43, in Decode8100 scan_attribute_reponse(self, Devices, MsgSQN, i_sqn, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgData, '8100') File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Z4D_decoders/", line 88, in scan_attribute_reponse read_report_attributes( self, Devices, msgtype, MsgSQN, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgAttrID, MsgAttStatus, MsgAttType, MsgAttSize, MsgClusterData, ) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Z4D_decoders/", line 121, in read_report_attributes ReadCluster( self, Devices, MsgType, MsgSQN, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgAttrID, MsgAttStatus, MsgAttType, MsgAttSize, MsgClusterData, Source=MsgType, ) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 187, in ReadCluster process_cluster_attribute_response( self, Devices, MsgSQN, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgAttrID, MsgAttType, MsgAttSize, MsgClusterData, Source, ) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 161, in process_cluster_attribute_response handle_model_name( self, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgAttrID, MsgAttType, MsgAttSize, device_model, MsgClusterData, value ) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 181, in handle_model_name modelName = _build_model_name( self, MsgSrcAddr, modelName) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 307, in _build_model_name return check_found_plugin_model( self, modelName, manufacturer_name=manufacturer_name, manufacturer_code=manuf_code, device_id=zdevice_id) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 75, in check_found_plugin_model self.log.logging( "Pairing", "Error", error_message, context=_context) "
Time: "02/09/2024 23:20:16"
Duration: 0
Starttime: 1725308437
PluginHealth: "Ready"
Thread: "ZigpyForwarder_17 6895"
nwkid: "None"
Module: "Pairing"
message: "kindly report this error'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not NoneType find in module check_found_plugin_model"
Model: "TS0207"
Manufacturer Name: "_TZ3000_nlsszmzl"
Manufacture Code: "1002"
DeviceID: null
Current Model Conf:
0: "TS0207"
DeviceID: "0008"
PluginModelName: "TS0207-extender"
StackTrace: " File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 912, in _bootstrap self._bootstrap_inner() File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 954, in _bootstrap_inner File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 892, in run self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/", line 42, in forwarder_thread forward_message(self, message) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/", line 31, in f_out result = f_in(self, message) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/", line 58, in forward_message self.F_out(message) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/", line 749, in processFrame zigbee_receive_message(self, Devices, Data) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 165, in zigbee_receive_message _decode_message(self, MsgType, Devices, Data, MsgData, MsgLQI) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 172, in _decode_message decoding_method(self, Devices, MsgData, MsgLQI) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Z4D_decoders/", line 43, in Decode8100 scan_attribute_reponse(self, Devices, MsgSQN, i_sqn, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgData, '8100') File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Z4D_decoders/", line 88, in scan_attribute_reponse read_report_attributes( self, Devices, msgtype, MsgSQN, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgAttrID, MsgAttStatus, MsgAttType, MsgAttSize, MsgClusterData, ) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Z4D_decoders/", line 121, in read_report_attributes ReadCluster( self, Devices, MsgType, MsgSQN, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgAttrID, MsgAttStatus, MsgAttType, MsgAttSize, MsgClusterData, Source=MsgType, ) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 187, in ReadCluster process_cluster_attribute_response( self, Devices, MsgSQN, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgAttrID, MsgAttType, MsgAttSize, MsgClusterData, Source, ) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 161, in process_cluster_attribute_response handle_model_name( self, MsgSrcAddr, MsgSrcEp, MsgClusterId, MsgAttrID, MsgAttType, MsgAttSize, device_model, MsgClusterData, value ) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 181, in handle_model_name modelName = _build_model_name( self, MsgSrcAddr, modelName) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 307, in _build_model_name return check_found_plugin_model( self, modelName, manufacturer_name=manufacturer_name, manufacturer_code=manuf_code, device_id=zdevice_id) File "/home/gd/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 75, in check_found_plugin_model self.log.logging( "Pairing", "Error", error_message, context=_context) "
LastLog: 1
StartTime: "02/09/2024 23:18:45"
FirmwareVersion: "Z-Stack 3.30+ (build 20240710)"
FirmwareMajorVersion: "20"
PluginVersion: "stable7-7.1.012"
LastLog: 0
Posts: 1995
Joined: Monday 02 April 2018 20:33
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: beta
Location: France

Re: Error when provisioning new extenders to Z4D

Post by pipiche »

sorry for the mess, can you try once more

Code: Select all

git pull 
restart the plugin and then retry
Zigbee for Domoticz plugin / RPI3B+ / Electrolama ZZH-P / 45 devices

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Posts: 19
Joined: Saturday 20 May 2023 17:26
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Re: Error when provisioning new extenders to Z4D

Post by Cizetta »

I'm wasting your time with my problem, I have to say "sorry" :)

Pulled again and now I have the symptoms of the brand new extenders (just a Unexpected error in Domoticz) and here's the log (there are two warning in the end of the log):

