TFA weather sensors get lost after a couple of days

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TFA weather sensors get lost after a couple of days

Post by jvdwaa »

After updating to the 2024 release on a too old Pi (after which I never got it working again), I purchased a Pi4. Installed Domoticz, restored backup and everything worked as usual (and much faster).
But...., after the update to the 2024.4 release, one thing goes wrong: after a few days, Domoticz loses contact with my TFA weather sensors (2x temperature, wind and rain). Everything has worked without any problems for the past 5 years, it seems that only in the 2024.4 version things go wrong.
Updated the RFXcom transceiver to the latest version, but that gave no improvement. Other devices on the RFXcom work without any problems (Like Klik aan Klik uit).
A system restart makes everything work normally again, but the problem comes back a few days later 🙁
Anyone have an idea how I can solve this?
Weather sensors error.jpg
Weather sensors error.jpg (147.56 KiB) Viewed 1327 times
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