Zigbee4Domoticz error

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Zigbee4Domoticz error

Post by Fredom »

Hello Pipiche,

I have had this error ( see attachment ) in the zigbee plugin 7.1.011 [4.248] for months.
I tried to find the error but unfortunately I can't.
Everything works just fine, but why the error message?
I hope you know what it is and if I can fix it.
(239.51 KiB) Downloaded 28 times
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Re: Zigbee4Domoticz error

Post by pipiche »

The error message indicate some inconsistency.

The device 'Water sensor' is in state 8043, which means that the pairing has not been over.
Zigbee for Domoticz plugin / RPI3B+ / Electrolama ZZH-P / 45 devices

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Re: Zigbee4Domoticz error

Post by Fredom »

pipiche wrote: Friday 19 April 2024 18:32 The error message indicate some inconsistency.

The device 'Water sensor' is in state 8043, which means that the pairing has not been over.
Hi Pipiche,
Thank you for your clear answer.
Now I know where to look and solve it
Yours sincerely,

Rasberry Pi 3B+ - Debian Buster - Domoticz 2022.2
RFLink - RFXCom - Zigbee (CC2531)
P1 Smart Meter - KaKu
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