With a custom Tasmota firmware (required for the VINDRIKTNING and SGP40), the ESP32 operates as expected, and I can see sensor values nicely:
Code: Select all
BME280 Temperature 21.1 °C
BME280 Humidity 45.6 %
BME280 Dew point 8.9 °C
BME280 Pressure 1003.3 hPa
VINDRIKTNING PM 2.5 µm 13 µg/m³
SGP40 Raw 30370
SGP40 Air quality 102
SGP40 Abs Humidity 8.5053 g/m3
Code: Select all
Sensor idx 1 Temp 0
Sensor idx 2 Temp,Hum 0
Sensor idx 3 Temp,Hum,Baro 249
Sensor idx 4 Power,Energy 0
Sensor idx 5 Illuminance 0
Sensor idx 6 Count/PM1 0
Sensor idx 7 Voltage/PM2.5 248
Sensor idx 8 Current/PM10 0
Sensor idx 9 AirQuality 246
Sensor idx 10 P1SmartMeter 0
Sensor idx 11 Shutter 0
Update timer (0) 0
When I look in the console, I see the correct data in the string:
Code: Select all
09:18:22.599 MQT: tele/tasmota_E07EC6/SENSOR = [...]"SGP40":{"Raw":30380,"AirQuality":102,"aHumidity":8.4549},[...]