Rfxtrx433e doesn't work on Synology DSM 6.2

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Rfxtrx433e doesn't work on Synology DSM 6.2

Post by marcomarmo »

I've just updated my domoticz running on Synology DSM 6.2 to v2020.2.
Before the upgrade I exported the DB, then imported in new version.
The rfxtrx433e doesn't work, due to error "RFXCOM: Error opening serial port!".
In HW devices setup I'm seeing the rfxtrx433e, on serial port /dev/ttyUSB0.
I noticed that trying to insert again the rfxcom devices, nothing appear in the menu "serial port".
However the rfxcom is recognized by DSM (command lsusb ).
Can you help me?
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Re: Rfxtrx433e doesn't work on Synology DSM 6.2

Post by Otemohu »

I think I have the same issue, but not sure. I use DSM 7.1.1. I used RFXcom connected on usb0 port and all worked well for several months. I used to connected to my Domoticz data with my smartphone. I was in holodays for two weeks and suddenly I got an error on Domotiz App : Oops, an error occur.
Going back from holidays, I wanted to check the Domoticz configuration and I did not get any devices. I tried to restart the RFXcom but not worked. I forced the USB driver (/dev/ttyUSB0 ) with a schedule task but no work too. I always get the following error: Error: RFXCOM: Error opening serial port!
I tested the rfxcom on computer and I can connect to it and see the devices.
Any help is welcome
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