Error, what it mean

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Joined: Wednesday 22 July 2020 23:45
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Error, what it mean

Post by tulips »

What :?:
Spoiler: show

Time: "13/08/2024 15:58:21"
PermitToJoin: Object {"Duration":0,"Starttime":1723557347}
PluginHealth: "Ready"
Thread: "ZigpyForwarder_23 3168248"
nwkid: "None"
Module: "TransportFrwder"
message: "forwarder_thread - Error while receiving a Coordinator command"
context: Object {"StackTrace":" File \"/usr/lib/python3.10/\", line 973, in _bootstrap\n self._bootstrap_inner()\n File \"/usr/lib/python3.10/\", line 1016, in _bootstrap_inner\n\n File \"/usr/lib/python3.10/\", line 953, in run\n self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)\n File \"/home/jalla/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/\", line 47, in forwarder_thread\n self.log.logging(\"TransportFrwder\", \"Error\", \"forwarder_thread - Error while receiving a Coordinator command\")\n"}
Time: "13/08/2024 15:58:21"
PermitToJoin: Object {"Duration":0,"Starttime":1723557347}
PluginHealth: "Ready"
Thread: "ZigpyForwarder_23 3168248"
nwkid: "None"
Module: "TransportWrter"
message: "Issue in request 018002003cff00000080040000023501020000040001350c0d5ec05ee1020100100100100003, dumping stack: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/jalla/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/", line 42, in forwarder_thread forward_message(self, message) File "/home/jalla/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/", line 31, in f_out result = f_in(self, message) File "/home/jalla/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/", line 58, in forward_message self.F_out(message) File "/home/jalla/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/", line 744, in processFrame zigbee_receive_message(self, Devices, Data) File "/home/jalla/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 165, in zigbee_receive_message _decode_message(self, MsgType, Devices, Data, MsgData, MsgLQI) File "/home/jalla/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/", line 172, in _decode_message decoding_method(self, Devices, MsgData, MsgLQI) File "/home/jalla/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Z4D_decoders/", line 43, in Decode8043 if 'NbEp' in self.ListOfDevices[MsgDataShAddr] and self.ListOfDevices[MsgDataShAddr]['NbEp'] > '1': TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'str' "
context: Object {"Message code:":"'>' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'str'","Stack Trace":"Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/home/jalla/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/\", line 42, in forwarder_thread\n forward_message(self, message)\n File \"/home/jalla/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/\", line 31, in f_out\n result = f_in(self, message)\n File \"/home/jalla/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/\", line 58, in forward_message\n self.F_out(message)\n File \"/home/jalla/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/\", line 744, in processFrame\n zigbee_receive_message(self, Devices, Data)\n File \"/home/jalla/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/\", line 165, in zigbee_receive_message\n _decode_message(self, MsgType, Devices, Data, MsgData, MsgLQI)\n File \"/home/jalla/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/\", line 172, in _decode_message\n decoding_method(self, Devices, MsgData, MsgLQI)\n File \"/home/jalla/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Z4D_decoders/\", line 43, in Decode8043\n if 'NbEp' in self.ListOfDevices[MsgDataShAddr] and self.ListOfDevices[MsgDataShAddr]['NbEp'] > '1':\nTypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'str'\n","Data":"018002003cff00000080040000023501020000040001350c0d5ec05ee1020100100100100003","StackTrace":" File \"/usr/lib/python3.10/\", line 973, in _bootstrap\n self._bootstrap_inner()\n File \"/usr/lib/python3.10/\", line 1016, in _bootstrap_inner\n\n File \"/usr/lib/python3.10/\", line 953, in run\n self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)\n File \"/home/jalla/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/\", line 49, in forwarder_thread\n handle_thread_error(self, e, message)\n File \"/home/jalla/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Classes/ZigpyTransport/\", line 37, in handle_thread_error\n self.log.logging(\"TransportWrter\", \"Error\", \"Issue in request %s, dumping stack: %s\" %( data, (traceback.format_exc() )), context=context)\n"}
LastLog: 1
StartTime: "13/08/2024 15:55:07"
FirmwareVersion: "Z-Stack 3.30+ (build 20230507)"
FirmwareMajorVersion: "20"
PluginVersion: "stable7-7.1.012"
Posts: 1996
Joined: Monday 02 April 2018 20:33
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: beta
Location: France

Re: Error, what it mean

Post by pipiche »

This has been fixed and will be pushed with the release 7.1.13.

in between the fixed is available on the candidate release under the branch wip-stable7-7.1.13
if you want to switch to that branch

Code: Select all

git checkout wip-stable7-7.1.13
git pull
sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
Zigbee for Domoticz plugin / RPI3B+ / Electrolama ZZH-P / 45 devices

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