New project, a small wall display to control Domoticz using CYD (Cheap ESP32 touchscreen)

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Re: New project, a small wall display to control Domoticz using CYD (Cheap ESP32 touchscreen)

Post by Rik60 »

Thanks for asking, but no at the moment. I am going to try next week
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Re: New project, a small wall display to control Domoticz using CYD (Cheap ESP32 touchscreen)

Post by Rik60 »

Rik60 wrote: Saturday 27 April 2024 17:58
Thorgal789 wrote: Saturday 27 April 2024 12:13 Ha yes, I m reading the value, data don't contain "open" or "closed" but the level (except for 0 and 100 value, so only full closed or full open)

Code: Select all

Data	: "Set Level: 38 %"

Code: Select all

For me i like the On, Off, Open, Closed as text in a icon.
So you don't to change the icon but add a text for the covering ?

If it's just that, I can make the code today. But if you want to search yourself, you can use

Code: Select all

to have the covering level and print "open" or "closed" (it's a numeric value, from 0> 100)

or use

Code: Select all

if (d->type == TYPE_BLINDS && strcmp(d->data, "Closed") == 0)
with that you will check the "full closed", and all others values will be the "Open"

Check the "data" value on a browser using the URL

Code: Select all
you can have a "custom" device not managed like mines.
I am going to try to edit the code myself.
Thanks for the tips.
Tried to edit the code, but i am running into trouble.
For the switch and powersockets i use:

Code: Select all

if (d->type < TYPE_SWITCH && strcmp(d->data, "On") == 0)

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if (d->type < TYPE_SWITCH && strcmp(d->data, "Off") == 0)
These are working fine.
For the blinds i use:

Code: Select all

if (d->level < TYPE_BLINDS && strcmp(d->data, "Open") == 0)
this is printing 'Open' but:

Code: Select all

if (d->level < TYPE_BLINDS && strcmp(d->data, "Closed") == 0)
doesn't print 'Closed' in the icon.
Am i doing something wrong?
I like to have 'Open', 'Closed' and, if possible the level between them.
I can see in the data the level status as:

Code: Select all

Data	: "Set Level: xx %"
, where xx is the level

Code: Select all

Data	: "Closed"

Code: Select all

Data	: "Open"
Do you have a suggestion?
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Re: New project, a small wall display to control Domoticz using CYD (Cheap ESP32 touchscreen)

Post by Thorgal789 »

Code: Select all

is the level, a number beetween 0 and 100 so need to use for exemple

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if (d->level > 0) 
Can be used too to display the level, it's exaclty the value you are searching ^^
But easier the code can be just

Code: Select all

    // Display a open/clode state for covering
    if (d->type == TYPE_BLINDS)
        lv_obj_t * label = lv_label_create(Button_icon);
        lv_obj_set_style_text_color(label, color, 0);
        lv_obj_align_to(label, img,  LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_BOTTOM, 0, 0);
        if (strcmp(d->data, "Closed") == 0)
            lv_label_set_text(label, " Closed");
            lv_label_set_text(label, " Open");
(The text will be bee probably too big, perhaps just a symbol ?)

To print the level can use

Code: Select all

lv_label_set_text_fmt(label, "%d %",d->level );
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Re: New project, a small wall display to control Domoticz using CYD (Cheap ESP32 touchscreen)

Post by Rik60 »

Added and edited a bit:

Code: Select all

    // Display a open/clode state for covering
    if (d->type == TYPE_BLINDS)
        lv_obj_t * label = lv_label_create(Button_icon);
        lv_obj_set_style_text_color(label, color, 0);
        lv_obj_align_to(label, img,  LV_ALIGN_OUT_RIGHT_BOTTOM, 0, 0);
        if (strcmp(d->data, "Closed") == 0)
            lv_label_set_text(label, " Dicht");
        if (strcmp(d->data, "Open") == 0)
            lv_label_set_text(label, " Open");
        if ((strcmp(d->data, "Closed") != 0) && (strcmp(d->data, "Open") != 0))
            lv_label_set_text_fmt(label, " %d %%",d->level );
With this as result (and some translation):
Display_4x4_level.jpg (206.39 KiB) Viewed 1685 times
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Re: New project, a small wall display to control Domoticz using CYD (Cheap ESP32 touchscreen)

Post by Thorgal789 »

Ha, so the data contain "open" or "close" or a level ? there is 3 possibles values ?