Code: Select all

2024-09-03 09:45:18,355 INFO    :b'Z4D opened the Zigbee network for 240 seconds '
2024-09-03 09:45:18,422 INFO    :b'++ opening zigbee network for 240 secondes on specific router None'
2024-09-03 09:45:18,452 INFO    :b'Accepting new Hardware: Enable (On)'
2024-09-03 09:45:25,812 INFO    :b'--> Adding device 9530 in self.DevicesInPairingMode'
2024-09-03 09:45:25,813 INFO    :b"--> ['9530']"
2024-09-03 09:45:25,814 INFO    :b'interview_state_004d - NWKID: 9530, Status: None, RIA: None,'
2024-09-03 09:45:25,815 INFO    :b'[None] NEW OBJECT: 9530 None'
2024-09-03 09:45:26,813 WARNING :Executing <Task finished name='Task-21' coro=<ControllerApplication.on_zdo_message() done, defined at /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/zigpy_znp/zigbee/> result=None created at /usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/> took 2.018 seconds
2024-09-03 09:45:27,061 INFO    :b'Decode8045 - Reception Active endpoint response: SQN: 01 Status: [00] Success Short Addr: 9530 List: 01 Ep List: 01'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,061 INFO    :b'[-] NEW OBJECT: 9530 Active Endpoint Response Ep: 01 LQI: 0'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,062 INFO    :b'interview_state_8045 - NWKID: 9530, Status: None, RIA: None,'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,063 INFO    :b'[None] NEW OBJECT: 9530 Request Model Name'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,063 INFO    :b"EP: {'01': {}} Attributes: [4, 5]"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,064 INFO    :b'[-] NEW OBJECT: 9530 Request Simple Descriptor for Ep: 01'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,064 INFO    :b"Decode8045 - Device: 9530 updated ListofDevices with {'01': {}}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,103 INFO    :b'Decode8045 - Reception Active endpoint response: SQN: 02 Status: [00] Success Short Addr: 9530 List: 01 Ep List: 01'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,104 INFO    :b'[-] NEW OBJECT: 9530 Active Endpoint Response Ep: 01 LQI: 0'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,105 INFO    :b'interview_state_8045 - NWKID: 9530, Status: None, RIA: None,'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,106 INFO    :b'[None] NEW OBJECT: 9530 Request Model Name'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,106 INFO    :b"EP: {'01': {}} Attributes: [4, 5]"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,107 INFO    :b"Decode8045 - Device: 9530 updated ListofDevices with {'01': {}}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,219 INFO    :b'[-] NEW OBJECT: 9530 Simple Descriptor Response EP: 0x01 LQI: 0'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,221 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 ProfileID 0104'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,222 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 ZDeviceID 0008'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,222 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 Application Version 0000'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,223 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster IN Count: 03'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,224 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster In 1: 0000 (Basic)'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,225 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster In 2: 000a (Time)'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,225 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster In 3: 0003 (Identify)'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,226 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster OUT Count: 01'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,227 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster Out 1: 0019 (Over-the-Air Upgrade)'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,228 INFO    :b"Decode8043 - Processed 9530 end results is: {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '8043', 'SQN': '03', 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0003': {}, '0019': {}}}, 'Heartbeat': '0', 'RIA': '0', 'LQI': {}, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': '', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': '28dba7fffe611013', 'Type': {}, 'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'App Version': '', 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '1002', 'Manufacturer Name': '', 'NbEp': '1', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725345927, 'iSQN': {'0004': '01', '0005': '01'}, 'Attributes': {}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': 'On', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725345926.954926, 'Time': '2024-09-03 09:45:26', 'MsgType': '8011', 'LastSeen': 1725345925}, 'ZCL Version': '', 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZDPSQN': '02', 'ErrorManagement': 0, '_rawNodeDescriptor': '1002005200522c00008e524001', 'Max Buffer Size': '52', 'Max Rx': '0052', 'Max Tx': '0052', 'macapa': '8e', 'bitfield': '4001', 'server_mask': '2c00', 'descriptor_capability': '00', 'Epv2': {'01': {'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'ClusterIn': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0003': {}}, 'ClusterOut': {'0019': {}}}}, 'ZCLSQN': '01', 'ReqEpv2': {'01': 1725345927.0604436}, 'ZDeviceVersion': '0000', 'ConfigSource': '8043'}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,291 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0004 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ManufacturerName', 'DataType': '42', 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': '', 'Mandatory': False, 'SpecifStoragelvl1': 'Manufacturer Name', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'store_specif_attribute']}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,292 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 9530 Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0004 Type: 42 Data: 5f545a333030305f6e6c73737a6d7a6c Source: 8100'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,295 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,296 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,296 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: store_specif_attribute'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,297 INFO    :b'store_value_in_specif_storage - 9530/01 Manufacturer Name None None _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,299 INFO    :b'     store_value_in_specif_storage  [Manufacturer Name] = _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,299 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0005 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ModelIdentifier', 'DataType': '42', 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': '', 'Mandatory': False, 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'basic_model_name']}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,300 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 9530 Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0005 Type: 42 Data: 545330323037 Source: 8100'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,300 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,301 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,301 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: basic_model_name'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,303 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 9530 / 01 - 0000 0005 42 0006 TS0207 - None'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,304 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 9530 / 01 - 0000 0005 42 0006 TS0207 - None'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,304 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after cleanup TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,305 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after cleanup TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,306 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,306 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,307 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manufacturer_name: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,308 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manufacturer_name: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,308 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manuf_code: 1002'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,309 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manuf_code: 1002'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,310 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  zdevice_id: 0008'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,310 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  zdevice_id: 0008'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,311 INFO    :b'check_found_plugin_model - model=TS0207, manufacturer_name=_TZ3000_nlsszmzl, manufacturer_code=1002, device_id=0008'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,312 INFO    :b"check_found_plugin_model - Found {'Model': ['TS0207'], 'DeviceID': '0008', 'PluginModelName': 'TS0207-extender'}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,313 INFO    :b'check_found_plugin_model - return TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,314 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after build model name TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,315 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after build model name TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,315 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - Recepion Model: >TS0207-extender<'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,316 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - Recepion Model: >TS0207-extender<'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,316 INFO    :b"_handle_model_name Extract all info from Model : {'_comment': 'Tuya repeater', '_version': '1.0', 'Identifier': [['TS0207', '_TZ3000_m0vaazab'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_ufttklsz'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_nkkl7uzv'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_misw04hq'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_gszjt2xx'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_5k5vh43t']], 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': '', '000a': '', '0019': '', 'Type': ''}}, 'Type': '', 'CreateWidgetDomoticz': False, 'ClusterToBind': [], 'ConfigureReporting': {}, 'ReadAttributes': {'0000': ['0000', '0001', '0002', '0003', '0004', '0005', '0007']}}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,317 INFO    :b"_handle_model_name Extract all info from Model : {'_comment': 'Tuya repeater', '_version': '1.0', 'Identifier': [['TS0207', '_TZ3000_m0vaazab'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_ufttklsz'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_nkkl7uzv'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_misw04hq'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_gszjt2xx'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_5k5vh43t']], 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': '', '000a': '', '0019': '', 'Type': ''}}, 'Type': '', 'CreateWidgetDomoticz': False, 'ClusterToBind': [], 'ConfigureReporting': {}, 'ReadAttributes': {'0000': ['0000', '0001', '0002', '0003', '0004', '0005', '0007']}}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,318 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name Removing existing received Ep'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,319 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name Removing existing received Ep'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,319 INFO    :b"-- Record removed 'Ep' {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '8043', 'SQN': '00', 'Ep': {}, 'Heartbeat': '0', 'RIA': '0', 'LQI': 182, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0207-extender', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': '28dba7fffe611013', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'App Version': '', 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '1002', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl', 'NbEp': '1', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725345927, 'iSQN': {'0004': '01', '0005': '01'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': 'On', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725345927.2870724, 'Time': '2024-09-03 09:45:27', 'MsgType': '8100', 'LastSeen': 1725345925}, 'ZCL Version': '', 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZDPSQN': '02', 'ErrorManagement': 0, '_rawNodeDescriptor': '1002005200522c00008e524001', 'Max Buffer Size': '52', 'Max Rx': '0052', 'Max Tx': '0052', 'macapa': '8e', 'bitfield': '4001', 'server_mask': '2c00', 'descriptor_capability': '00', 'Epv2': {'01': {'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'ClusterIn': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0003': {}}, 'ClusterOut': {'0019': {}}}}, 'ZCLSQN': '01', 'ReqEpv2': {'01': 1725345927.0604436}, 'ZDeviceVersion': '0000', 'ConfigSource': 'DeviceConf', 'RollingLQI': [182]}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,321 INFO    :b"-- Record removed 'Ep' {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '8043', 'SQN': '00', 'Ep': {}, 'Heartbeat': '0', 'RIA': '0', 'LQI': 182, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0207-extender', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': '28dba7fffe611013', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'App Version': '', 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '1002', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl', 'NbEp': '1', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725345927, 'iSQN': {'0004': '01', '0005': '01'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': 'On', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725345927.2870724, 'Time': '2024-09-03 09:45:27', 'MsgType': '8100', 'LastSeen': 1725345925}, 'ZCL Version': '', 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZDPSQN': '02', 'ErrorManagement': 0, '_rawNodeDescriptor': '1002005200522c00008e524001', 'Max Buffer Size': '52', 'Max Rx': '0052', 'Max Tx': '0052', 'macapa': '8e', 'bitfield': '4001', 'server_mask': '2c00', 'descriptor_capability': '00', 'Epv2': {'01': {'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'ClusterIn': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0003': {}}, 'ClusterOut': {'0019': {}}}}, 'ZCLSQN': '01', 'ReqEpv2': {'01': 1725345927.0604436}, 'ZDeviceVersion': '0000', 'ConfigSource': 'DeviceConf', 'RollingLQI': [182]}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,322 INFO    :b"-- Create Endpoint 01 in record {'01': {}}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,323 INFO    :b"-- Create Endpoint 01 in record {'01': {}}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,323 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 0000'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,324 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 0000'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,326 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 000a'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,326 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 000a'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,327 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 0019'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,330 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 0019'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,331 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: Type'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,332 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: Type'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,332 INFO    :b"_handle_model_name Result based on DeviceConf is: {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '8043', 'SQN': '00', 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0019': {}, 'Type': ''}}, 'Heartbeat': '0', 'RIA': '0', 'LQI': 182, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0207-extender', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': '28dba7fffe611013', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'App Version': '', 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '1002', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl', 'NbEp': '1', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725345927, 'iSQN': {'0004': '01', '0005': '01'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': 'On', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725345927.2870724, 'Time': '2024-09-03 09:45:27', 'MsgType': '8100', 'LastSeen': 1725345925}, 'ZCL Version': '', 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZDPSQN': '02', 'ErrorManagement': 0, '_rawNodeDescriptor': '1002005200522c00008e524001', 'Max Buffer Size': '52', 'Max Rx': '0052', 'Max Tx': '0052', 'macapa': '8e', 'bitfield': '4001', 'server_mask': '2c00', 'descriptor_capability': '00', 'Epv2': {'01': {'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'ClusterIn': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0003': {}}, 'ClusterOut': {'0019': {}}}}, 'ZCLSQN': '01', 'ReqEpv2': {'01': 1725345927.0604436}, 'ZDeviceVersion': '0000', 'ConfigSource': 'DeviceConf', 'RollingLQI': [182]}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,334 INFO    :b"_handle_model_name Result based on DeviceConf is: {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '8043', 'SQN': '00', 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0019': {}, 'Type': ''}}, 'Heartbeat': '0', 'RIA': '0', 'LQI': 182, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0207-extender', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': '28dba7fffe611013', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'App Version': '', 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '1002', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl', 'NbEp': '1', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725345927, 'iSQN': {'0004': '01', '0005': '01'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': 'On', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725345927.2870724, 'Time': '2024-09-03 09:45:27', 'MsgType': '8100', 'LastSeen': 1725345925}, 'ZCL Version': '', 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZDPSQN': '02', 'ErrorManagement': 0, '_rawNodeDescriptor': '1002005200522c00008e524001', 'Max Buffer Size': '52', 'Max Rx': '0052', 'Max Tx': '0052', 'macapa': '8e', 'bitfield': '4001', 'server_mask': '2c00', 'descriptor_capability': '00', 'Epv2': {'01': {'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'ClusterIn': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0003': {}}, 'ClusterOut': {'0019': {}}}}, 'ZCLSQN': '01', 'ReqEpv2': {'01': 1725345927.0604436}, 'ZDeviceVersion': '0000', 'ConfigSource': 'DeviceConf', 'RollingLQI': [182]}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,358 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0004 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ManufacturerName', 'DataType': '42', 