Impossible humidity measurements using DHT22 and similar sensors

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Impossible humidity measurements using DHT22 and similar sensors

Post by ccaru »

I am running a luthier's workshop where maintaining a solid 45% humidity is crucial. I've been battling with setting up Domoticz for this purpose for months now, and i'm still finding lots of issues. I run both a Humidifier and dehumidifier both connected as switches - no issues there, but having real challenges with reading the current humidity, particularly as the temperature fluctuates.

One of my more recent experiments was to connect several DHT22's to a single ESP32 microcontroller, and put them in a sealed box with a Potassium Chloride slurry - this should give a constant reading of 44% at 20C and 43% at 25C.

Out of the box, all started off with them giving wildly different readings, which I was kind of expecting since they were not calibrated, so I adjusted the levels so that they all read the same. Being all in the same box, they were all at the same temperature and humidity - at the time it was 20C.

At 25degrees, all of them had completely different humidity levels - from 32% up to 51% (Considering that DHT22's are advertised as having a 3% accuracy this was surprising.).

Over the years i've tried various devices - Netatmo, generic RF sensors, a device from Airthings - and all seem to exhibit the same problem - you put them all in the same box and calibrate them at a particular temperature, then you move away from that temperature and they all seem to go in all sorts of random directions.

Does anybody have a similar experience a could recommend a device which I could rely on?
RFXCom, Somfy RTS, 433Mhz Lighting, Evohome, Smart watering via Netatmo, solenoid valves, soil humidity sensors, Airthings Radon via bluetooth, Marley heat recovery fresh air units, Blue Iris, Alexa via DA Bridge.
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