HRT4-ZW not been detect correctly

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HRT4-ZW not been detect correctly

Post by cbtrident »

I use to have a nice working HRT4-ZW on the older Domoticz and all work correctly
but with the latest Domootics you can not do the set point it seem to look like Air Temperature is only working
am i msssing something or has the HRT4-ZW been drop (which be a shame)

or is there a way for me to make it work like it did in the past when you can show the setup temp on the display
as been able to setup settemp was good and when the dial on the HRT4-ZW was chaneg the information was sent to the Domoticz

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Re: HRT4-ZW not been detect correctly

Post by cbtrident »

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the boiler is the ASR-ZW that fine the rest is from the hrt4-zw
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Re: HRT4-ZW not been detect correctly

Post by waltervl »

You are using the Openzwave integration. That is being deprecated as that project stopped being maintained.
To continue working with Zwave you better switch to Zwave-JS-UI (with MQTT ) although also thermostats seems to be problematic there.
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Re: HRT4-ZW not been detect correctly

Post by cbtrident »

i thought 2024.4 i got did not use Openzwave integration i know 2022 and older worked fine which is the older openzwave

this is on a raspberyPi as well
so what the best soultion and is there better instruction on setup if the basic install is wrong
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Re: HRT4-ZW not been detect correctly

Post by waltervl »

The openzwave integration in 2024.4 seems to have issues with thermostats/setpoints as those configuration in Domoticz were changed while Openzwave was switched off in some older Domoticz 2024.x versions.
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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Re: HRT4-ZW not been detect correctly

Post by cbtrident »

i've drop Domoticz as the new stuff did not work well
so i not bother with Domoticz now
if there do better in the future i may have another look but for now i not use any more
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