To make short I m searching a small wall mounted device to control my home.
I don't want to use Smart Panel because of the battery.
I want the device give notifications (It's the first use) so I want it is already running, never in stand by, so the consumption is a problem too, can't use too big display, and some POE touchcreen can use so much ernergy.
I want it full open, not a closed hardware.
So I have discover the CYD (Cheap Yellow Device) It's small device, cheap, the 2.8 display cost 10 euros, but you can found bigger, round model, ect ....
On the same hardware, you have a ESP32 engine + touchpad + wifi + some sensors.
I have started a project you can try it here
Here you can find some captures for the 2.8 model.
Or a video from an older version >
It use Wifi connection to connect direclty to domoticz, to ask information and use the websocket connexion to have real time event, so nothing to add. Just power the device using USB, give the Domoticz IP the wifi password and it's all.
In reality the project is not finished so lot of setting are hard coded on the device, for exemple wich one devices will be displayed on the homepage, but it realy work in stand alone mode.
Now my questions.
The display is small so I don't think it can be usefull to display all the devices present in domoticz (using menu, not on the homepage), so use the websocket connexion is overkill, and use instead PUSH notifications can be lighter, but less friendly, more to do ....
The second use for this device is a Music player, so I can use Domoticz custom widget, or create a full media player, for the moment I m using the first solution.
I m realy bad for graphics, if you know a theme than can be used on this kind of device ....
CYD can have sensors, the one I m using have temperature and light for exemple, but to use them need to create a python plugin, it's possible using some code and custom sensor but not friendly.