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': '', 'Mandatory': False, 'SpecifStoragelvl1': 'Manufacturer Name', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'store_specif_attribute']}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,358 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 9530 Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0004 Type: 42 Data: 5f545a333030305f6e6c73737a6d7a6c Source: 8100'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,359 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,359 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,360 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: store_specif_attribute'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,362 INFO    :b'store_value_in_specif_storage - 9530/01 Manufacturer Name None None _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,364 INFO    :b'     store_value_in_specif_storage  [Manufacturer Name] = _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,365 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0005 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ModelIdentifier', 'DataType': '42', 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': '', 'Mandatory': False, 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'basic_model_name']}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,366 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 9530 Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0005 Type: 42 Data: 545330323037 Source: 8100'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,367 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,368 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,369 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: basic_model_name'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,369 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 9530 / 01 - 0000 0005 42 0006 TS0207 - TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,370 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 9530 / 01 - 0000 0005 42 0006 TS0207 - TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,370 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after cleanup TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,371 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after cleanup TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,372 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,373 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,373 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manufacturer_name: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,374 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manufacturer_name: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,376 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manuf_code: 1002'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,379 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manuf_code: 1002'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,380 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  zdevice_id: 0008'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,381 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  zdevice_id: 0008'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,381 INFO    :b'check_found_plugin_model - model=TS0207, manufacturer_name=_TZ3000_nlsszmzl, manufacturer_code=1002, device_id=0008'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,382 INFO    :b"check_found_plugin_model - Found {'Model': ['TS0207'], 'DeviceID': '0008', 'PluginModelName': 'TS0207-extender'}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,382 INFO    :b'check_found_plugin_model - return TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,386 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after build model name TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,387 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after build model name TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,387 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - Recepion Model: >TS0207-extender<'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,388 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - Recepion Model: >TS0207-extender<'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,388 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - no action'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,390 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - no action'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,460 INFO    :b'[-] NEW OBJECT: 9530 Simple Descriptor Response EP: 0x01 LQI: 0'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,461 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 ProfileID 0104'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,462 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 ZDeviceID 0008'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,463 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 Application Version 0000'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,463 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster IN Count: 03'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,465 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 we keep DeviceConf info'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,465 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster In 1: 0000 (Basic)'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,468 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 we keep DeviceConf info'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,468 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster In 2: 000a (Time)'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,470 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 we keep DeviceConf info'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,470 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster In 3: 0003 (Identify)'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,471 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster OUT Count: 01'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,472 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster Out 1: 0019 (Over-the-Air Upgrade)'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,473 INFO    :b"Decode8043 - Processed 9530 end results is: {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '8043', 'SQN': '02', 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'0004': '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl', '0005': 'TS0207'}, '000a': {}, '0019': {}, 'Type': ''}}, 'Heartbeat': '0', 'RIA': '0', 'LQI': 182, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0207-extender', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': '28dba7fffe611013', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'App Version': '', 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '1002', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl', 'NbEp': '1', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725345927, 'iSQN': {'0004': '01', '0005': '01'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': 'On', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725345927.3774505, 'Time': '2024-09-03 09:45:27', 'MsgType': '8011', 'LastSeen': 1725345925}, 'ZCL Version': '', 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZDPSQN': '02', 'ErrorManagement': 0, '_rawNodeDescriptor': '1002005200522c00008e524001', 'Max Buffer Size': '52', 'Max Rx': '0052', 'Max Tx': '0052', 'macapa': '8e', 'bitfield': '4001', 'server_mask': '2c00', 'descriptor_capability': '00', 'Epv2': {'01': {'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'ClusterIn': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0003': {}}, 'ClusterOut': {'0019': {}}}}, 'ZCLSQN': '01', 'ReqEpv2': {'01': 1725345927.0604436}, 'ZDeviceVersion': '0000', 'ConfigSource': 'DeviceConf', 'RollingLQI': [182, 182, 182], 'WriteAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 0, 'iSQN': {}, 'Attributes': {}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}, '000a': {'TimeStamp': 0, 'iSQN': {}, 'Attributes': {}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}, '0019': {'TimeStamp': 0, 'iSQN': {}, 'Attributes': {}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,511 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0004 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ManufacturerName', 'DataType': '42', 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': '', 'Mandatory': False, 'SpecifStoragelvl1': 'Manufacturer Name', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'store_specif_attribute']}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,516 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 9530 Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0004 Type: 42 Data: 5f545a333030305f6e6c73737a6d7a6c Source: 8100'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,517 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,518 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,519 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: store_specif_attribute'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,519 INFO    :b'store_value_in_specif_storage - 9530/01 Manufacturer Name None None _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,521 INFO    :b'     store_value_in_specif_storage  [Manufacturer Name] = _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,521 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0005 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ModelIdentifier', 'DataType': '42', 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': '', 'Mandatory': False, 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'basic_model_name']}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,522 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 9530 Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0005 Type: 42 Data: 545330323037 Source: 8100'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,522 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,524 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,526 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: basic_model_name'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,527 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 9530 / 01 - 0000 0005 42 0006 TS0207 - TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,527 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 9530 / 01 - 0000 0005 42 0006 TS0207 - TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,528 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after cleanup TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,528 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after cleanup TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,529 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,530 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,531 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manufacturer_name: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,531 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manufacturer_name: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,532 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manuf_code: 1002'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,533 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manuf_code: 1002'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,534 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  zdevice_id: 0008'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,534 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  zdevice_id: 0008'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,535 INFO    :b'check_found_plugin_model - model=TS0207, manufacturer_name=_TZ3000_nlsszmzl, manufacturer_code=1002, device_id=0008'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,535 INFO    :b"check_found_plugin_model - Found {'Model': ['TS0207'], 'DeviceID': '0008', 'PluginModelName': 'TS0207-extender'}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,536 INFO    :b'check_found_plugin_model - return TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,537 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after build model name TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,537 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after build model name TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,538 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - Recepion Model: >TS0207-extender<'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,539 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - Recepion Model: >TS0207-extender<'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,539 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - no action'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,540 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - no action'
2024-09-03 09:45:28,080 INFO    :b'processNotinDBDevices - NWKID: 9530, Status: 8043, RIA: 0, HB_: 1 '
2024-09-03 09:45:28,081 INFO    :b'[0] NEW OBJECT: 9530 Model Name: TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:28,083 INFO    :b'[0] NEW OBJECT: 9530 Manufacturer Name: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:28,084 INFO    :b'[0] NEW OBJECT: 9530 Model Name: TS0207-extender knownModel: True status: CreateDB'
2024-09-03 09:45:28,085 INFO    :b'[None] NEW OBJECT: 9530 Manufacturer: 1002 Model: TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:28,086 INFO    :b'interview_state_createDB - NWKID: 9530, Status: CreateDB, RIA: 0,'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,722 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0001 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ApplicationVersion', 'DataType': '20', 'Range': ['00', 'ff'], 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': 0, 'Mandatory': False, 'SpecifStoragelvl1': 'App Version', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'store_specif_attribute']}"
2024-09-03 09:45:37,726 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 9530 Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0001 Type: 20 Data: ff Source: 8102'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,727 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: 255'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,728 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,728 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: store_specif_attribute'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,729 INFO    :b'store_value_in_specif_storage - 9530/01 App Version None None 255'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,730 INFO    :b'     store_value_in_specif_storage  [App Version] = 255'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,731 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/ffe2 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'Tuya_ffe2', 'DataType': '20', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value']}"
2024-09-03 09:45:37,732 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 9530 Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: ffe2 Type: 20 Data: 16 Source: 8102'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,733 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: 22'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,734 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,867 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0001 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ApplicationVersion', 'DataType': '20', 'Range': ['00', 'ff'], 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': 0, 'Mandatory': False, 'SpecifStoragelvl1': 'App Version', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'store_specif_attribute']}"
2024-09-03 09:45:37,868 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 9530 Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0001 Type: 20 Data: 40 Source: 8102'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,868 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: 64'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,869 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,869 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: store_specif_attribute'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,870 INFO    :b'store_value_in_specif_storage - 9530/01 App Version None None 64'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,870 INFO    :b'     store_value_in_specif_storage  [App Version] = 64'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,871 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/ffe2 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'Tuya_ffe2', 'DataType': '20', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value']}"
2024-09-03 09:45:37,871 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 9530 Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: ffe2 Type: 20 Data: 16 Source: 8102'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,872 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: 22'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,873 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,997 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/ffdf and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'Tuya_ffdf', 'DataType': '42', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value']}"
2024-09-03 09:45:37,998 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 9530 Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: ffdf Type: 42 Data: 0000000005000000000500000000050000000012 Source: 8102'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,998 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: \x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x12'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,999 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 09:45:44,235 WARNING :Unknown device AddrModeAddress(addr_mode=<AddrMode.NWK: 2>, address=0xD07A)
2024-09-03 09:45:44,239 INFO    :b'decode8002_and_process unknown NwkId: d07a for ZCL frame 0180020054ff0001040000010102d07a0200001c3412720a02ff4c0600100121d10b21a8432401000000002106002055a703'
2024-09-03 09:45:44,308 WARNING :Failed to deserialize ZDO packet
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/zigpy_znp/zigbee/", line 473, in on_zdo_message
    zdo_hdr, zdo_args = self._device.zdo.deserialize(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/zigpy/zdo/", line 44, in deserialize
    args, data = t.deserialize(data, param_types)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/zigpy/types/", line 11, in deserialize
    value, data = type_.deserialize(data)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/zigpy/types/", line 924, in deserialize
    item, data = cls._item_type.deserialize(data)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/zigpy/types/", line 197, in deserialize
    raise ValueError(f"Data is too short to contain {byte_size} bytes")
ValueError: Data is too short to contain 1 bytes
2024-09-03 09:46:15,232 INFO    :b'Z4D closed the Zigbee network'
2024-09-03 09:46:15,264 INFO    :b'++ opening zigbee network for 0 secondes on specific router None'
2024-09-03 09:46:15,309 INFO    :b'Accepting new Hardware: Disable (Off)'

