gpio fails as of kernel 6.6 on rpi

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gpio fails as of kernel 6.6 on rpi

Post by akamming »

Just did an sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y on my pi, which did quite an update on the pi os.

One of the changes was upgrade to kernel 6.6, and now i found out gpio does not work anymore.

On my watermeter plugin i now get the following error:

2024-03-17 20:40:37.307 Error: Watermeter: RuntimeError: Failed to add edge detection

This error is on this line:
GPIO.add_event_detect(gpio_pin, GPIO.BOTH, callback = Interrupt, bouncetime = bouncetime)

(GPIO refers to rpi.GPIO)

anyone have an idea how to fix?

EDIT: Did some research myself. Turns out a lot is changed for GPIO as of kernel 6.6 (which is now the new standard kernel for raspberry pi os), so logged an issue:
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Re: gpio fails as of kernel 6.6 on rpi

Post by akamming »

hmmm... this is the so maniest issue where i did not get support on the forum. No pun intended for everyone who works very hard to keep this community alive. But it is a bit worrying that support is dropping for domoticz..

anyway... until the issue is solved in the code i created a workaround to be able to still control the switches. posting it here, in case someone has the same issue.

so basically what is happening that the number of the gpio is changed as of kernel 6.6 and domoticz cannot handle this. (should be fixed in the code).

the new numbers can be found if you do a "cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio". You will get output like this:

Code: Select all

 gpio-512 (ID_SDA              )
 gpio-513 (ID_SCL              )
 gpio-514 (GPIO2               )
 gpio-515 (GPIO3               )
 gpio-516 (GPIO4               )
 gpio-517 (GPIO5               )
 gpio-518 (GPIO6               )
 gpio-519 (GPIO7               )
 gpio-520 (GPIO8               )
 gpio-521 (GPIO9               )
 gpio-522 (GPIO10              )
 gpio-523 (GPIO11              )
 gpio-524 (GPIO12              )
 gpio-525 (GPIO13              )
 gpio-526 (GPIO14              |sysfs               ) out hi ACTIVE LOW
 gpio-527 (GPIO15              |sysfs               ) in  hi
 gpio-528 (GPIO16              )
 gpio-529 (GPIO17              )
 gpio-530 (GPIO18              |lg                  ) in  hi IRQ
 gpio-531 (GPIO19              )
 gpio-532 (GPIO20              )
 gpio-533 (GPIO21              )
 gpio-534 (GPIO22              )
 gpio-535 (GPIO23              )
 gpio-536 (GPIO24              )
 gpio-537 (GPIO25              )
 gpio-538 (GPIO26              )
in list you can find the new number for the pin (in my case 526 for gpio-14 which controls my "buitenlamp")

you can then still activate the gpio using the sysfs interface, in my case for gpio14:

Code: Select all

echo 526 > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio526/direction
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio526/active_low
after this you can create a dummy switch and a helper script to control the gpio:

Code: Select all

-- helper script for gpio

return {
	on = {
		devices = {
			'Buitenlamp Carport'  -- the name of the dummy switch
	logging = {
		level = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG,
		marker = 'GPIO helper',
	execute = function(domoticz, device)
		domoticz.log('Device ' .. .. ' was changed to ' .. device.state, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
		if ( then
		    domoticz.log("Switching on",domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
		    domoticz.executeShellCommand("echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio526/value")   -- set to correct gpio
		    domoticz.log("Switching off",domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
		    domoticz.executeShellCommand("echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio526/value")  -- set to correct gpio
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Re: gpio fails as of kernel 6.6 on rpi

Post by willemd »

akamming wrote: Friday 22 March 2024 13:57 hmmm... this is the so maniest issue where i did not get support on the forum. No pun intended for everyone who works very hard to keep this community alive. But it is a bit worrying that support is dropping for domoticz..
Keep in mind that not many users will have had this issue, so supporting experience from others was probably not existing. Maybe only the one's that installed domoticz on a RPi 5. I remember a thread about it. As a frontrunner, indeed your own research, or a post on a Raspberry Pi forum, is the way forward then.
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Re: gpio fails as of kernel 6.6 on rpi

Post by waltervl »

And also in the github issue I mentioned an existing github issue that tried to solve your issue...
What more can we do?
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Re: gpio fails as of kernel 6.6 on rpi

Post by akamming »

I regret a bit I made this remark caissière apparently it demotivates the people who still support this community

It’s just a bit that i see a trend. In the past any issue I posted on this forum I got much more feedback. So i am a bit worried that the Community for this very nice product is becoming smaller and smaller

