new devices discovered after upgrading to new zwave-js-ui and 2024.4

For devices supporting the Auto Discovery feature. Like ZWaveJS2MQTT, Zigbee2MQTT.

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new devices discovered after upgrading to new zwave-js-ui and 2024.4

Post by alkempter »


I just upgraded my installation to the Domoticz 2024.4 (coming from 2023.2) and also the newest images of zwave-js-ui and koenkk/zigbee2mqtt

Now I see that additional devices appear that e.g. get a name like "nodeID_8 (nodeID_8_config_switch_4)..." or "nodeID_5 (nodeID_5_config_switch_102_64)..." which are displayed in Domoticz to be light switches.

Node 8 is a Eurotronics thermostatic valve and node 8 is a Aeon Labs Multisensor 6.

Additionally I see a bunch of devices generated by zigbee2mqtt which make more sense (like permit join, version number, etc.).

I did not find any explanation for the lots of switches generated by zwave-js-ui, also not by searching on the internet.

Where can I find this information?

Thanks a lot in advance.

Best regards
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Re: new devices discovered after upgrading to new zwave-js-ui and 2024.4

Post by waltervl »

Seems related

And I also think this is going to be fixed in Domoticz to skip creating those devices based on Zwave-JS-UI setting "enabled_by_default": false or true.
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Re: new devices discovered after upgrading to new zwave-js-ui and 2024.4

Post by claude2666 »

Now there is a way to disable these config devices in zwavejs-ui for people that have no need for them. (in my case there were almost more config devices than other devices.) from zwavejs-ui release 9.10.2


Just add in the docker-compose.yml file under the environment entry:
- SESSION_SECRET=mysupersecretkey
# added to disable discovery topics (-112-)
# Uncomment if you want logs time and dates to match your timezone instead of UTC
# Available at ... time_zones
#- TZ=America/New_York
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Re: new devices discovered after upgrading to new zwave-js-ui and 2024.4

Post by meal »

I encounter the same issue in my Domoticz 2024.4 (build 15934) application with the creation of plenty of non desired devices (linked to 112 zwave configuration topics).
Currently I am using zwave-js-ui 9.8.3 version installed via docker.
I would like to upgrade to release 9.10.2 and set - DISCOVERY_DISABLE_CC_CONFIGURATION=true in docker-compose.yml
Could someone provide me the process to upgrade zwave-js-ui via docker ?
Many thanks in advance
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Re: new devices discovered after upgrading to new zwave-js-ui and 2024.4

Post by claude2666 »

This is the way I update my zwavejs-ui

go to the directory where your docker compose file is stored (in my case: cd /home/pi/zwavejs2mqtt)

#update your docker compose file for zwavejs-ui if needed

docker-compose pull zwave-js-ui
docker-compose down

# now your docker container is stopped, you can use MQTT explorer to delete your zwavejs discovery entries and the zwavejs state topics as most likely, they are retained and will never be cleaned up.

docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans
docker image prune

# delete the config devices in Domoticz you don't need.

After that, you can restart Domoticz
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Re: new devices discovered after upgrading to new zwave-js-ui and 2024.4

Post by meal »


I have proceeded to the zwave-js-ui upgrade to 9.10.2 release successfully and updated docker-compose.yml accordingly in the environment section

Still I get the follwing lines in dimoticz.log when rebooting domoticz

2024-04-12 15:16:27.021 Status: MQTT Auto Discovery: discovered: nodeID_10 (nodeID_10_config_number_1)/nodeID_10 (nodeID_10_config_number_1) (unique_id: zwavejs2mqtt_0xd414d57d_10-112-0-1)
2024-04-12 15:16:27.122 Status: MQTT Auto Discovery: discovered: nodeID_10 (nodeID_10_config_number_4)/nodeID_10 (nodeID_10_config_number_4) (unique_id: zwavejs2mqtt_0xd414d57d_10-112-0-4)
2024-04-12 15:16:27.223 Status: MQTT Auto Discovery: discovered: nodeID_10 (nodeID_10_config_number_5)/nodeID_10 (nodeID_10_config_number_5) (unique_id: zwavejs2mqtt_0xd414d57d_10-112-0-5)
2024-04-12 15:16:27.324 Status: MQTT Auto Discovery: discovered: nodeID_10 (nodeID_10_config_number_6)/nodeID_10 (nodeID_10_config_number_6) (unique_id: zwavejs2mqtt_0xd414d57d_10-112-0-6)

I don't have deleted yet the domoticz devices associated to the -112- topicz.

What am I missing ?

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Re: new devices discovered after upgrading to new zwave-js-ui and 2024.4

Post by claude2666 »

Did you delete the zwavejs-ui discovery topics with MQTT explorer before starting before running docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans?

As most likely they are retained and will stay until you delete them with e.g. a tool like MQTT explorer
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Re: new devices discovered after upgrading to new zwave-js-ui and 2024.4

Post by meal »

I have now deleted the topics in MQTT explorer and it is now working.
In domoticz log I don't see the -112 topicz anylonger.
Thanks for your hints.
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