Posts: 1995
Joined: Monday 02 April 2018 20:33
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: beta
Location: France

Re: Error when provisioning new extenders to Z4D

Post by pipiche »

I think we fixed the initial issue.
The latest error is something from the zigpy layer which is receiving a bad message.

At that point, I do beleive your extender is correctly paired. You can eventually do a Network Topology and we should see it in the list
Zigbee for Domoticz plugin / RPI3B+ / Electrolama ZZH-P / 45 devices

If the plugin provides you value, you can support me with a donation Paypal.

Wiki is available here.

Zigbee for Domoticz FAQ
Posts: 19
Joined: Saturday 20 May 2023 17:26
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Re: Error when provisioning new extenders to Z4D

Post by Cizetta »

Thank you a lot - I can confirm that extender can be added (although it creates a Domoticz water leak device :) )

Code: Select all

Del.	Optimized	Parameters b10a	28dba7fffe611013	TS0207-extender	Z4D - TS0207-waterleak_Water-28dba7fffe611013-01
The two new extenders cannot be added however but there might be something with them.
Posts: 1995
Joined: Monday 02 April 2018 20:33
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: beta
Location: France

Re: Error when provisioning new extenders to Z4D

Post by pipiche »

Hops this doesn't make sense .

Can you do the following

(1) check that you don't have any local config file in Conf/Local-Devices folder
(2) update the plugin and the certified db you should run 5.307

after that redo the pairing
Zigbee for Domoticz plugin / RPI3B+ / Electrolama ZZH-P / 45 devices

If the plugin provides you value, you can support me with a donation Paypal.

Wiki is available here.

Zigbee for Domoticz FAQ
Posts: 19
Joined: Saturday 20 May 2023 17:26
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version:

Re: Error when provisioning new extenders to Z4D

Post by Cizetta »

I know I'm getting annoying...

Conf/Local-Devices folder is empty. There are no devices paired with that coordinator (it is just for tests).

I tried 4 times to add that exact extender after updating devices DB to 5.307 (restarted Domoticz twice during the tests) and I'm getting the same old results - extender is not added correctly (like the two new ones).

Here is the log from Domoticz:


The extender state in the UI:



Here is the Z4D log from one of the pairs:

