Just a question

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Just a question

Post by Dave21w »

I know you can use the toggle command to flip a light on /off on each press of a button however is it possible to toggle it between say 50% brightness and off using blockly.

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Re: Just a question

Post by waltervl »

You can perhaps do that based on dimlevel
If light = on and dimlevel= 50 then light off
If light = off then set dimlevel 50
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Re: Just a question

Post by Dave21w »

Thanks @waltervl,

I'll give it a try, to be honest I only gave half the info as I'm also controlling the dimmer from somewhere else which is the easy part, if sensor is triggered and time is after x or before y turn on dimmer at 2% for 5 mins but then I also need to be able to turn the lamp on and off with a button at a different brightness level during the day.

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