Quick button push input not registered

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Quick button push input not registered

Post by ivom74 »

I use the Piface for registrating the doorbell. I first wanted to switch the bell when the doorbell button was pressed.
This takes about 1-2 second before the bell goes.

I now have a 8 v relay which switches the piface Input (1)

Problem is when they press the doorbutton to fast (short pulse) that Piface or Domoticz this is no registrating.

Do a quick click on a button on the piface button and nothing happens(same effect).
I really like if the processing event delay time can be editted for one 1 input channel. Any suggestions?
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Re: Quick button push input not registered

Post by rgroothuis »

Did you found a solution for this? It looks like I'm running into the same problem. How did you solve this?
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Re: Quick button push input not registered

Post by ivom74 »

rgroothuis wrote:Did you found a solution for this? It looks like I'm running into the same problem. How did you solve this?
Still not fixed
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Re: Quick button push input not registered

Post by DomoUHT »

Hi there.

I found that when when assigning pin_type=rising to a PiFace input it acts as a toggle (first push on, second push off), and that every push is registered without any delay by the PiFace/RasPi.
So, you could trigger in domoticz on every rise and fall of the PiFace Input.

In Blocky Events I used this (Note that the dummy Switch has set a delayed-off time of 1 sec) :
Schermafbeelding 2015-05-12 om 22.37.00.png
Schermafbeelding 2015-05-12 om 22.37.00.png (57.88 KiB) Viewed 6273 times
In this way DumPiFaceI3 is set to ON on every rise and fall of PiFace IN3 (i.e. your doorbell Pushbutton connected to Input3 of the Piface), and switches to Off after 1 sec.
Then when the Dummy is ON, I set a PiFace Relay to ON, and switch it Off after 4 secs.
Instead of A PiFace Relay you could use anything else.

Here's the input settings in Piface.conf for Input 3 :

Success !
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Re: Quick button push input not registered

Post by ivom74 »

I already built in a timer in the script but didnt work. I now know why. When the doorbell is pressed it sometimes is 1 - 3 seconds before Domoticz registered it.
After Domoticz/script got the first pressed doorbell button registered the timer works fine.
The question is now why the input of the piface is not faster registrated on the piface. Maybe I have to only zwave products.
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