Is there a Dynamic DNS script?

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Is there a Dynamic DNS script?

Post by BarryT »

Hi all, is there a (freedns) script around that will update a dynamic dns url and push data into domoticz?
I have a direct url wich only needs to be opened to update my dynamic dns wan ip, it would be great to do this from inside domoticz.

Thanks a lot!

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Re: Is there a Dynamic DNS script?

Post by habahabahaba »

If you need only to open known url you can use dzvents script that will make it by timer as often as you need
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Re: Is there a Dynamic DNS script?

Post by BarryT »

So, only curling an url is not the thing, i want also a virtual device with wan ip and when it has updated.. any examples? Pardon me, maybe i was not clear enough. Thanks!
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Re: Is there a Dynamic DNS script?

Post by habahabahaba »

Still not sure what do you want.
Any notifyer with you current ip ?
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Re: Is there a Dynamic DNS script?

Post by BarryT »

I want domoticz let do my dynamic dns update and update an virtual device as well when the ip has changed and updated 🤭☺️
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Re: Is there a Dynamic DNS script?

Post by habahabahaba »

So, first you need to know what is your IP now (for example here)
Then you can push it where you want
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Re: Is there a Dynamic DNS script?

Post by BarryT »

I know, but that is still not a script 🙂
I was hoping that someone has some script or similar already 😁
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Re: Is there a Dynamic DNS script?

Post by habahabahaba »

Code: Select all

-- 123

return {
	on = {
		timer = {
			'every minute' -- just an example to trigger the request
		httpResponses = {
			'GettingIP' -- название должно совпадать с методом Callback ниже
	logging = {
		level = domoticz.LOG_INFO,
		marker = 'GettingIP',
	execute = function(domoticz, item)
	    local ip_url = '' 

		if (item.isTimer) then
			    method = 'GET',
				url = ip_url,
				callback = 'GettingIP', -- see httpResponses above.

		if (item.isHTTPResponse) then
			if (item.ok) then
				if (item.isJSON) then
				    local jsonParser = require('JSON')
					local json1 = jsonParser:decode(
                       local currentIP = json1['ip'] -- 
                        local devIdx = 40 -- idx of your text device with current ip
                        domoticz.devices(devIdx).updateText('Current ip: '..currentIP)
                        domoticz.log('Current IP: '.. currentIP, domoticz.LOG_INFO)
                        --- uncomment and put your data
            			    method = 'POST',
            				url = '<YOUR POST URL WITH CUR IP>',
            				callback = 'Updating IP', -- see httpResponses above.

				domoticz.log('ERROR', domoticz.LOG_ERROR)
				domoticz.log(item, domoticz.LOG_ERROR)


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Re: Is there a Dynamic DNS script?

Post by BarryT »

habahabahaba wrote: Tuesday 26 December 2023 19:25

Code: Select all

-- 123

return {
	on = {
		timer = {
			'every minute' -- just an example to trigger the request
		httpResponses = {
			'GettingIP' -- название должно совпадать с методом Callback ниже
	logging = {
		level = domoticz.LOG_INFO,
		marker = 'GettingIP',
	execute = function(domoticz, item)
	    local ip_url = '' 

		if (item.isTimer) then
			    method = 'GET',
				url = ip_url,
				callback = 'GettingIP', -- see httpResponses above.

		if (item.isHTTPResponse) then
			if (item.ok) then
				if (item.isJSON) then
				    local jsonParser = require('JSON')
					local json1 = jsonParser:decode(
                       local currentIP = json1['ip'] -- 
                        local devIdx = 40 -- idx of your text device with current ip
                        domoticz.devices(devIdx).updateText('Current ip: '..currentIP)
                        domoticz.log('Current IP: '.. currentIP, domoticz.LOG_INFO)
                        --- uncomment and put your data
            			    method = 'POST',
            				url = '<YOUR POST URL WITH CUR IP>',
            				callback = 'Updating IP', -- see httpResponses above.

				domoticz.log('ERROR', domoticz.LOG_ERROR)
				domoticz.log(item, domoticz.LOG_ERROR)


Great!! Thank you very much! Going to try tonight 👍🏾😁
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