BTW I will take your capture for the project ^^.
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Re: New project, a small wall display to control Domoticz using CYD (Cheap ESP32 touchscreen)

Post by Rik60 »

Yes, the data can contain 3 possible values:
Level %
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Re: New project, a small wall display to control Domoticz using CYD (Cheap ESP32 touchscreen)

Post by ElMyggo »

I get this 7" displayboard and wonder if this can work with same software, do i have to make the driver myself?
Panlee ZX7D00CE01S-V13

data: ... asheet.pdf
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Re: New project, a small wall display to control Domoticz using CYD (Cheap ESP32 touchscreen)

Post by Thorgal789 »

Have found somes usefull links ... ssions/361 ... ssions/368

So based on them have created a esp32-ZX7D00CE01S environnement to test on branch "test", need to enable your device in platformio.ini file to test it

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default_envs = esp32-ZX7D00CE01S
I m not using the same code than them for the touch, but it seem you have a GT911 too and the code I m using is already tested for another device.
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Re: New project, a small wall display to control Domoticz using CYD (Cheap ESP32 touchscreen)

Post by ElMyggo »

Super! i do some testing :-)
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Re: New project, a small wall display to control Domoticz using CYD (Cheap ESP32 touchscreen)

Post by ElMyggo »

Have done som testing now and i get no backlight so dont know if screen is working, touchdriver seems to work, i can calibrate screen according to log.
No backlight
no-backlight.jpg (73.79 KiB) Viewed 1510 times

Code: Select all

--- Terminal on COM5 | 115200 8-N-1
--- Available filters and text transformations: colorize, debug, default, direct, esp32_exception_decoder, hexlify, log2file, nocontrol, printable, send_on_enter, time
--- More details at
--- Quit: Ctrl+C | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H
Build:Mar 27 2021
rst:0x1 (POWERON),boot:0x8 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x403c98b8
Starting application
Config version: 0
Clearing Global Config
Init 911 driver

Driver GT911 started: (800x480)
Check ACK on addr request on 0x
Starting calibration
Calibration coef: 1.2 , -1.4
Calibration offset: -103.8 , 602.4
Display buffer size: 38400 bytes
Screen init done
Brightness value: 255
I tested the files from and then i get backlight and working screen for 1 second then start flickering one line.. i have marked photo to see that the backlight is on
backlight.jpg (72.39 KiB) Viewed 1510 times
flicker.jpg (72.07 KiB) Viewed 1510 times
I try to find out how the backlight is turning on and do some more testing
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Re: New project, a small wall display to control Domoticz using CYD (Cheap ESP32 touchscreen)

Post by Thorgal789 »

Try adding in esp32-ZX7D00CE01S.h file

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#define GFX_BL 45
It's the code Im using for other device, can be enought.

On his code he have disabled this one and use instead

Code: Select all

#define GFX_BL 45
const int freq = 1000;
const int ledChannel = 7;
const int resolution = 8;

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  // #ifdef GFX_BL
  //   pinMode(GFX_BL, OUTPUT);
  //   digitalWrite(GFX_BL, HIGH);
  // #endif

  ledcSetup(ledChannel, freq, resolution);
  ledcAttachPin(GFX_BL, ledChannel);
  ledcWrite(ledChannel, int(2.55 * 95));
For the second part, file to edit is screen_driver.cpp around line 524
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Re: New project, a small wall display to control Domoticz using CYD (Cheap ESP32 touchscreen)

Post by ElMyggo »

I added #define GFX_BL 45 in driver file and i get picture :) , i have to change resolution to 800x481 because a white line at bottom (read this on the other link you find)
But i cant swipe right (settings) screen get white and restart, swipe left is working.

I upload a video here:
(Havent fix the custom font)
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Re: New project, a small wall display to control Domoticz using CYD (Cheap ESP32 touchscreen)

Post by Thorgal789 »

Nice, updating the code (not sure I have set the 481 at good place, in the platformio.ini file ?

Ok so you have crash on the "tool" panel (There is in order, tool/home/home_bis/group/info)
This page display hardware information, there is perhaps something bad on memory stuff ATM for your device
Can you try to catch logs using the serial monitor ?

Else I think the guilty code is here, the rest only display 2 buttons.

