Domoticz et al. Configuration Files

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Domoticz et al. Configuration Files

Post by elzorrovega »

Hello All,

Mosquitto and Domoticz 2024.4 are running as local services in a Pi4b with Bullseye. ZWaveJS-UI is running as a service in a Docker container.

Domoticz database stores information such as: device data, application settings, scripts, users, etc. Mosquitto has own file configuration file in /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf.

However, ZWaveJS-UI settings backup is somewhat cloudy. As recommended, created directory /opt/zwavejs-ui and copied file docker-compose.yml which starts-up container. After configuring ZWaveJS-UI and pressing save in settings window some files are written in directory /opt/zwavejs-ui/store/.

Is settings.json backup settings file for ZWaveJS-UI?

Does line ./store:/usr/src/app/store in yml file refer to a docker container directory?

Backing-up all essential configurations files should make it easier for a clean installation.

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by elzorrovega on Wednesday 21 August 2024 13:00, edited 1 time in total.
The solution to the problem changes the problem!

Rasberry Pi 4 Model B; Bullseye -64 bit OS 6.1.21-v8+ #1642
Domoticz Version: 2024.7
zwave-js: 12.4.4 home id: 3714679688 home hex: 0xdd698388
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Re: Domoticz et al. Configuration Files

Post by waltervl »

Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
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Re: Domoticz et al. Configuration Files

Post by elzorrovega »

Hello Waltervi,

Thanks for the reply. Removing some kinks after migrating to and reading Z-Wave JS UI documentation, I found the same answer as the post.

Code: Select all

zwave-js: 12.4.4
home id: 3714679688
home hex: 0xdd698388
Save settings
Once finished press SAVE and the gateway will start a Z-Wave Network Scan.

Backing Up Settings
Settings, scenes and the Z-Wave configuration are stored in JSON files under the project store folder. It is a good idea to backup those files, which can be done by backing up the store or using the import/export buttons.

/opt/zwavejs-ui/store $ ls
config dd698388.values.jsonl settings.json
dd698388.jsonl dd698388.values.jsonl.lock snippets
dd698388.jsonl.lock logs users.json
dd698388.metadata.jsonl nodes.json
dd698388.metadata.jsonl.lock sessions
Please be aware that if you are using DzVents/BASH scripts to change device parameters or integrating non discovered devices after auto discovery to Z-Wave-JS take into account the Z-Wave JS UI; Setting; Gateway; Topic Type = Name topics or ValueID Topics. This caused me some misery until MQTT Explorer showed the expected message topic structure.
The solution to the problem changes the problem!

Rasberry Pi 4 Model B; Bullseye -64 bit OS 6.1.21-v8+ #1642
Domoticz Version: 2024.7
zwave-js: 12.4.4 home id: 3714679688 home hex: 0xdd698388
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