Several 'model TS004F' buttons unsupported?

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Several 'model TS004F' buttons unsupported?

Post by Cyroq »

Hi, I bought three different Zigbee buttons (of the type: one press, double press, long press) that I want to integrate in Domoticz with Zigbee2mqtt. The packages say they're all eWeLink but I'm not sure what brand they are since I bought them on the well known cheap Chinese webshop.
When I pair them, I see the message 'supported: false'. They do show up as end devices in the device list of the Zigbee2mqtt tab, but there's no option to add them as an active device in Domoticz. The model says TS004F on all three.

This forum and the internet gives me the impression they should work with Zigbee2mqtt (user reviews also state that) but that there's trouble with Domoticz specifically. What can I try to make them work with Domoticz?
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Re: Several 'model TS004F' buttons unsupported?

Post by waltervl »

You have to check Zigbee2MQTT UI and the website to check what is supported. TS004F normally is a tuya product range. It also should have a manufacturing ID which will define the definition.
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
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