Bidirectional energy meter PC311-Z-TY - incorrect devices

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Bidirectional energy meter PC311-Z-TY - incorrect devices

Post by zozo »

Hi !
I have a zigbee device called PC311-Z-TY, _TZE200_rks0sgb7, a bidirectional energy meter with 2 clamps.
This device is known with zigbee2mqtt.
Capture d’écran 2024-05-23 à 21.09.43.png
Capture d’écran 2024-05-23 à 21.09.43.png (68.88 KiB) Viewed 1301 times
2 clamps, clamp "a" on the grid, and clamp "b" on PV solar panels.
In zigbee2mqtt i have this values :
Capture d’écran 2024-05-23 à 21.10.04.png
Capture d’écran 2024-05-23 à 21.10.04.png (75.23 KiB) Viewed 1301 times
But in domoticz, i have different interpretations with zigbee2mqtt :

In Measures, values are impossible to monitoring, and devices types seems to be incorrect, like "General, kWh", which should be "RFX Meter, RFX Meter counter" or "P1 smart meter..."
Capture d’écran 2024-05-23 à 21.01.10.png
Capture d’écran 2024-05-23 à 21.01.10.png (229.36 KiB) Viewed 1298 times
There is any way to have some coherence with this device ?
Maybe reset domoticz device ?

Precision :
- zigbee2mqtt on the last version 1.37.1-dev commit: b2d32657
- Domoticz on the last stable version 2024-4
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Re: Bidirectional energy meter PC311-Z-TY - incorrect devices

Post by zozo »

Complement :
Capture d’écran 2024-05-23 à 21.00.44.png
Capture d’écran 2024-05-23 à 21.00.44.png (159.49 KiB) Viewed 1295 times
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Re: Bidirectional energy meter PC311-Z-TY - incorrect devices

Post by waltervl »

Why is General Kwh meter wrong? Seems to be the correct device for this. A P1 meter device is a bit too complicated to fill with MQTT Autodiscover values.
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Re: Bidirectional energy meter PC311-Z-TY - incorrect devices

Post by zozo »

Domoticz shows differents devices and separate datas.

But this module is able to show power and energy calculated from clamp A and clamp B.

Why there is no a unique device showing Total power and energy consumed / produced ?
For this example live Power is 412W, energy consumed is 61,01 kWh and energy produced is 23,1 kWh ?

Between zigbee2mqtt frame or domoticz devices list and measures panel, domoticz is not able to understand zigbee2mqtt trame in order to compile data on the same device (datas from clamp A, datas from clamp B, Total datas…)
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Re: Bidirectional energy meter PC311-Z-TY - incorrect devices

Post by waltervl »

If the device is not sending the total Energy then Domoticz can not display it and you will have to calculate it with a script (eg in dzvents)
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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