My script is running fine, so for the time being I will keep it like that.
I can view my 10 devices in Domoticz where I can see the hourly values of the last 7 days, as well as daily values of the last week, the last month and the last year
Now I would like to see all my 10 devices in one single "stacked" view
To do this I followed willemd's suggestion and installed Dashticz.
Here is my current config file
Code: Select all
var config = {}
config['language'] = 'fr_FR'; //or: en_US, de_DE, nl_NL hu_HU, it_IT, pt_PT, sv_SV
config['domoticz_ip'] = '';
config['app_title'] = 'Dashticz V3';
config['domoticz_refresh'] = '5';
config['dashticz_refresh'] = '60';
//Definition of blocksblocks = {}
blocks[15] = {
width: 3, unit: ' MWh'
blocks[16]= {
width: 3, unit: ' MWh'
blocks[18]= {
width: 3, unit: ' MWh'
blocks[19]= {
width: 3, unit: ' MWh'
blocks[20]= {
width: 3, unit: ' MWh'
blocks[21]= {
width: 3, unit: ' MWh'
blocks[22]= {
width: 3, unit: ' MWh'
blocks[23]= {
width: 3, unit: ' MWh'
blocks[25]= {
width: 3, unit: ' MWh'
blocks[26]= {
width: 3, unit: ' MWh'
blocks['ENTSOE_graph'] = {
devices: [15,16,18,19,20,21,22,23,25,26],
graph: 'bar',
stacked: true,
//Definition of columns
columns = {}
columns[1] = {
blocks : [15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26,'ENTSOE_graph'],
width: 12
//Definition of screens
screens = {}
screens[1] = {
columns: [1]
I tried to setup a "custom" view but could not make it work.
Can anyone help me ?
PS: for my devices I'm using a Virtual Device defined as "Managed Counter" and I use the following method to update them:
Code: Select all
EDIT Waltervl: Splitted off from unrelated topic