Smart meter devices

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Smart meter devices

Post by DiaDomo »

Hi all, since recently (after the update to 2024.7), I noticed several extra smart meter devices. Where can I found extra info about these devices? E.g. what is the definition of a 'long power failure'?
smartmeter devices
smartmeter devices
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Re: Smart meter devices

Post by waltervl »

These values are sent by the Smart meter in the P1 telegram to Domoticz. You have to ask your energy company how they implemented it. So Domoticz does not calculate these values.
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Re: Smart meter devices

Post by PieterS »

The info is sent by the meter in the telegram.
The results of that data is counted and logged by Domoticz with date and time. It is all part of the telegram besides voltage, current, power, etc. Depends of what type of meter you got.

What the scope or range is to call it a sag or swell is up to the meter of course.

That info was there in earlier versions of Domoticz too.😉
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Re: Smart meter devices

Post by DiaDomo »

OK, thanx, I will ask my energy net provider for more information.
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Re: Smart meter devices

Post by FireWizard »

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