i'm trying to manage the roller shutter with creasol dombusTH (but i've got the same issue also with other modules), but I can't interact with the physical buttons (no actions on relays) and percentage. I can Open/Close/Stop throught Domoticz if the shutter is set as "Venetian Blind" but also I can't use the percentage (switch: blinds+stop)
The out 1 is configured as:
Code: Select all
Shutter button (OUT-1)
idx: 34
Switch type: Venetian Blind (OR Blinds+stop)
Description: ID=5101.1,OUT_BLIND,TIMEOPEN=10,TIMECLOSE=5
Code: Select all
Shutter button (IN-1)
idx: 35
Switch type: Selector
Selector actions:
Description: ID=5101.3,IN_TWINBUTTON,

I'd like to interact with roller shutter with physical buttons and also throught Domiticz with percentage.
Can you help me please?