Garage door (combine pulse signal control with sensor switch)

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Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2023.1

Garage door (combine pulse signal control with sensor switch)

Post by kris »

Hi, I would like to combine two different devices in one.
I have a Fibaro Smart Implant to control my garage door. It is uses a singe pulse signal to open/close the garage door. I also have a contact sensor to detect the position of the door.

What I would like to accomplish is a virtual switch/dummy switch to show the position AND to control the door. Much like the commercial door locks.
I don't want the actual command to change the state of the switch, the switch should always have the status of the sensor, but whenever I use the switch it should send the command to the Smart Implant device (it's the same command for either open or close).

Is this possible?
I heave read about the quietOn() and quietOff() to update the state of a sensor without triggering, but couldn't get it working right.
I want the state to always be correct regardless if I use the switch in Domoticz, garage door remote or the physical button.

Any help with this is very appreciated.
Domoticz 2023.2: Raspberry Pi 2B: Raspbian 11 Bullseye / Z-Wave JS 12.4.1 (docker): Aeotec Z-stick gen5 / Zigbee for Domoticz 7.1.007 [3.174]: PiZiGate 0321 / RFLink 1.48
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