Code: Select all

2024-09-03 22:26:52,753 INFO    :b'Z4D opened the Zigbee network for 240 seconds '
2024-09-03 22:26:52,823 INFO    :b'++ opening zigbee network for 240 secondes on specific router None'
2024-09-03 22:26:52,873 INFO    :b'Accepting new Hardware: Enable (On)'
2024-09-03 22:26:55,660 WARNING :Executing <Handle SerialTransport._read_ready() created at /usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/> took 1.012 seconds
2024-09-03 22:26:59,915 WARNING :Executing <Handle SerialTransport._read_ready() created at /usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/> took 1.012 seconds
2024-09-03 22:27:06,259 WARNING :Executing <Handle SerialTransport._read_ready() created at /usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/> took 1.012 seconds
2024-09-03 22:27:10,738 WARNING :Executing <Handle SerialTransport._read_ready() created at /usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/> took 1.012 seconds
2024-09-03 22:27:11,778 INFO    :b'--> Adding device 032e in self.DevicesInPairingMode'
2024-09-03 22:27:11,779 INFO    :b"--> ['032e']"
2024-09-03 22:27:11,780 INFO    :b'interview_state_004d - NWKID: 032e, Status: None, RIA: None,'
2024-09-03 22:27:11,781 INFO    :b'[None] NEW OBJECT: 032e None'
2024-09-03 22:27:12,779 WARNING :Executing <Task finished name='Task-46' coro=<ControllerApplication.on_zdo_message() done, defined at /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/zigpy_znp/zigbee/> result=None created at /usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/> took 2.020 seconds
2024-09-03 22:27:13,030 INFO    :b'Decode8045 - Reception Active endpoint response: SQN: 01 Status: [00] Success Short Addr: 032e List: 01 Ep List: 01'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,032 INFO    :b'[-] NEW OBJECT: 032e Active Endpoint Response Ep: 01 LQI: 0'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,033 INFO    :b'interview_state_8045 - NWKID: 032e, Status: None, RIA: None,'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,034 INFO    :b'[None] NEW OBJECT: 032e Request Model Name'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,036 INFO    :b"EP: {'01': {}} Attributes: [4, 5]"
2024-09-03 22:27:13,036 INFO    :b'[-] NEW OBJECT: 032e Request Simple Descriptor for Ep: 01'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,037 INFO    :b"Decode8045 - Device: 032e updated ListofDevices with {'01': {}}"
2024-09-03 22:27:13,072 INFO    :b'processNotinDBDevices - NWKID: 032e, Status: 0043, RIA: 0, HB_: 1 '
2024-09-03 22:27:13,073 INFO    :b'[0] NEW OBJECT: 032e Model Name:  knownModel: False status: 0043'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,221 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0004 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ManufacturerName', 'DataType': '42', 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': '', 'Mandatory': False, 'SpecifStoragelvl1': 'Manufacturer Name', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'store_specif_attribute']}"
2024-09-03 22:27:13,223 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 032e Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0004 Type: 42 Data: 5f545a333030305f6e6c73737a6d7a6c Source: 8100'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,223 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,224 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,225 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: store_specif_attribute'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,225 INFO    :b'store_value_in_specif_storage - 032e/01 Manufacturer Name None None _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,226 INFO    :b'     store_value_in_specif_storage  [Manufacturer Name] = _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,226 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0005 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ModelIdentifier', 'DataType': '42', 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': '', 'Mandatory': False, 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'basic_model_name']}"
2024-09-03 22:27:13,228 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 032e Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0005 Type: 42 Data: 545330323037 Source: 8100'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,228 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: TS0207'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,229 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,229 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: basic_model_name'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,230 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 032e / 01 - 0000 0005 42 0006 TS0207 - None'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,230 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 032e / 01 - 0000 0005 42 0006 TS0207 - None'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,236 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after cleanup TS0207'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,237 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after cleanup TS0207'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,239 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  TS0207'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,239 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  TS0207'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,240 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manufacturer_name: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,240 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manufacturer_name: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,241 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manuf_code: '
2024-09-03 22:27:13,242 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manuf_code: '
2024-09-03 22:27:13,243 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  zdevice_id: {}'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,243 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  zdevice_id: {}'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,244 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after build model name TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,244 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after build model name TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,245 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - Recepion Model: >TS0207-extender<'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,246 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - Recepion Model: >TS0207-extender<'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,246 INFO    :b"_handle_model_name Extract all info from Model : {'_comment': 'Tuya repeater', '_version': '1.0', 'Identifier': [['TS0207', '_TZ3000_m0vaazab'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_ufttklsz'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_nkkl7uzv'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_misw04hq'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_gszjt2xx'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_5k5vh43t'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_wlquqiiz'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_kxlmv9ag']], 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': '', '000a': '', '0019': '', 'Type': ''}}, 'Type': '', 'CreateWidgetDomoticz': False, 'ClusterToBind': [], 'ConfigureReporting': {}, 'ReadAttributes': {'0000': ['0000', '0001', '0002', '0003', '0004', '0005', '0007']}}"
2024-09-03 22:27:13,248 INFO    :b"_handle_model_name Extract all info from Model : {'_comment': 'Tuya repeater', '_version': '1.0', 'Identifier': [['TS0207', '_TZ3000_m0vaazab'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_ufttklsz'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_nkkl7uzv'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_misw04hq'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_gszjt2xx'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_5k5vh43t'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_wlquqiiz'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_kxlmv9ag']], 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': '', '000a': '', '0019': '', 'Type': ''}}, 'Type': '', 'CreateWidgetDomoticz': False, 'ClusterToBind': [], 'ConfigureReporting': {}, 'ReadAttributes': {'0000': ['0000', '0001', '0002', '0003', '0004', '0005', '0007']}}"
2024-09-03 22:27:13,248 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name Removing existing received Ep'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,249 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name Removing existing received Ep'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,250 INFO    :b"-- Record removed 'Ep' {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '0043', 'SQN': '00', 'Ep': {}, 'Heartbeat': '1', 'RIA': '1', 'LQI': 204, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0207-extender', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': '28dba7fffe611013', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': {}, 'ZDeviceID': {}, 'App Version': '', 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl', 'NbEp': '1', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725391633, 'iSQN': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': '', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725391633.2123075, 'Time': '2024-09-03 22:27:13', 'MsgType': '8100', 'LastSeen': 1725391631}, 'ZCL Version': '', 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZDPSQN': '02', 'ErrorManagement': 0, 'Epv2': {}, 'ZCLSQN': '00', 'ReqEpv2': {'01': 1725391633.0287478}, 'PairingInProgress': True, 'RollingLQI': [204], 'ConfigSource': 'DeviceConf'}"
2024-09-03 22:27:13,251 INFO    :b"-- Record removed 'Ep' {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '0043', 'SQN': '00', 'Ep': {}, 'Heartbeat': '1', 'RIA': '1', 'LQI': 204, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0207-extender', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': '28dba7fffe611013', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': {}, 'ZDeviceID': {}, 'App Version': '', 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl', 'NbEp': '1', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725391633, 'iSQN': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': '', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725391633.2123075, 'Time': '2024-09-03 22:27:13', 'MsgType': '8100', 'LastSeen': 1725391631}, 'ZCL Version': '', 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZDPSQN': '02', 'ErrorManagement': 0, 'Epv2': {}, 'ZCLSQN': '00', 'ReqEpv2': {'01': 1725391633.0287478}, 'PairingInProgress': True, 'RollingLQI': [204], 'ConfigSource': 'DeviceConf'}"
2024-09-03 22:27:13,252 INFO    :b"-- Create Endpoint 01 in record {'01': {}}"
2024-09-03 22:27:13,252 INFO    :b"-- Create Endpoint 01 in record {'01': {}}"
2024-09-03 22:27:13,253 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 0000'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,254 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 0000'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,254 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 000a'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,254 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 000a'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,255 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 000a'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,258 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 0019'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,260 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 0019'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,261 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: Type'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,262 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: Type'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,263 INFO    :b"_handle_model_name Result based on DeviceConf is: {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '0043', 'SQN': '00', 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0019': {}, 'Type': ''}}, 'Heartbeat': '1', 'RIA': '1', 'LQI': 204, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0207-extender', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': '28dba7fffe611013', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': {}, 'ZDeviceID': {}, 'App Version': '', 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl', 'NbEp': '1', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725391633, 'iSQN': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': '', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725391633.2123075, 'Time': '2024-09-03 22:27:13', 'MsgType': '8100', 'LastSeen': 1725391631}, 'ZCL Version': '', 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZDPSQN': '02', 'ErrorManagement': 0, 'Epv2': {}, 'ZCLSQN': '00', 'ReqEpv2': {'01': 1725391633.0287478}, 'PairingInProgress': True, 'RollingLQI': [204], 'ConfigSource': 'DeviceConf'}"
2024-09-03 22:27:13,264 INFO    :b"_handle_model_name Result based on DeviceConf is: {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '0043', 'SQN': '00', 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0019': {}, 'Type': ''}}, 'Heartbeat': '1', 'RIA': '1', 'LQI': 204, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0207-extender', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': '28dba7fffe611013', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': {}, 'ZDeviceID': {}, 'App Version': '', 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl', 'NbEp': '1', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725391633, 'iSQN': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': '', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725391633.2123075, 'Time': '2024-09-03 22:27:13', 'MsgType': '8100', 'LastSeen': 1725391631}, 'ZCL Version': '', 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZDPSQN': '02', 'ErrorManagement': 0, 'Epv2': {}, 'ZCLSQN': '00', 'ReqEpv2': {'01': 1725391633.0287478}, 'PairingInProgress': True, 'RollingLQI': [204], 'ConfigSource': 'DeviceConf'}"
2024-09-03 22:27:13,364 INFO    :b'[-] NEW OBJECT: 032e Simple Descriptor Response EP: 0x01 LQI: 0'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,365 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 032e ProfileID 0104'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,367 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 032e ZDeviceID 0008'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,368 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 032e Application Version 0000'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,369 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 032e Cluster IN Count: 03'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,369 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 032e we keep DeviceConf info'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,371 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 032e Cluster In 1: 0000 (Basic)'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,371 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 032e we keep DeviceConf info'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,372 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 032e Cluster In 2: 000a (Time)'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,373 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 032e we keep DeviceConf info'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,374 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 032e Cluster In 3: 0003 (Identify)'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,374 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 032e Cluster OUT Count: 01'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,376 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 032e Cluster Out 1: 0019 (Over-the-Air Upgrade)'
2024-09-03 22:27:13,377 INFO    :b"Decode8043 - Processed 032e end results is: {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '8043', 'SQN': '02', 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0019': {}, 'Type': ''}}, 'Heartbeat': '0', 'RIA': '1', 'LQI': 204, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0207-extender', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': '28dba7fffe611013', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'App Version': '', 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl', 'NbEp': '1', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725391633, 'iSQN': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': '', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725391633.2722158, 'Time': '2024-09-03 22:27:13', 'MsgType': '8011', 'LastSeen': 1725391631}, 'ZCL Version': '', 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZDPSQN': '02', 'ErrorManagement': 0, 'Epv2': {'01': {'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'ClusterIn': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0003': {}}, 'ClusterOut': {'0019': {}}}}, 'ZCLSQN': '00', 'ReqEpv2': {'01': 1725391633.0287478}, 'PairingInProgress': True, 'RollingLQI': [204, 204, 204], 'ConfigSource': 'DeviceConf', 'ZDeviceVersion': '0000'}"
2024-09-03 22:27:18,092 INFO    :b'processNotinDBDevices - NWKID: 032e, Status: 8043, RIA: 1, HB_: 1 '
2024-09-03 22:27:18,093 INFO    :b'[1] NEW OBJECT: 032e Model Name: TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 22:27:18,095 INFO    :b'[1] NEW OBJECT: 032e Manufacturer Name: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 22:27:18,097 INFO    :b'[1] NEW OBJECT: 032e Model Name: TS0207-extender knownModel: True status: CreateDB'
2024-09-03 22:27:18,098 INFO    :b'[None] NEW OBJECT: 032e Request Node Descriptor'
2024-09-03 22:27:18,099 INFO    :b'interview_state_createDB - NWKID: 032e, Status: CreateDB, RIA: 1,'
2024-09-03 22:27:22,491 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0001 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ApplicationVersion', 'DataType': '20', 'Range': ['00', 'ff'], 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': 0, 'Mandatory': False, 'SpecifStoragelvl1': 'App Version', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'store_specif_attribute']}"
2024-09-03 22:27:22,497 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 032e Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0001 Type: 20 Data: ff Source: 8102'
2024-09-03 22:27:22,505 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: 255'
2024-09-03 22:27:22,506 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 22:27:22,507 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: store_specif_attribute'
2024-09-03 22:27:22,508 INFO    :b'store_value_in_specif_storage - 032e/01 App Version None None 255'
2024-09-03 22:27:22,509 INFO    :b'     store_value_in_specif_storage  [App Version] = 255'
2024-09-03 22:27:22,510 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/ffe2 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'Tuya_ffe2', 'DataType': '20', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value']}"
2024-09-03 22:27:22,511 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 032e Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: ffe2 Type: 20 Data: 16 Source: 8102'
2024-09-03 22:27:22,511 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: 22'
2024-09-03 22:27:22,512 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 22:27:22,635 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0001 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ApplicationVersion', 'DataType': '20', 'Range': ['00', 'ff'], 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': 0, 'Mandatory': False, 'SpecifStoragelvl1': 'App Version', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'store_specif_attribute']}"
2024-09-03 22:27:22,636 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 032e Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0001 Type: 20 Data: 40 Source: 8102'
2024-09-03 22:27:22,637 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: 64'
2024-09-03 22:27:22,637 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 22:27:22,638 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: store_specif_attribute'
2024-09-03 22:27:22,638 INFO    :b'store_value_in_specif_storage - 032e/01 App Version None None 64'
2024-09-03 22:27:22,639 INFO    :b'     store_value_in_specif_storage  [App Version] = 64'
2024-09-03 22:27:22,639 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/ffe2 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'Tuya_ffe2', 'DataType': '20', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value']}"
2024-09-03 22:27:22,640 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 032e Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: ffe2 Type: 20 Data: 16 Source: 8102'
2024-09-03 22:27:22,640 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: 22'
2024-09-03 22:27:22,641 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 22:27:22,758 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/ffdf and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'Tuya_ffdf', 'DataType': '42', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value']}"
2024-09-03 22:27:22,759 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 032e Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: ffdf Type: 42 Data: 0000000005000000000500000000050000000012 Source: 8102'
2024-09-03 22:27:22,759 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: \x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x12'
2024-09-03 22:27:22,760 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 22:27:44,758 INFO    :b'Z4D closed the Zigbee network'
2024-09-03 22:27:44,804 INFO    :b'++ opening zigbee network for 0 secondes on specific router None'
Just to clarify - I have two exactly the same extenders working fine with my prod Domoticz/Z4D. This one was also working there until recently, then removed and I tried to add it again which caused that problem. I have two new extenders (almost the same) which are also causing that "Unexpected" error and they do not pair correctly.

