Replace mysensors raingauge with tfa(rfxcom) not possible

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Replace mysensors raingauge with tfa(rfxcom) not possible

Post by barry44 »

Long time ago, I created a connected raingauge with mysensors.
After 5 yeas working like a charm, the body of the raingauge break. So I bought a new one. A TFA 30.3233.01
I added it with rfxcom easily.

I wanted to replace my old mysensors raingauge with the new one, to keep the history.
But when I try to do it, I have a message saying "no device to transfer"

Here is a screenshot of the two devices
1.png (34.09 KiB) Viewed 1193 times
Here is the error message in french
2.png (4.73 KiB) Viewed 1193 times
Any idea why ? How could I force the replace ?

Thanl you for your help
Posts: 27
Joined: Thursday 17 November 2016 21:22
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2023.1

Re: Replace mysensors raingauge with tfa(rfxcom) not possible

Post by barry44 »


I finally directly modify the database to do it. I know it's not recommended at all, so big warning if you do that. And do backup !

I use this procedure
- stop domoticz
- backup the database
- with sqlite3, I update the rain_history table

Code: Select all

update Rain_Calendar set DeviceRowID=1599 where DeviceRowID=1035;
- I startup domoticz again

And I got the history on the new device
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