Anyway really appreciate the work a lot of people like you are doing Here. So I won’t make similar remarks again
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Re: gpio fails as of kernel 6.6 on rpi

Post by mmolema »

How do you make this dummy button?
I created a dummy in hardware and when I try to manually create a switch and select this dummy as hardware and Sysfs GPIO as type gpio516-input appears in the Sysfs GPIO field, but when I try to add the device I get the message: "undefined"
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Re: gpio fails as of kernel 6.6 on rpi

Post by waltervl »

You should not make a dummy device.
See the instructions on the wiki:
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Re: gpio fails as of kernel 6.6 on rpi

Post by mmolema »

The method as described in the wiki doesn't work anymore that is what this topic is all about.
as akamming writes above you should make a dummy switch and create some scripting
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Re: gpio fails as of kernel 6.6 on rpi

Post by waltervl »

The issue as logged in is solved in latest stable 2024.7

So it should work again as akamming tested it in a beta release. No need to do a workaround. But best is that @akamming will reply here indeed.
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Re: gpio fails as of kernel 6.6 on rpi

Post by akamming »

waltervl wrote: Monday 02 December 2024 16:26 The issue as logged in is solved in latest stable 2024.7

So it should work again as akamming tested it in a beta release. No need to do a workaround. But best is that @akamming will reply here indeed.
it's indeed fixed in the domoticz code.. so the above mentioned workaround is no longer neccessary...
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Re: gpio fails as of kernel 6.6 on rpi

Post by mmolema »

Ok, then it might just be me.
I tired to run the sysfs commands in the terminal and that only worked if I added 512 to the required number. and if I did so finally something appeared in domoticz (see screenshot above)
But now I installed an older version of pi os with kernel 6.1 to be sure. and now things like sudo sh -c 'echo 4 > /sys/class/gpio/export' don't give errors in the terminal.
I modified /etc/rc.local to look like:
after reboot I still don't have a gpio pin available in domoticz "No sysfs-gpio exports"

a little background:
I was running a pi1B for 10 years, 2 weeks ago I tried an update because a couldn't connect to it anymore with the domoticz app.
since the it's dark arround the house, after a lot of struggling I found out that the Pi1 is no longer supported so I upgraded to a pi3B
but somehow I cant get the GPIO running again.
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Re: gpio fails as of kernel 6.6 on rpi

Post by mmolema »

If anyone can help me on this that wile be much appreciated:

1) I create a new install of PI OS
2) I install domoticz using ' sudo bash -c "$(curl -sSfL" '
4 ) I add folowing lines to the end of /etc/init.d/ :
echo 538 > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio538/direction
5) Using the console I can switch a LED that I wired to pin 26 with:
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio538/value
echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio538/value
6) I open domoticz in the browser and create Genric sysfs GPIO Hardware
7) I try to manually add a switch of type Sysfs GPIO and behind Sysfs GPIO: I read 'No sysfs-gpio exports'

What am I doing wrong?
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Re: gpio fails as of kernel 6.6 on rpi

Post by theo11 »


I was using GPIO, doorbell application, on Buster and that was working fine with Generic sysfs GPIO in domoticz on PI 3B+.

I completely re-installed with Bookworm and using docker and I had the same problem, I cannot get it to work again.
I am running Bookworm Linux rpi2-3b 6.6.51+rpt-rpi-v8 #1 SMP PREEMPT Debian 1:6.6.51-1+rpt3 (2024-10-08) aarch64 GNU/Linux.

Sysfs is already for a longer time deprecated and the new interface is
The libgpiod is already pre-installed in Bookworm.

I have created a dummy doorbell device in Domoticz and created the following script:
# Monitor GPIO doorbell application


# Dummy doorbell device Domoticz

while :
# gpiomon -l -n 1 -f gpiochip0 $GPIO
# echo $EVENT
# echo $hostcmd
curlres=`/usr/bin/curl -sS $hostcmd`

This script runs as daemon.
Created the following file etc/systemd/system/mon_doorbell.service:
Description=Monitor doorbell



Then run the following commands to enable and start the daemon.
sudo systemctl daemon reload
sudo systemctl enable mon_doorbell.service
sudo systemctl start mon_doorbell.service

The dummy doorbell device sends a telegram notification to my cellphone.

Works perfectly.
Domoticz v2024.7, running on RP5/RP3B+, Bookworm/docker.
RP5: Z-wave-JS, MQTT Broker, Homebridge, Milight hub, LMS, Denon, MQTT client/auto, RFXCOM
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