Thank you a lot and I'm sorry for wasting that much time.
Posts: 19
Joined: Saturday 20 May 2023 17:26
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version:

Re: Error when provisioning new extenders to Z4D

Post by Cizetta »

Just for the record - issue persists also with 5.309.
Posts: 1995
Joined: Monday 02 April 2018 20:33
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: beta
Location: France

Re: Error when provisioning new extenders to Z4D

Post by pipiche »

Cizetta wrote: Tuesday 03 September 2024 8:56 I'm wasting your time with my problem, I have to say "sorry" :)

Pulled again and now I have the symptoms of the brand new extenders (just a Unexpected error in Domoticz) and here's the log (there are two warning in the end of the log):

Code: Select all

2024-09-03 09:45:18,355 INFO    :b'Z4D opened the Zigbee network for 240 seconds '
2024-09-03 09:45:18,422 INFO    :b'++ opening zigbee network for 240 secondes on specific router None'
2024-09-03 09:45:18,452 INFO    :b'Accepting new Hardware: Enable (On)'
2024-09-03 09:45:25,812 INFO    :b'--> Adding device 9530 in self.DevicesInPairingMode'
2024-09-03 09:45:25,813 INFO    :b"--> ['9530']"
2024-09-03 09:45:25,814 INFO    :b'interview_state_004d - NWKID: 9530, Status: None, RIA: None,'
2024-09-03 09:45:25,815 INFO    :b'[None] NEW OBJECT: 9530 None'
2024-09-03 09:45:26,813 WARNING :Executing <Task finished name='Task-21' coro=<ControllerApplication.on_zdo_message() done, defined at /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/zigpy_znp/zigbee/> result=None created at /usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/> took 2.018 seconds
2024-09-03 09:45:27,061 INFO    :b'Decode8045 - Reception Active endpoint response: SQN: 01 Status: [00] Success Short Addr: 9530 List: 01 Ep List: 01'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,061 INFO    :b'[-] NEW OBJECT: 9530 Active Endpoint Response Ep: 01 LQI: 0'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,062 INFO    :b'interview_state_8045 - NWKID: 9530, Status: None, RIA: None,'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,063 INFO    :b'[None] NEW OBJECT: 9530 Request Model Name'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,063 INFO    :b"EP: {'01': {}} Attributes: [4, 5]"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,064 INFO    :b'[-] NEW OBJECT: 9530 Request Simple Descriptor for Ep: 01'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,064 INFO    :b"Decode8045 - Device: 9530 updated ListofDevices with {'01': {}}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,103 INFO    :b'Decode8045 - Reception Active endpoint response: SQN: 02 Status: [00] Success Short Addr: 9530 List: 01 Ep List: 01'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,104 INFO    :b'[-] NEW OBJECT: 9530 Active Endpoint Response Ep: 01 LQI: 0'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,105 INFO    :b'interview_state_8045 - NWKID: 9530, Status: None, RIA: None,'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,106 INFO    :b'[None] NEW OBJECT: 9530 Request Model Name'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,106 INFO    :b"EP: {'01': {}} Attributes: [4, 5]"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,107 INFO    :b"Decode8045 - Device: 9530 updated ListofDevices with {'01': {}}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,219 INFO    :b'[-] NEW OBJECT: 9530 Simple Descriptor Response EP: 0x01 LQI: 0'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,221 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 ProfileID 0104'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,222 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 ZDeviceID 0008'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,222 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 Application Version 0000'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,223 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster IN Count: 03'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,224 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster In 1: 0000 (Basic)'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,225 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster In 2: 000a (Time)'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,225 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster In 3: 0003 (Identify)'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,226 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster OUT Count: 01'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,227 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster Out 1: 0019 (Over-the-Air Upgrade)'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,228 INFO    :b"Decode8043 - Processed 9530 end results is: {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '8043', 'SQN': '03', 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0003': {}, '0019': {}}}, 'Heartbeat': '0', 'RIA': '0', 'LQI': {}, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': '', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': '28dba7fffe611013', 'Type': {}, 'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'App Version': '', 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '1002', 'Manufacturer Name': '', 'NbEp': '1', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725345927, 'iSQN': {'0004': '01', '0005': '01'}, 'Attributes': {}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': 'On', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725345926.954926, 'Time': '2024-09-03 09:45:26', 'MsgType': '8011', 'LastSeen': 1725345925}, 'ZCL Version': '', 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZDPSQN': '02', 'ErrorManagement': 0, '_rawNodeDescriptor': '1002005200522c00008e524001', 'Max Buffer Size': '52', 'Max Rx': '0052', 'Max Tx': '0052', 'macapa': '8e', 'bitfield': '4001', 'server_mask': '2c00', 'descriptor_capability': '00', 'Epv2': {'01': {'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'ClusterIn': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0003': {}}, 'ClusterOut': {'0019': {}}}}, 'ZCLSQN': '01', 'ReqEpv2': {'01': 1725345927.0604436}, 'ZDeviceVersion': '0000', 'ConfigSource': '8043'}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,291 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0004 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ManufacturerName', 'DataType': '42', 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': '', 'Mandatory': False, 'SpecifStoragelvl1': 'Manufacturer Name', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'store_specif_attribute']}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,292 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 9530 Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0004 Type: 42 Data: 5f545a333030305f6e6c73737a6d7a6c Source: 8100'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,295 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,296 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,296 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: store_specif_attribute'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,297 INFO    :b'store_value_in_specif_storage - 9530/01 Manufacturer Name None None _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,299 INFO    :b'     store_value_in_specif_storage  [Manufacturer Name] = _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,299 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0005 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ModelIdentifier', 'DataType': '42', 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': '', 'Mandatory': False, 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'basic_model_name']}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,300 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 9530 Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0005 Type: 42 Data: 545330323037 Source: 8100'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,300 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,301 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,301 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: basic_model_name'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,303 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 9530 / 01 - 0000 0005 42 0006 TS0207 - None'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,304 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 9530 / 01 - 0000 0005 42 0006 TS0207 - None'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,304 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after cleanup TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,305 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after cleanup TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,306 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,306 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,307 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manufacturer_name: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,308 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manufacturer_name: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,308 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manuf_code: 1002'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,309 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manuf_code: 1002'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,310 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  zdevice_id: 0008'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,310 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  zdevice_id: 0008'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,311 INFO    :b'check_found_plugin_model - model=TS0207, manufacturer_name=_TZ3000_nlsszmzl, manufacturer_code=1002, device_id=0008'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,312 INFO    :b"check_found_plugin_model - Found {'Model': ['TS0207'], 'DeviceID': '0008', 'PluginModelName': 'TS0207-extender'}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,313 INFO    :b'check_found_plugin_model - return TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,314 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after build model name TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,315 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after build model name TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,315 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - Recepion Model: >TS0207-extender<'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,316 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - Recepion Model: >TS0207-extender<'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,316 INFO    :b"_handle_model_name Extract all info from Model : {'_comment': 'Tuya repeater', '_version': '1.0', 'Identifier': [['TS0207', '_TZ3000_m0vaazab'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_ufttklsz'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_nkkl7uzv'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_misw04hq'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_gszjt2xx'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_5k5vh43t']], 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': '', '000a': '', '0019': '', 'Type': ''}}, 'Type': '', 'CreateWidgetDomoticz': False, 'ClusterToBind': [], 'ConfigureReporting': {}, 'ReadAttributes': {'0000': ['0000', '0001', '0002', '0003', '0004', '0005', '0007']}}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,317 INFO    :b"_handle_model_name Extract all info from Model : {'_comment': 'Tuya repeater', '_version': '1.0', 'Identifier': [['TS0207', '_TZ3000_m0vaazab'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_ufttklsz'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_nkkl7uzv'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_misw04hq'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_gszjt2xx'], ['TS0207', '_TZ3000_5k5vh43t']], 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': '', '000a': '', '0019': '', 'Type': ''}}, 'Type': '', 'CreateWidgetDomoticz': False, 'ClusterToBind': [], 'ConfigureReporting': {}, 'ReadAttributes': {'0000': ['0000', '0001', '0002', '0003', '0004', '0005', '0007']}}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,318 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name Removing existing received Ep'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,319 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name Removing existing received Ep'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,319 INFO    :b"-- Record removed 'Ep' {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '8043', 'SQN': '00', 'Ep': {}, 'Heartbeat': '0', 'RIA': '0', 'LQI': 182, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0207-extender', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': '28dba7fffe611013', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'App Version': '', 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '1002', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl', 'NbEp': '1', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725345927, 