Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module Topic is solved

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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by tomes »

After yesterday's update, I am receiving notifications from all Integra switches as if they were turning on and off when connecting to ETHM.
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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by fantom »

I don't see any changes in code for SatelIntegra: ... ntegra.cpp

Some global changes could have broken something

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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by tomes »

This is probably a global problem, but it only manifests itself in the Satel Integra plug-in. Each time a connection is established, the state of the switches changes, e.g. from ON to ON, which triggers other actions. There is no verifying function - if it is ON, then do not turn ON again.
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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by fantom »

Yes- because for the first time it doesn't know what the state was. Switces changes from "unknown" to ON or OFF.
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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by tomes »

Can the plugin read the state of switches if they already exist in the system and update their state only if it differs from the state received during ETHM initialization?
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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by fantom »

Hmmm, I don't know.
I need to check, that module have access to getting states from database.

I see: ... per.h#L352
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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by Daro1003 »

I have the following problem: constant errors in the logs.
Since I have Domoticz and integration with Satel Integra, and for 2 years now, I have had errors in the Domoticz logs.
What could be the reason for this?
I also noticed that sometimes Domoticz does not work well because it probably does not receive the appropriate information from Satel Integra and does not turn off the light, but this happens very rarely.

Code: Select all

 2024-03-19 03:16:35.218 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: Receive info about zone 100 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-03-19 03:16:35.480 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-03-19 03:16:35.480 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: Receive info about zone 101 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-03-19 03:16:35.802 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-03-19 03:16:35.802 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: Receive info about zone 102 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-03-19 03:16:35.803 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: bad data length received (totalRet 15)
2024-03-19 03:16:35.803 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: Receive info about zone 103 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-03-19 03:16:36.025 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-03-19 03:16:36.025 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: Receive info about zone 104 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-03-19 03:16:36.026 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: bad data length received (totalRet 15)
2024-03-19 03:16:36.026 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: Receive info about zone 105 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-03-19 03:16:36.228 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-03-19 03:16:36.228 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: Receive info about zone 106 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-03-19 03:16:36.490 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-03-19 03:16:36.490 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: Receive info about zone 107 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-03-19 03:16:36.732 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-03-19 03:16:36.732 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: Receive info about zone 108 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-03-19 03:16:36.954 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-03-19 03:16:36.954 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: Receive info about zone 109 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-03-19 03:16:37.156 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-03-19 03:16:37.156 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: Receive info about zone 110 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-03-19 03:16:37.157 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: bad data length received (totalRet 15)
2024-03-19 03:16:37.157 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: Receive info about zone 111 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-03-19 03:16:37.399 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-03-19 03:16:37.399 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: Receive info about zone 112 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-03-19 03:16:37.400 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: bad data length received (totalRet 15)
2024-03-19 03:16:37.400 Error: Satel Integra 128 Plus: Receive info about zone 113 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-03-19 05:17:00.458 Error: Error parsing http request address: ::ffff:
2024-03-19 05:17:00.654 Error: Error parsing http request address: ::ffff:
2024-03-19 05:17:00.753 Error: Error parsing http request address: ::ffff:
2024-03-19 05:17:00.845 Error: Error parsing http request address: ::ffff:
2024-03-19 05:17:00.936 Error: Error parsing http request address: ::ffff:
2024-03-19 05:17:01.029 Error: Error parsing http request address: ::ffff:
2024-03-19 05:17:01.124 Error: Error parsing http request address: ::ffff:
2024-03-19 05:17:01.220 Error: Error parsing http request address: ::ffff:
2024-03-19 05:17:01.322 Error: Error parsing http request address: ::ffff:
2024-03-19 05:17:01.423 Error: Error parsing http request address: ::ffff:
2024-03-19 05:17:01.515 Error: Error parsing http request address: ::ffff:
2024-03-19 05:18:10.943 Error: Error parsing http request address: ::ffff:
2024-03-19 05:18:10.986 Error: Error parsing http request address: ::ffff:
2024-03-19 05:18:21.001 Error: Error parsing http request address: ::ffff:
2024-03-19 08:25:50.528 Error: Error parsing http request address: ::ffff:
2024-03-19 08:25:50.786 Error: Error parsing http request address: ::ffff:
I control the lighting via a script:

Code: Select all

return {
    on = {
    devices = {
      'WC Szatnia',    -- nazwa wlacznik w domoticz 
      'Czujka Pir WC' -- nazwa czujnika w domoticz
  data =
        warunek = { initial = false },
    	logging =   
        level = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG, 
        marker = 'PIR Lampa',
  execute = function(dz, item)
        local maxSeconds = 50
        local motion = dz.devices('Czujka Pir WC') -- nazwa czujnika 
        local switch = dz.devices('WC Szatnia') -- nazwa włacznika

        if item == motion then -- detekcja aktywna
          if and not then -- detekcja wyzwala skrypt
   = true
          elseif and and == true then
          elseif not and == true then 
        elseif item == switch and and not then 
 = false
It happens that the lighting will be turned on, but not turned off after some time, as if the script did not always work or Domoticz did not receive information from Satel.

Integration based on
Satel sends commands from sensors 1 / 3 I use the block to change from 1 to OFF from 3 to ON
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Konwertowanie.jpg (31.15 KiB) Viewed 1231 times
IntegracjaSatelWia.jpg (29.31 KiB) Viewed 1231 times
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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by ilex »

have the same issue:

2024-06-13 08:29:29.990 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:29.990 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 17 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:30.212 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:30.212 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 18 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:30.394 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:30.394 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 19 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:30.736 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:30.736 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 20 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:30.938 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:30.938 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 21 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:31.220 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:31.220 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 22 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:31.522 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:31.522 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 23 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:31.724 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:31.724 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 24 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:31.946 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:31.946 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 25 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:32.128 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:32.128 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 26 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:32.430 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:32.430 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 27 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:32.431 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 15)
2024-06-13 08:29:32.431 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 28 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:32.713 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:32.714 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 29 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:32.915 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:32.916 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 30 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:33.117 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:33.117 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 31 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:33.319 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:33.319 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 32 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:33.521 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:33.521 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 33 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:33.723 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:33.723 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 34 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:33.925 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:33.925 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 35 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:34.147 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:34.147 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 36 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:34.349 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:34.349 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 37 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:35.154 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:35.154 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 40 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:35.356 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:35.356 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 41 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:35.738 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:35.738 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 42 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:35.742 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 16)
2024-06-13 08:29:35.743 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 43 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:35.964 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:35.964 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 44 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:36.186 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:36.186 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 45 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:36.408 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:36.408 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 46 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:36.790 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:36.790 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 47 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:36.972 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:36.972 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 48 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:36.973 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 15)
2024-06-13 08:29:36.973 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 49 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:38.078 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:38.078 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 53 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:38.260 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:38.260 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 54 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:38.261 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 15)
2024-06-13 08:29:38.261 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 55 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:38.543 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:38.544 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 56 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:38.545 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 15)
2024-06-13 08:29:38.545 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 57 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:38.767 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:38.768 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 58 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:38.990 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:38.990 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 59 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:38.991 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 15)
2024-06-13 08:29:38.991 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 60 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:39.193 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:39.193 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 61 failed (probably zone is not used)
2024-06-13 08:29:39.395 Error: Alarm Integra: bad data length received (totalRet 7)
2024-06-13 08:29:39.395 Error: Alarm Integra: Receive info about zone 62 failed (probably zone is not used)
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Re: Satel Integra (Security System) with ethernet module

Post by fantom »

what is the date of the firmware in ETHM?
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