I am trying to create a Dashticz dashboard and I am willing to use the block type: Dial and subType: upDown for my thermostat.
I have defined a block with:
blocks['thermtempupdown'] = {
idx: 71,
title: 'Thermostat',
type: 'dial',
subtype: 'updown',
This block will look like:

I believe it should not have the orange circle but it should be gray.
Also the temperature should appear with "°C" on it.
And finally, the +/- button do nothing.
The same IDX in a standard blocks is working fine.
It is also working fine in a "dial" block that is not "subtype: updown". But I prefer the updown style of block.
My device is defined as follow:
But I have the same behaviour if I create a dummy thermostat.{
"ActTime": 1710942810,
"AstrTwilightEnd": "20:48",
"AstrTwilightStart": "04:52",
"CivTwilightEnd": "19:29",
"CivTwilightStart": "06:11",
"DayLength": "12:12",
"NautTwilightEnd": "20:08",
"NautTwilightStart": "05:32",
"ServerTime": "2024-03-20 14:53:30",
"SunAtSouth": "12:50",
"Sunrise": "06:44",
"Sunset": "18:56",
"app_version": "2024.4",
"result": [
"AddjMulti": 1,
"AddjMulti2": 1,
"AddjValue": 0,
"AddjValue2": 0,
"BatteryLevel": 255,
"CustomImage": 105,
"Data": "17.5",
"Description": "",
"Favorite": 1,
"HardwareDisabled": false,
"HardwareID": 7,
"HardwareName": "Thermostat",
"HardwareType": "Nefit Easy HTTP server over LAN interface",
"HardwareTypeVal": 68,
"HaveTimeout": false,
"ID": "0010101",
"Image": "NefitEasy",
"LastUpdate": "2024-03-20 14:53:08",
"Name": "Temperature cible",
"Notifications": "false",
"PlanID": "2",
"PlanIDs": [
"Protected": false,
"SetPoint": "17.5",
"ShowNotifications": true,
"SignalLevel": "-",
"SubType": "SetPoint",
"Timers": "false",
"Type": "Setpoint",
"TypeImg": "override_mini",
"Unit": 1,
"Used": 1,
"XOffset": "890",
"YOffset": "590",
"idx": "71",
"max": 30,
"min": 15,
"step": 0.5,
"vunit": "°C"
"status": "OK",
"title": "Devices"
Can anyone help fixing this issue?
Thank you very much.