'iSQN': {'0004': '01', '0005': '01'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': 'On', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725345927.2870724, 'Time': '2024-09-03 09:45:27', 'MsgType': '8100', 'LastSeen': 1725345925}, 'ZCL Version': '', 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZDPSQN': '02', 'ErrorManagement': 0, '_rawNodeDescriptor': '1002005200522c00008e524001', 'Max Buffer Size': '52', 'Max Rx': '0052', 'Max Tx': '0052', 'macapa': '8e', 'bitfield': '4001', 'server_mask': '2c00', 'descriptor_capability': '00', 'Epv2': {'01': {'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'ClusterIn': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0003': {}}, 'ClusterOut': {'0019': {}}}}, 'ZCLSQN': '01', 'ReqEpv2': {'01': 1725345927.0604436}, 'ZDeviceVersion': '0000', 'ConfigSource': 'DeviceConf', 'RollingLQI': [182]}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,321 INFO    :b"-- Record removed 'Ep' {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '8043', 'SQN': '00', 'Ep': {}, 'Heartbeat': '0', 'RIA': '0', 'LQI': 182, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0207-extender', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': '28dba7fffe611013', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'App Version': '', 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '1002', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl', 'NbEp': '1', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725345927, 'iSQN': {'0004': '01', '0005': '01'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': 'On', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725345927.2870724, 'Time': '2024-09-03 09:45:27', 'MsgType': '8100', 'LastSeen': 1725345925}, 'ZCL Version': '', 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZDPSQN': '02', 'ErrorManagement': 0, '_rawNodeDescriptor': '1002005200522c00008e524001', 'Max Buffer Size': '52', 'Max Rx': '0052', 'Max Tx': '0052', 'macapa': '8e', 'bitfield': '4001', 'server_mask': '2c00', 'descriptor_capability': '00', 'Epv2': {'01': {'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'ClusterIn': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0003': {}}, 'ClusterOut': {'0019': {}}}}, 'ZCLSQN': '01', 'ReqEpv2': {'01': 1725345927.0604436}, 'ZDeviceVersion': '0000', 'ConfigSource': 'DeviceConf', 'RollingLQI': [182]}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,322 INFO    :b"-- Create Endpoint 01 in record {'01': {}}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,323 INFO    :b"-- Create Endpoint 01 in record {'01': {}}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,323 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 0000'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,324 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 0000'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,326 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 000a'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,326 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 000a'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,327 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 0019'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,330 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: 0019'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,331 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: Type'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,332 INFO    :b'----> Cluster: Type'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,332 INFO    :b"_handle_model_name Result based on DeviceConf is: {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '8043', 'SQN': '00', 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0019': {}, 'Type': ''}}, 'Heartbeat': '0', 'RIA': '0', 'LQI': 182, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0207-extender', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': '28dba7fffe611013', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'App Version': '', 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '1002', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl', 'NbEp': '1', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725345927, 'iSQN': {'0004': '01', '0005': '01'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': 'On', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725345927.2870724, 'Time': '2024-09-03 09:45:27', 'MsgType': '8100', 'LastSeen': 1725345925}, 'ZCL Version': '', 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZDPSQN': '02', 'ErrorManagement': 0, '_rawNodeDescriptor': '1002005200522c00008e524001', 'Max Buffer Size': '52', 'Max Rx': '0052', 'Max Tx': '0052', 'macapa': '8e', 'bitfield': '4001', 'server_mask': '2c00', 'descriptor_capability': '00', 'Epv2': {'01': {'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'ClusterIn': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0003': {}}, 'ClusterOut': {'0019': {}}}}, 'ZCLSQN': '01', 'ReqEpv2': {'01': 1725345927.0604436}, 'ZDeviceVersion': '0000', 'ConfigSource': 'DeviceConf', 'RollingLQI': [182]}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,334 INFO    :b"_handle_model_name Result based on DeviceConf is: {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '8043', 'SQN': '00', 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0019': {}, 'Type': ''}}, 'Heartbeat': '0', 'RIA': '0', 'LQI': 182, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0207-extender', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': '28dba7fffe611013', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'App Version': '', 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '1002', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl', 'NbEp': '1', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725345927, 'iSQN': {'0004': '01', '0005': '01'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': 'On', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725345927.2870724, 'Time': '2024-09-03 09:45:27', 'MsgType': '8100', 'LastSeen': 1725345925}, 'ZCL Version': '', 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZDPSQN': '02', 'ErrorManagement': 0, '_rawNodeDescriptor': '1002005200522c00008e524001', 'Max Buffer Size': '52', 'Max Rx': '0052', 'Max Tx': '0052', 'macapa': '8e', 'bitfield': '4001', 'server_mask': '2c00', 'descriptor_capability': '00', 'Epv2': {'01': {'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'ClusterIn': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0003': {}}, 'ClusterOut': {'0019': {}}}}, 'ZCLSQN': '01', 'ReqEpv2': {'01': 1725345927.0604436}, 'ZDeviceVersion': '0000', 'ConfigSource': 'DeviceConf', 'RollingLQI': [182]}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,358 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0004 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ManufacturerName', 'DataType': '42', 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': '', 'Mandatory': False, 'SpecifStoragelvl1': 'Manufacturer Name', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'store_specif_attribute']}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,358 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 9530 Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0004 Type: 42 Data: 5f545a333030305f6e6c73737a6d7a6c Source: 8100'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,359 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,359 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,360 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: store_specif_attribute'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,362 INFO    :b'store_value_in_specif_storage - 9530/01 Manufacturer Name None None _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,364 INFO    :b'     store_value_in_specif_storage  [Manufacturer Name] = _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,365 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0005 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ModelIdentifier', 'DataType': '42', 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': '', 'Mandatory': False, 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'basic_model_name']}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,366 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 9530 Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0005 Type: 42 Data: 545330323037 Source: 8100'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,367 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,368 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,369 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: basic_model_name'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,369 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 9530 / 01 - 0000 0005 42 0006 TS0207 - TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,370 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 9530 / 01 - 0000 0005 42 0006 TS0207 - TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,370 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after cleanup TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,371 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after cleanup TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,372 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,373 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,373 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manufacturer_name: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,374 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manufacturer_name: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,376 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manuf_code: 1002'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,379 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manuf_code: 1002'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,380 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  zdevice_id: 0008'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,381 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  zdevice_id: 0008'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,381 INFO    :b'check_found_plugin_model - model=TS0207, manufacturer_name=_TZ3000_nlsszmzl, manufacturer_code=1002, device_id=0008'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,382 INFO    :b"check_found_plugin_model - Found {'Model': ['TS0207'], 'DeviceID': '0008', 'PluginModelName': 'TS0207-extender'}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,382 INFO    :b'check_found_plugin_model - return TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,386 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after build model name TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,387 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after build model name TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,387 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - Recepion Model: >TS0207-extender<'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,388 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - Recepion Model: >TS0207-extender<'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,388 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - no action'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,390 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - no action'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,460 INFO    :b'[-] NEW OBJECT: 9530 Simple Descriptor Response EP: 0x01 LQI: 0'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,461 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 ProfileID 0104'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,462 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 ZDeviceID 0008'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,463 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 Application Version 0000'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,463 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster IN Count: 03'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,465 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 we keep DeviceConf info'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,465 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster In 1: 0000 (Basic)'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,468 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 we keep DeviceConf info'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,468 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster In 2: 000a (Time)'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,470 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 we keep DeviceConf info'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,470 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster In 3: 0003 (Identify)'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,471 INFO    :b'[-]    NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster OUT Count: 01'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,472 INFO    :b'[-]       NEW OBJECT: 9530 Cluster Out 1: 0019 (Over-the-Air Upgrade)'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,473 INFO    :b"Decode8043 - Processed 9530 end results is: {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '8043', 