Matter integration

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Matter integration

Post by OpenDomX »

We've been working with Domoticz for a few years now (since 2017) for a continuous school project on IoT and home automation, and the next step is to work with the Matter protocol. I've tried searching a bit, and i haven't found any information about it on the wiki, nor in the forum.
Is Domoticz compatible with matter, and if so, how can i do it?
(for information, we have Wiz smart bulb compatible with matter, in order to test the protocol, so the only thing left is to connect it to domoticz)
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Re: Matter integration

Post by gizmocuz »

I understand the Philips Hue bridge understands matter (maybe not only with a beta version but officially these days)
And you can add this to Domoticz and you should be able to control your bulb

Matter is not rolled out widely at the moment. I would stick to zigbee for now
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Re: Matter integration

Post by OpenDomX »

Thank you for the information, I'll try and see what i can do with it.
For the choice of the protocol, we're unfortunately stuck with it, as the aim of the project is to try and work with matter specificaly since it is new, and to see what we can do with it.
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Re: Matter integration

Post by harrykausl »

I'd like to change my Z-Wave thermostats to the new tado-X. Normally I have a lot of my domoticz content in homekit via homebridge and homebride-edomatics plugin. tado-X can handle matter, so the integration to homekit via my homepod mini as a matter router should not be the problem. But what's abour domoticz. I could make a dummy-theromstat, export it via homebridge to homekit and handle everything between the tado-X and the dummy-thermostat in homekit via automations in homekit. This is not really good, because at the moment, I have every logic in domoticz, homekit is only used for SIRI-actions. Are there any plans, to make matter protocol available in domoticz?
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Re: Matter integration

Post by harrykausl »

On github I found a project matter.js ( which seems to be something for developping matter-bridges to existing smarthome-systems. Onother thing I found is matterbridge ( Could this be something for domoticz? When apple changes completely to matter, it would be good, to have a solution.
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Re: Matter integration

Post by lost »

Apple is not really known for promoting open standards & ecosystem, they somehow forgot they born in a garage!
I would really avoid anything they push for if I want my home management to remain under (my) control...
These projects does not look to get traction since a few years. Take care they cut what don't generate revenues after a few years...
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Re: Matter integration

Post by jpvaneijk »

harrykausl wrote: Monday 30 September 2024 15:20 On github I found a project matter.js ( which seems to be something for developping matter-bridges to existing smarthome-systems. Onother thing I found is matterbridge ( Could this be something for domoticz? When apple changes completely to matter, it would be good, to have a solution.
I'm actually curious about this as well
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Re: Matter integration

Post by kiddigital »

Matter support is something I have been (slowly) looking into.

The whole Matter eco-system consists of several pieces/roles. See the following picture.


Question: where to start with Domoticz?

Currently some basic building blocks as ‘mDNS’ and other ‘IPv6’ function have to be added as Matter fully relies on IPv6 (and does not work with IPv4).

Controller role? That way you can control all your devices (including Matter devices that are connected to the Matter Fabric) from the Domoticz.

Bridge role? Allow (some) non Matter devices connected to Domoticz being visible at the Matter Fabric and controllable from any Matter Controller. For example through Apple’s homekit, Google home, Samsung SmartThings, Amazon Alexa and many more existing and upcoming controllers.

Although Controller seems obvious, it isn’t. Only being a controller allows ‘control’ for device on the Fabric, but it does not provide ‘Administrator’ and ‘Commissioner’ roles. And from an end-user perspective these roles are crucial to get your Matter devices on the Fabric. And these 2 roles aren’t the easiest ones to implement (at least for me with my current knowledge Image).

So to get underway, I started with some work at the basics, like mDNS.

For me, it feels logical to start with creating a simple bridge to support some simple (and Matter defined) sensortypes like temperature and on/off to be available on the Matter Fabric so these can be controlled by other Controllers (which probably everyone already owns when you have a smartphone, smartTV, etc.)

That way, we can get some basic Matter functionality into Domoticz and build upon it.

Any other ideas/opinions?
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Re: Matter integration

Post by waltervl »

It is a very complex matter....
Ideally you want Domoticz to be the controller but that seems a lot if work as adding a matter device to the matter network needs Bluetooth. So you need an app on your phone to connect the device trough Bluetooth on the wifi network.

I think we should focus on connecting current matter controllers to Domoticz so we can see and switch the matter devices in Domoticz. As not being a developer I have no idea what that means. I guess we need something that can connect to matter controllers (like an Ikea Dirigera or a Philips Hue bridge) over the matter protocol.

I personally would currently build not too much on the matter protocol. Looking at HA they are building something that HA can act as a matter controller . But it seems a lot, lot of work. So perhaps better wait until matter is fully adopted.

Next to that you have threads that seems some kind of Zigbee mesh alike. There are already thread USB sticks but I guess there will be some threads2mqtt applications coming. Or current zigbee applications are also to connect to threads....
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Re: Matter integration

Post by gizmocuz »

Ideally it would be great if a project matter2mqtt is created so both HASS/Domoticz and others can benefit from this.
Domoticz should not be the controller (like it is now for zwave when not using zwavejs2mqtt)

Another option might be to use a bridge... to bridge for instance the apple tv matter controller, google or alexa matter controller
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Re: Matter integration

Post by waltervl »

Openhab is also implementing Matter (as a controller). Beta integration can be found here: ... ing.matter

Related forum topic ... ter/127907
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Re: Matter integration

Post by harrykausl »

I asked chatgpt to program a inteface to control tado x (matter based) thermostats from domoticz via matter.js. The question was?

"program a interface to control matter based tado x thermostats via matter.js from domoticz vice versa"

The result was a phyton interface plugin. I don't know, if this would help, but it seems, that it could. Perhaps this could be a idea for someone woh knows, how to do a intergration.
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Re: Matter integration

Post by harrykausl »

Now I bought a todo x thermostat with matter. I integrated it into the tado-app and into homekit. I did a homekit automation, that thermostat goes off, when the corresponding window is open (dummy-switch in domoticz with homebridge in homekit) and reverse. But homekit automations are not very reliable, sometimes it works and sometimes not. And I don't have a chance, to set temperatures from domoticz.
Then I installed home assistant on my standby raspi and integrated the matter integration and on it the matter-thermostat. All seems to work.

But I want to have all logic in one system and this system is for me since many years domoticz.

So I could define mqtt interfaces between domoticz and ha to handle the thermostat (2 raspis, not very good).
Are there any plans to integrate the matter integration from ha to domoticz (like mqtt autodiscovery)? I think, this would be a big chance to handle devices in domoticz.
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