How to deal with a blinking input ?

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How to deal with a blinking input ?

Post by Michel13 »

Domoticz 2024-4

I have an electric gate and I monitor its status in Domoticz from a contact on its control panel. This contact is closed when the gate is open and open when it is closed.
It blinks during the opening or closing process.

I would like to send notifications (SMS) to be informed of the status of the gate. This is where I have a problem because this blinking contact generates a notification at each blink.

I would like to know if it is possible to maintain the change of contact state for a specific time (say 10-20 sec) so that there is only one SMS sent each time the gate opens/closes. Or any other way to achieve that goal.

I can't do much in the gate control panel. It is therefore at the level of Domoticz that I wish to overcome this problem.

I am not at all familiar with the different scripts in Domoticz (LUA, dzvents, etc...). I tried with Blocky but it is limited and I couldn't find anything that allows me to maintain contact for a few seconds after its first state change.

I'm sure this problem has already been overcomed but I don't see how and I haven't found a similar case on the forum.
Is this feasible, and if so, how?

Thanks for your help.
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Re: How to deal with a blinking input ?

Post by habahabahaba »

You can try to use <LastUpdate> property.

if <YourGateDeviceStatus>.lastUpdate.secondsAgo > 15 then

-- send SMS

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Re: How to deal with a blinking input ?

Post by Michel13 »

Thanks habahabahaba.

Interesting approach. That way, only the last status is triggering the SMS.The problem is I don't know how and where to apply this. Any exemple that could help me ?
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Re: How to deal with a blinking input ?

Post by habahabahaba »

Example of your code?

And what is approximately time between blinkings?
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Re: How to deal with a blinking input ?

Post by Michel13 »

Well, I have no code at all. What I have tried to do unsuccessfully is through Blocky. As I said, althought I can understand them, I am not at ease with scripts.
Time betweeen blinking is less than 1 sec. So a lastupdate of 1 sec will do perfectly the job.
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Re: How to deal with a blinking input ?

Post by habahabahaba »

Then I think you should start to learn scripts at first.
DzVents is prefered fo Domoticz, imho. ... _scripting
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Re: How to deal with a blinking input ?

Post by habahabahaba »

In my case:

Code: Select all

return {
	on = {
		devices = {60}, -- 'IDX of motion sensor
	execute = function(domoticz, device)
    	local MotionSensor = domoticz.devices(60) -- veriable of the device

    	    if (MotionSensor.state == 'On' ) then -- if motion is detected
    	       if MotionSensor.lastUpdate.secondsAgo > 35 then -- checking last update in order to execute os.commanв not so often
    	           -- some code you want
    	           -- SEND SMS or to Telegram or smth else

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Re: How to deal with a blinking input ?

Post by Michel13 »

Thanks habahabahaba for this piece of script. It is good to start with.
From your exemple and the bit and pieces I have got in the links you gave me, I have create a script for my environment but it does not work as expected.

Code: Select all

return {
	on = {
		devices = {15}, -- 'IDX du status du portail
	execute = function(domoticz, device)
    	local MotionSensor = domoticz.devices(15) -- variable of the device

    	    if (MotionSensor.state == 'On' and MotionSensor.lastUpdate.secondsAgo > 2)  then -- if motion is detected and 'On' for more than 2 sec

               		commandArray = {}
			commandArray[1]={['OpenURL']='here is my URL and msg for the SMS' }
	            	return commandArray    

    	    if (MotionSensor.state == 'Off' and MotionSensor.lastUpdate.secondsAgo > 2) then -- if motion is detected and 'Off' for more than 2 sec

			commandArray = {}
			commandArray[1]={['OpenURL']='here is my URL and msg for the SMS' }
	            	return commandArray    
device 15 is the ID of the blinking contact in Domoticz.
The URL for SMS is working like a charm when I send it in Firefox. It works also well for sending notifications of my NAS, so the problem is somewhere else.
It is most probably something wrong in my script
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Re: How to deal with a blinking input ?

Post by habahabahaba »

if you are sending SMS via url try this

Code: Select all

return {
	on = {
		devices = {15}, -- 'IDX du status du portail
		httpResponses = {
			'Sending SMS' -- must match with Callback method
	execute = function(domoticz, device)
    	local MotionSensor = domoticz.devices(15) -- variable of the device

    	    if (MotionSensor.state == 'On' and MotionSensor.lastUpdate.secondsAgo > 2)  then -- if motion is detected and 'On' for more than 2 sec
				url = 'You_URL_here',  --
				method = 'GET',
				callback = 'Sending SMS', -- see httpResponses above.
			    }).afterSec(0) -- here you can regulate the delay of opening URL in seconds

    	    if (MotionSensor.state == 'Off' and MotionSensor.lastUpdate.secondsAgo > 2) then -- if motion is detected and 'Off' for more than 2 sec

				url = 'You_URL_here',  --
				method = 'GET',
				callback = 'Sending SMS', -- see httpResponses above.
			    }).afterSec(0) -- here you can regulate the delay of opening URL in seconds  
Why do you use SMS ? Is it free service?
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Re: How to deal with a blinking input ?

Post by habahabahaba »

And this code

Code: Select all

MotionSensor.lastUpdate.secondsAgo > 2
it does not mean that it has been ON for more than 2 seconds, but that its status (whether On or Off) changed more than 2 seconds ago.
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Re: How to deal with a blinking input ?

Post by Michel13 »

habahabahaba wrote: Wednesday 20 March 2024 19:47 Why do you use SMS ? Is it free service?
Yes, unlimited.
it does not mean that it has been ON for more than 2 seconds, but that its status (whether On or Off) changed more than 2 seconds ago.
It is the way I understand it.

I have tested your script : it works fine with the httpResponses, thanks !

However, I found strange errors in the log, not only on this script but for all the url attached to some devices. Althought SMS are received properly, each time I have a record saying :

Code: Select all

2024-03-21 12:46:26.633 Error: Error opening url: <My URL>
I don't know why. Any idea ? A missing parameter maybe ?
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Re: How to deal with a blinking input ?

Post by habahabahaba »

No. Sometimes have such errors too.
Random time. No idea what is it :)
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Re: How to deal with a blinking input ?

Post by Michel13 »

Thank you for your feedback.

For me, it's all the time, regardless of device. If in the end the URL works, and unless there is a side effect that I don't know about, I won't dwell on it any further.

I have changed a little bit the script to make it lighter and clearer, also adjusted the delays to suit my need :

Code: Select all

return {
	on = {
		devices = {15}, -- 'IDX of the gate contact
		httpResponses = {
			'Sending SMS' -- must match with Callback method
	execute = function(domoticz, device)
    	local MotionSensor = domoticz.devices(15) -- variable of the device

    	    if (MotionSensor.lastUpdate.secondsAgo > 3)  then 

				if (MotionSensor.state == 'On') then 
					url = 'sending SMS for gate open', 
					method = 'GET',
					callback = 'Sending SMS',
					url = 'sending SMS for gate closed', 
					method = 'GET',
					callback = 'Sending SMS', 
Thank you again for your help to solve this blinking transient state.
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