'SQN': '02', 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'0004': '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl', '0005': 'TS0207'}, '000a': {}, '0019': {}, 'Type': ''}}, 'Heartbeat': '0', 'RIA': '0', 'LQI': 182, 'Battery': {}, 'Model': 'TS0207-extender', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '8e', 'IEEE': '28dba7fffe611013', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'App Version': '', 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'FFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'Router', 'Manufacturer': '1002', 'Manufacturer Name': '_TZ3000_nlsszmzl', 'NbEp': '1', 'PowerSource': 'Main', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1725345927, 'iSQN': {'0004': '01', '0005': '01'}, 'Attributes': {'0004': '00', '0005': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': 'On', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1725345927.3774505, 'Time': '2024-09-03 09:45:27', 'MsgType': '8011', 'LastSeen': 1725345925}, 'ZCL Version': '', 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Full-Function Device', 'Main Powered', 'Receiver during Idle', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZDPSQN': '02', 'ErrorManagement': 0, '_rawNodeDescriptor': '1002005200522c00008e524001', 'Max Buffer Size': '52', 'Max Rx': '0052', 'Max Tx': '0052', 'macapa': '8e', 'bitfield': '4001', 'server_mask': '2c00', 'descriptor_capability': '00', 'Epv2': {'01': {'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0008', 'ClusterIn': {'0000': {}, '000a': {}, '0003': {}}, 'ClusterOut': {'0019': {}}}}, 'ZCLSQN': '01', 'ReqEpv2': {'01': 1725345927.0604436}, 'ZDeviceVersion': '0000', 'ConfigSource': 'DeviceConf', 'RollingLQI': [182, 182, 182], 'WriteAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 0, 'iSQN': {}, 'Attributes': {}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}, '000a': {'TimeStamp': 0, 'iSQN': {}, 'Attributes': {}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}, '0019': {'TimeStamp': 0, 'iSQN': {}, 'Attributes': {}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,511 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0004 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ManufacturerName', 'DataType': '42', 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': '', 'Mandatory': False, 'SpecifStoragelvl1': 'Manufacturer Name', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'store_specif_attribute']}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,516 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 9530 Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0004 Type: 42 Data: 5f545a333030305f6e6c73737a6d7a6c Source: 8100'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,517 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,518 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,519 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: store_specif_attribute'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,519 INFO    :b'store_value_in_specif_storage - 9530/01 Manufacturer Name None None _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,521 INFO    :b'     store_value_in_specif_storage  [Manufacturer Name] = _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,521 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0005 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ModelIdentifier', 'DataType': '42', 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': '', 'Mandatory': False, 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'basic_model_name']}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,522 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 9530 Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0005 Type: 42 Data: 545330323037 Source: 8100'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,522 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,524 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,526 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: basic_model_name'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,527 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 9530 / 01 - 0000 0005 42 0006 TS0207 - TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,527 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 9530 / 01 - 0000 0005 42 0006 TS0207 - TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,528 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after cleanup TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,528 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after cleanup TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,529 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,530 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  TS0207'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,531 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manufacturer_name: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,531 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manufacturer_name: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,532 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manuf_code: 1002'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,533 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  manuf_code: 1002'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,534 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  zdevice_id: 0008'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,534 INFO    :b'_build_model_name  zdevice_id: 0008'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,535 INFO    :b'check_found_plugin_model - model=TS0207, manufacturer_name=_TZ3000_nlsszmzl, manufacturer_code=1002, device_id=0008'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,535 INFO    :b"check_found_plugin_model - Found {'Model': ['TS0207'], 'DeviceID': '0008', 'PluginModelName': 'TS0207-extender'}"
2024-09-03 09:45:27,536 INFO    :b'check_found_plugin_model - return TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,537 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after build model name TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,537 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - modelName after build model name TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,538 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - Recepion Model: >TS0207-extender<'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,539 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - Recepion Model: >TS0207-extender<'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,539 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - no action'
2024-09-03 09:45:27,540 INFO    :b'_handle_model_name - 0000 / 0005 - no action'
2024-09-03 09:45:28,080 INFO    :b'processNotinDBDevices - NWKID: 9530, Status: 8043, RIA: 0, HB_: 1 '
2024-09-03 09:45:28,081 INFO    :b'[0] NEW OBJECT: 9530 Model Name: TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:28,083 INFO    :b'[0] NEW OBJECT: 9530 Manufacturer Name: _TZ3000_nlsszmzl'
2024-09-03 09:45:28,084 INFO    :b'[0] NEW OBJECT: 9530 Model Name: TS0207-extender knownModel: True status: CreateDB'
2024-09-03 09:45:28,085 INFO    :b'[None] NEW OBJECT: 9530 Manufacturer: 1002 Model: TS0207-extender'
2024-09-03 09:45:28,086 INFO    :b'interview_state_createDB - NWKID: 9530, Status: CreateDB, RIA: 0,'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,722 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0001 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ApplicationVersion', 'DataType': '20', 'Range': ['00', 'ff'], 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': 0, 'Mandatory': False, 'SpecifStoragelvl1': 'App Version', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'store_specif_attribute']}"
2024-09-03 09:45:37,726 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 9530 Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0001 Type: 20 Data: ff Source: 8102'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,727 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: 255'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,728 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,728 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: store_specif_attribute'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,729 INFO    :b'store_value_in_specif_storage - 9530/01 App Version None None 255'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,730 INFO    :b'     store_value_in_specif_storage  [App Version] = 255'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,731 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/ffe2 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'Tuya_ffe2', 'DataType': '20', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value']}"
2024-09-03 09:45:37,732 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 9530 Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: ffe2 Type: 20 Data: 16 Source: 8102'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,733 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: 22'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,734 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,867 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/0001 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'ApplicationVersion', 'DataType': '20', 'Range': ['00', 'ff'], 'Acc': 'R', 'Default': 0, 'Mandatory': False, 'SpecifStoragelvl1': 'App Version', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value', 'store_specif_attribute']}"
2024-09-03 09:45:37,868 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 9530 Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: 0001 Type: 20 Data: 40 Source: 8102'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,868 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: 64'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,869 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,869 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: store_specif_attribute'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,870 INFO    :b'store_value_in_specif_storage - 9530/01 App Version None None 64'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,870 INFO    :b'     store_value_in_specif_storage  [App Version] = 64'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,871 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/ffe2 and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'Tuya_ffe2', 'DataType': '20', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value']}"
2024-09-03 09:45:37,871 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 9530 Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: ffe2 Type: 20 Data: 16 Source: 8102'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,872 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: 22'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,873 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,997 INFO    :b"is_generic_zcl_cluster 0000/ffdf and definition {'Enabled': True, 'Name': 'Tuya_ffdf', 'DataType': '42', 'ActionList': ['check_store_value']}"
2024-09-03 09:45:37,998 INFO    :b'Foundation Cluster - Nwkid: 9530 Ep: 01 Cluster: 0000 Attribute: ffdf Type: 42 Data: 0000000005000000000500000000050000000012 Source: 8102'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,998 INFO    :b'compute_attribute_value - _decoding_value: None  value: \x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x12'
2024-09-03 09:45:37,999 INFO    :b'---> Data Action: check_store_value'
2024-09-03 09:45:44,235 WARNING :Unknown device AddrModeAddress(addr_mode=<AddrMode.NWK: 2>, address=0xD07A)
2024-09-03 09:45:44,239 INFO    :b'decode8002_and_process unknown NwkId: d07a for ZCL frame 0180020054ff0001040000010102d07a0200001c3412720a02ff4c0600100121d10b21a8432401000000002106002055a703'
2024-09-03 09:45:44,308 WARNING :Failed to deserialize ZDO packet
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/zigpy_znp/zigbee/", line 473, in on_zdo_message
    zdo_hdr, zdo_args = self._device.zdo.deserialize(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/zigpy/zdo/", line 44, in deserialize
    args, data = t.deserialize(data, param_types)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/zigpy/types/", line 11, in deserialize
    value, data = type_.deserialize(data)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/zigpy/types/", line 924, in deserialize
    item, data = cls._item_type.deserialize(data)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/zigpy/types/", line 197, in deserialize
    raise ValueError(f"Data is too short to contain {byte_size} bytes")
ValueError: Data is too short to contain 1 bytes
2024-09-03 09:46:15,232 INFO    :b'Z4D closed the Zigbee network'
2024-09-03 09:46:15,264 INFO    :b'++ opening zigbee network for 0 secondes on specific router None'
2024-09-03 09:46:15,309 INFO    :b'Accepting new Hardware: Disable (Off)'

The error reported here is not an issue, it is just that the coordinator and the zigpy layer received a message and was unable to decode it.
Zigbee for Domoticz plugin / RPI3B+ / Electrolama ZZH-P / 45 devices

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