Code: Select all

    lv_mem_monitor_t mon;
    uint32_t used_size = mon.total_size - mon.free_size;

    char Text[151];
    lv_snprintf(Text, 150, "+ HEAP Memory Usable (Kb) %d, Max %d, Total %d\n", ESP.getMaxAllocHeap()/1024, ESP.getFreeHeap()/1024, ESP.getHeapSize()/1024);
    lv_snprintf(Text + strlen(Text),150, "+ PSRAM Memory Free (Kb) %d, Total %d\n", ESP.getFreePsram()/1024, ESP.getPsramSize()/1024);
    lv_snprintf(Text + strlen(Text), 150, "+ LV Heap %d kB used (%d %%) %d%% frag.\n", used_size / 1024, mon.used_pct, mon.frag_pct);
    //lv_snprintf(Text + strlen(Text), 150, "Spiram size (Kb) %d , himem free %d\n", esp_spiram_get_size()/1000, esp_himem_get_free_size()/1000); // Not used, CRASH
    lv_snprintf(Text + strlen(Text), 150, "+ Application Version : %d", 1);

    label = lv_label_create(cont2);
    lv_label_set_long_mode(label, LV_LABEL_LONG_WRAP);
    lv_label_set_text(label, Text);
    lv_obj_set_size(label, LV_PCT(100), LV_PCT(100));
    lv_obj_set_style_text_align(label, LV_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, 0);
Can try to disable this code in tools-panel.cpp, and re-enable it line by line.

About custom font, where are you front ? (Wich one font you need)
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Re: New project, a small wall display to control Domoticz using CYD (Cheap ESP32 touchscreen)

Post by ElMyggo »

The crash happens when try to get Psram info
if i disable the Psram line it works, maybe some config/bug for the ESP32S3 / Psram

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char Text[151];
    lv_snprintf(Text, 150, "+ HEAP Memory Usable (Kb) %d, Max %d, Total %d\n", ESP.getMaxAllocHeap()/1024, ESP.getFreeHeap()/1024, ESP.getHeapSize()/1024);
    //lv_snprintf(Text + strlen(Text), 150, "+ PSRAM Memory Free (Kb) %d, Total %d\n", ESP.getFreePsram()/1024, ESP.getPsramSize()/1024);
    lv_snprintf(Text + strlen(Text), 150, "+ LV Heap %d kB used (%d %%) %d%% frag.\n", used_size / 1024, mon.used_pct, mon.frag_pct);
    //lv_snprintf(Text + strlen(Text), 150, "Spiram size (Kb) %d , himem free %d\n", esp_spiram_get_size()/1000, esp_himem_get_free_size()/1000); // Not used, CRASH
    lv_snprintf(Text + strlen(Text), 150, "+ Application Version : %d", 1);
tools.jpg (60.27 KiB) Viewed 1458 times
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Re: New project, a small wall display to control Domoticz using CYD (Cheap ESP32 touchscreen)

Post by ElMyggo »

About custom font, im from Sweden so i use åäö but we solved this erlier on Github ;) and i think i can modify that now.
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Re: New project, a small wall display to control Domoticz using CYD (Cheap ESP32 touchscreen)

Post by Thorgal789 »

Yep @ElMyggo have share his police on the github ... 2100620260

About the issue, have made some search but I can't say if the issue is from the config or the hardware. But there is others users with the same issue.
According the jarvis project can try to replace in the platoformio.ini file

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board = esp32-s3-devkitc-1
board_build.partitions = min_spiffs.csv  ; Use partitions that allocate 512KB for SPIRAM

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board_build.partitions = app3M_fat9M_16MB.csv
board = esp32s3box
In build_flags

Code: Select all

Perhaps your device don't have psram, but from the ALI express link it have 8M, there is different version ?

If you can't avoid the crash I will disable it for all board, but it can be usefull later ...
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Re: New project, a small wall display to control Domoticz using CYD (Cheap ESP32 touchscreen)

Post by ElMyggo »

Have now tested many different settings whitout any luck so i continue to have psram disabled.
I should have 8M memory but i can get a faulty board or something else.
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Re: New project, a small wall display to control Domoticz using CYD (Cheap ESP32 touchscreen)

Post by Thorgal789 »

Don't worry, I will disable it by defaut for all OS.
For the moment it's just an information, the code don't use them, so not usefull.
I will re-enable it later when needed.

Code is updated (just disabled the psram debug output)
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Re: New project, a small wall display to control Domoticz using CYD (Cheap ESP32 touchscreen)

Post by Thorgal789 »

For thoses one that use the "stand by" mode, or don't use intensely the device, gizmocuz have added a new feature on recent domoticz version.
It's possible now to subscribe on websocket notification only for needed devices.

To enable it, on "test" branch, just enable

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(For the moment only possible if you don't use "Bonus Home page panel")

On the "tool panel" I have added the Running time, and the total data received by the device by Websocket. the difference is just incredible, at start you will have a enormous JSON, but after it something like 20 time lighter without problem on hudge installation.
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Re: New project, a small wall display to control Domoticz using CYD (Cheap ESP32 touchscreen)

Post by gizmocuz »

Perhaps if you put all used devices in a roomplan, and use this in your initial query, you have a lot less data at startup.
(See the example www/templates/custom.example)
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